If You Live By The Sword

Sometimes things don’t go well and everything seems to go wrong at the same time. And then we wonder why. Perhaps then it is the time to re-evaluate yourself to see how much you had contributed to your own dismay.professor

Life is such. Whatever you sow you will harvest in ten fold. If you sow winds you shall harvest storms. And you cannot expect to harvest wine if you had planted grapes. It does not work that way. Harvesting the grapes only puts you halfway there if you wanted wine in the first place.doh

There will always be those who like you and those who don’t. And some of those who don’t like you will even pretend to like you. Just to get closer to you to harm you better. Those are the ones you need to be careful of; they will be quick to latch onto anything you say – even in a joke – to use it out of context. And they are the ones to complicate matters by initiating others to stir trouble and keeping their own hands clean. And then to make sure that things stay that way by asking all the wrong ‘innocent’ questions. And they are the ones who will stab you in the back when you least expect it.frustrated

So put a guard to your mouth. What goes into your mouth can only harm you in the short term - if it does not kill you. But what comes out your mouth can do much more damage in the long term. Choose your words wisely.hmmm

But life is a funny equalizer. If you live by the sword, you shall die by the sword.scold
cats meow cats meow

May you all have a great week.wave
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Comments (48)

thumbs up ........
Hi Angel,
Hope you're having a great Easter. Here on my side it is over and done.\
wine wave
Cat.So true ! the Tongue has no muscles but can do so much damage. Its frightening that people can take what we have said and turn it around and twist it. Again, I think you need to be careful what you say and also whom you choose to let into your life, that is my lesson recently anyway. Better alone than with bad company.
Hi Gloss
The tongue is the best exercised muscle in the human body and certainly the one that can hit the hardest and cause the most damage. A fully grown man with a sledgehammer can not inflict more damage.
hug wave
Today here, is monday! duh.grin
Cat - Sorry !doh I meant to say the Tongue had no BONES of course its a muscle, like you say it can cause so much damage.
Just reading your blog again, does this mean that we really cant be vulnerable and open with people because there are so many people who take advantage of that ? I am aware sometimes of people enjoying me being open and vulnerable but they I realise that they have told me nothing about their lives and have been very guarded whilst still asking me questions.... recently I am finding myself putting up more boundaries but I dont want to become cold and defensive. beer
Catfoot;that's very wise advice thumbs up
I wander does that includes innocent jokes too ?laugh teddybear
hi kitten wave words are very Powerful, be careful how you use them grin

Wishing you a Marvelous Monday cheers yay cheers
Hi Angel
Yes, the day of the resurrection. Have a blessed day.
wine wave
Hi Catman,

Wise advice!thumbs up Words can cut like a double edge sword! Sometimes I believe it is wiser to talk to someone thru email than thru blogs! Things on here seem to have quieted down this past week! The silence has been deafening.yay
Yes we do interact with people and we should open up to them. Not everybody are villains. We should just be very careful of what we say. Those who are your friends today may no longer be that by tomorrow. What you say to a friend today may be ammunition for an enemy tomorrow.
hug wave
An innocent joke has cost me very dearly not so long ago when it was taken completely out of context in an effort to harm me.
wine hug wave
Hello Cat,

Yes, very good advice. I would assume you are not talking about living a life of paranoia.

wave cheers
Hi Flutterby
Monday is almost dead and gone here on my side of the world. Tuesday is 73 minutes away.
Hi Jim
I'm not always sure of that. I have seen blogs and comments in reply to private messages. These things happen.
hug wave
Hi Johnny
Good heavens, no. We have to communicate. It is just a matter of what we say to who. But then, given my outspoken nature, it is unlikely that I will practice what I preach.doh

I can have a bit of a bucket mouth at the best of times.laugh
cheers wave
At kitten and here I thought we were only 6.5 hours apart confused Then I wish you a Terrific Tuesday within an hour and a wittle bit cheers
Catfoot; It all depends from who that judgements comes when someone purposly takes things out of context.I know it can be unpleasent experience even if is coming from someone which opinion doesn't value much in your life but it hurts much more if is coming from very close friend or family member and than again, your own Integrity that goes above all that matters more than anything wine hug
catfoot,,, my friend I do try to keep my foot out of my mouth,,but is hard at times, but really enjoyed your blog...I do try to be aware of the knife in the back, but it always comes when least expect and the one you don't expect it from... glad you are my friend cheers
That is about the time difference I have with the USA eastern coast.
hug wave
Hi Enigma
These things are inevitable and me must just learn to cope with them as they arise. Much nicer though if you can recognize the dangers to avoid situations like that.
hug wave
Hi Wen
That is the problem about the knife in the back. You never expect it as you won't turn your back on those you don't trust. The knife in the back almost always comes from somebody you trust.
Once again you post a splendid blog. The bible speaks about the tongue being the most dangerous weapon of the body. It is amazing how such a small organ can cause so much harm.
Hi Thondae
They say the pen is mightier than the sword but the tongue is not far behind.
wine hug wave
mmmmmCat I am too open and trusting and I talk and live from
the Heart heart beating Guess I need to be less niave and less trusting. I do talk alot and am too open. If anyone quoted anything that I said in private tot them... I would be gone.
Cant live in fear though ! But your advise is much appreciated.
well then kitten confused you told me rolling on the floor laughing

Hi Gloss
My problem too. I trust too easily. I'm prepared to trust anybody until proven otherwise. Costly sometimes.
doh hug wave
So I did. And next Time I can say: But I told you so!rolling on the floor laughing
Ah Itchy
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Now that is cutting me right down to size.laugh
wine hug wave
now you tell me.. too late…btw, why do you need swords?. I just use rockets...confused laugh

Cat,cheers wave
Careful Cat! You'll break the internet, if you keep using Sword ! just do an update to windows 3. laugh

hope all is well with you. cheers
We already have Windows 3.1
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Face the battle with courage and conviction, if death be the outcome embrace it as lying next to a beautiful women.
En garde...wink
I met some people like that...instigate trouble but keep their hands clean...I hope karma gets them...but yes guard the mouth and be careful around those you know who pretend to like you...good advice!!wine
Hi MrWilling
Brave words but not always easy to fight back with a dagger imbedded in your back. Esp if it was an ally you depended on who stabbed you in the back.
cheers wave
Hi Abagail
It is good to see you a bit more regularly now lately.cheering

Yep that is the password. Be en your guard and be ready; prepared.
wine hug wave
Hi Loulou
You get them in all walks of life. At work, at home and even on line. And then, in retrospect, you want to kick your own backside for normally the signs were always there. Yet, you have revealed you soft spots to them and then you wonder how much other damage was caused by your folly in trusting the wrong person.
wine hug wave
You can fool me once...but when I find out...silence...my life or other thoughts are not shared!!...wine
Hi Cat! Another great blog...wise words that we all need to remember... I just try to live by love, respect and kindness. Silence really works for me when I can't avoid those hypocrites.teddybear
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Apr 2014
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Apr 2014
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