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The World of Dreams Common Dream Themes

The World of Dreams: Common Dream Themes

This article summarizes six of the most common dream themes that people have reported having and their possible meanings: Chase dreams, being naked in public, being unable to run or scream, teeth falling out, losing a purse or wallet, and falling.

5 Ways To Stop Being Manipulated

5 Ways To Stop Being Manipulated

If you’re being manipulated by someone, it’s important to learn how to protect yourself. Manipulators are skilled at what they do and it will require strength and confidence to stand up to them. Here are five ways that you can stop being manipulated.

Men Questions to Ask Yourself If You Are Single and Unhappy About It

Men: Questions to Ask Yourself If You Are Single and Unhappy About It

Dating often completely confuses people who are otherwise successful in other walks of life. They don't realize that their internal thought processes might be sabotaging their efforts. Here are some questions that you need to ask yourself to change the way you look at women and dating, so that it's a more enriching experience for both parties.

Identity Theft How to Combat Phishing

Identity Theft: How to Combat Phishing

Identity theft is on the rise and internet scam artists are targeting the gullibility of internet users through an internet scam called "phishing". Here are some simple ways to protect yourself from this type of scam that often leads to identity theft.

3 Brain Exercises to Help You Improve Memory

3 Brain Exercises to Help You Improve Memory

Our memory is an invaluable part of us. It gives us our identity and helps us recall information. As we age, our cognitive ability starts to decline, but there are things we can do to make sure our memory remains sharp. Here are 3 brain exercises to help us maintain mental acuity even in old age.

5 Mistakes Men Make When Trying to Attract Women

5 Mistakes Men Make When Trying to Attract Women

Attraction can be very subjective. What one person finds attractive might be completely unattractive to someone else. Since attraction is often one of the main reasons people begin to date, that elusive part of the dating puzzle can make early romanc

4 Off Limit Topics For A First Date

4 Off-Limit Topics For A First Date

First dates are not a time to discuss serious or personal topics. First dates should be an enjoyable meeting. Here are 4 topics that are best to avoid on a first date.

How To Be More Interesting On A Date

How To Be More Interesting On A Date

Being interesting on a date is what will keep the dates coming. You don't have to be extravagant or someone you're not in order to be interesting. Here are some ways to be more interesting on a date.

16 Commandments of Proper Texting

16 Commandments of Proper Texting

Texting rules can be tricky. Avoid confusion and embarrassment by knowing the etiquette rules for sending and receiving texts. These 16 commandments will help teach you the basics of texting appropriately.

How To Be Unpopular In The Dating World

How To Be Unpopular In The Dating World

When you can't seem to get past a few dates with anyone, you might begin to wonder what you're doing wrong. It may be a simple case of bad habits you don't realize are putting you in a bad light. Here are five ways you might be ruining your chances at finding a lasting relationship.

4 Reasons Youre Still Single

4 Reasons You're Still Single

Have you ever wondered why you're still single? You date a lot and think you're a pretty great woman, but for some reason it's not happening for you. Maybe you just haven't met Mr. Right, but there are other possibilities. This article outlines four

4 Red Flags You Need To Look Out For When Online Dating

4 Red Flags You Need To Look Out For When Online Dating

The online dating scene is filled with success stories, and some horror stories too. Don't let the horror stories scare you out of trying this popular form of dating. It's important to be on the lookout for shady people when you're online dating just like you are in real life.

Is he cheating Seven signs to watch out for

Is he cheating? Seven signs to watch out for

When something doesn't seem quite right in your relationship and you have a hunch that he could be cheating on you, what happens next? Do you brush it off as a problem with your own insecurity? Rifle through his jacket pockets looking for evidence? C

Why Every Single Should Learn to Social Dance

Why Every Single Should Learn to Social Dance

Many singles find themselves falling short when it comes to dating. Social dancing is a fun and safe way for singles to meet without the atmosphere of a nightclub or bar. It is an invaluable skill which is tied to some awesome communities.

Toxic Shame

Toxic Shame

Toxic shame is a common condition that causes immense harm. It also underlies many other problems, from depression and loneliness to addiction and self-harm. This article looks at the nature of shame, explores its origins and symptoms, and offers some solutions.

Dating When You Are Over Forty

Dating When You Are Over Forty

By the time you are forty, you have probably reached a certain level of emotional maturity that you did'nt possess in younger years. But you will also have accumulated greater baggage. The challenge is how to leave painful memories behind and bring helpful knowledge into the dating experience.

7 Little Things That Will Tick Him Off

7 Little Things That Will Tick Him Off

While you might think the things you do aren't such a big deal, your boyfriend just might. This article outlines 7 things that might seems little, but might really annoy the guy you like.

4 Little Red Flags That Are Really Big Red Flags

4 Little Red Flags That Are Really Big Red Flags

Dating is the point in a relationship when you're learning about the other person. You find out whether he chews with his mouth open, uses his manners, and if his lifestyle matches yours. During the dating state you also find out important things that could be deal breakers. Here are 4 things that might seem like minor issues, but just might be big red flags.

9 Gemstones to Express and Attract Love

9 Gemstones to Express and Attract Love

Many people believe that gemstones have the power to change your mood and bring specific energy into your life. These 9 gemstones can help you attract new love and bring your romantic relationship to a new level. Try them for better communication with your partner and more loving intimacy.

Ten Common Dreams Explained

Ten Common Dreams Explained

Given how convoluted and bizarre our dreams can be, you may be surprised to learn how frequently certain scenarios recur, even amongst people of different ages, races, religions and genders; perhaps Jung was right, and all humans do share a "collecti

12 Signs Its Time to End a Friendship

12 Signs It's Time to End a Friendship

Not all friendships were meant to last forever. In fact, toxic friendships are probably doing you more harm than good. Do you have a friend who treats you badly, uses you or tries to control your life? Consider these 12 signs that it's time to end a friendship.

The Many Advantages of Online Dating

The Many Advantages of Online Dating

Many people have heard of online dating but don't know if it's right for them. Here are some of the many reasons why singles are choosing to find dates online rather than in person, including choice, convenience, cost, and freedom.

4 Things Youre Doing That Suck Away Valuable Time

4 Things You're Doing That Suck Away Valuable Time

How many times have you said "I need more hours in my day?" We all have at some point. The problem isn't actually how many hours you have in the day, but how you spend the time you're given. Here are four common ways that time is wasted.

4 Signs You Might Be Involved With An Abuser

4 Signs You Might Be Involved With An Abuser

It's important to see the signs of abuse before you become fully committed in a relationship. Once you get married or have kids, it seems even more difficult to make the break. Notice the signs of abuse before you are in too deep. Here are 4 signs of an abusive man.

10 Tips for Success in Life

10 Tips for Success in Life

Everyone wants to be successful and happy in their personal and professional life. However, there is no shortcut to success. Here is some useful advice on what you can do to boost your chances of all-round success and fulfillment in life.

Dating Pitfalls Spotting a Gold Digger

Dating Pitfalls: Spotting a Gold Digger

Some people date for love. Some people date for the love of the game and the thrill of the hunt. Some people are out there, ruining it for everyone, by dating for money. There's nothing wrong with being interested in your lover's financial security,

Is He Too Immature For You To Be Dating

Is He Too Immature For You To Be Dating?

Being young at heart is quite different from being immature. Someone who is immature refuses to act their age in all situations. This article outlines 4 signs that the man you're dating is too young for you.

Being here Now

Being here Now

So, there you are. Sitting, standing, or lying down in your thoughtful disposition. You have come to this moment now to see a new thread, a new posting, a new idea, another mind sharing something that

giving your lady the perfect love she needs

giving your lady the perfect love she needs.

we as men should be very generous when it comes to ladies, we should treat them with respect at all time because imagine carrying your baby for nine months is not a joke they go through alot, breastfe

Whittle Your Middle 5 Strategies That Work

Whittle Your Middle: 5 Strategies That Work

Extra weight around the middle can be an indicator of future health problems, and can cause you to feel self-conscious about your appearance. Rather than giving in and buying your jeans an extra size larger, however, adopt a common-sense approach to

Rejection Can Often Lead to Happiness

Rejection Can Often Lead to Happiness

Nothing could beat hanging out with a bunch of friends on the beach, right? Well, this story is proof that it's not what you're doing, but who you're with. Perhaps if my blind double-date had featured a different girl – not one with such high standar

Rebound Dating

Rebound Dating

A lot of people use rebound relationships as a way of moving on from their ex-partner. It's a common phenomena, but is it healthy? Here are several good reasons for giving yourself a breather in between love interests.

7 Online Dating Tips For Beginners

7 Online Dating Tips For Beginners

Online dating is a widely popular form of meeting people. It's not looked down up in the dating world because it is so common, and just plain fun to do. But just like anything else in life, online dating has some rules that everyone should apply when online dating. Here are 7 basic rules for people new to online dating.

3 Signs You Dont Have A Future Together

3 Signs You Don't Have A Future Together

When you’re dating in hopes of having a future with someone, it’s important to recognize the signs of a relationship that might not be headed that way. You don’t want to ignore signs and waste time on someone that isn’t headed in the same direction you are. Here are some things to look for that point to you not having a future together.

5 Steps to Ease Social Anxiety

5 Steps to Ease Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a frustrating and often painful hindrance. It affects all of us to varying degrees, but for some it becomes all consuming. Here are 5 steps to help shed the chains of social anxiety and ultimately present the true version of you.

3 Things Couples Of Less Than A Year Shouldnt Do

3 Things Couples Of Less Than A Year Shouldn’t Do

It's natural to want to rush relationships when things are going well, but rushing can actually bring trouble. Relationships are all good in the beginning because people are on their best behavior. It takes time to see what a person is like in different types of situations. Spend a year getting to know someone before you make life changes that involve them. Here are 3 things that no couple of less than a year should ever do

How to Overcome Anger

How to Overcome Anger

Uncontrolled wrath can wreak havoc on our mind and body. It is not wise to fly off the handle just to feel powerful and boost your ego. Anger is a destructive negative emotion that needs to be reined in with self-control. Here are some effective tips on anger management.

How to Improve Your Self Esteem

How to Improve Your Self-Esteem

A lack of self-esteem can seriously reduce your pleasure in life. People with low self-esteem tend to avoid demanding, well-paid careers out of a fear of failure. They also tend to avoid relationships, assuming that no-one could possibly like them enough to spend their lives with them. Where does low self-esteem come from, and what beliefs do people with healthy self-esteem have about themselves.

Is Coffee Beneficial or Harmful

Is Coffee Beneficial or Harmful?

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. For many years, people were told they should avoid drinking coffee altogether because it was a harmful beverage. Now nutritional researchers are telling us that coffee actually offers health bene

Breaking Out of a Power Struggle With a Loved One

Breaking Out of a Power Struggle With a Loved One

When we're engaged in power struggles with our partners, continuing to react only perpetuates the cycle. If we acknowledge our hurt, and speak honestly, it can diffuse tensions and pave the way for more constructive and respectful communication.

15 Fun First Date Ideas

15 Fun First Date Ideas

A first date is a unique opportunity to make a significant impression on someone special. If you've been meeting people online or have been dating for a long time, you've probably encountered the same activities time and time again. Why not suggest a date that will be a fun memory for both of you whether you ultimately end up together or not

First Date Tips Five Ways to Not Screw Up a Good Thing

First Date Tips: Five Ways to Not Screw Up a Good Thing

First dates can be difficult and intimidating. Many single men and women struggle with these situations. Here are five tips to help you turn first dates into second dates.

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