The Pot Calling The Kettle Black!

Eishh! Another English idiom that leaves me perplexed. Perplexed… what a beautiful word. So… so... eh... exotic and unlike some of the words I sometimes have to listen to. I must use it more often. I hope it does not have any other hidden

But back to the expression; yes, I know the meaning of it. It is used to describe a hypocrite – a person who is guilty of the very things of which they accuse others of, which is something else we see a lot.thumbs down

Then what is it that leaves me so baffled mystified perplexed? There! I just used it again.giggle

It is the pot dear, the pot. Just who is this conceited pot to call the kettle black? We all know a pot as something that belongs in the kitchen, but it could be many other things ranging from a jar to shooting a snooker ball into a pocket. It is even an accepted term for a potentiometer. But none of them seems to apply here.grin

Pot also has a less noble meaning. As a verb, it could refer to heavy drinking. And also, when people smoke that funny green stuff (monkey weed), they are said to be smoking pot. Both these actions are known to make people believe that they are worth more than what they really are. Could it have been a smoking pot that called the kettle black?dunno

And then you get the chamber pot. They are normally nice and white on the outside, kept out of sight, and neatly tucked under the bed. It is because of what comes out when you spill it, why it is not kosher. Could this have been the pot in question?confused

Oh, I love these idioms when one tries to find their roots.laugh

Eishh, then I still wanted to talk about hate speech and a few other things, but I fear the time is up.barf

I declare that this piece of verbal diarrhea was sucked out my thumb, and as such, entirely fictional. Any resemblance to any instance or person, dead or alive, is a pure coincidence, engineered by fate alone.devil
cats meow cats meow

Greetings from a wet and cold Capetown.wave
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Comments (52)

Oooohhhhhh... Catfoot, my son used that idiom on me all the time! mumbling mumbling mumbling
So which pot is it. The smoking pot, the chamber pot or the kitchen pot?

Ouch! Electricity just went off. We'll talk later.
hug wave

what's your first language...curiositybeer


is that just a way of the boy acting at home or there is a reason behind it? confused
Afrikaans, dear Harry, Afrikaans,
cheers wave
thanks Cat

you're English so goodthumbs up
I don't bother with long explanations like this Cat, I just call them miserable auld gits. laugh wave
Thanks Harry
I spoke broken English when I got married to an English damsel. My ex-wife taught me how to speak English. I'm forever in her debt for that. She often reminds me of it.laugh
cheers wave
I like to explain th detail, even draw pictures if I can.laugh
hug wave

Seems you have a combination of the above, you're dealing with a multi pot pot grin

Ahh, load shedding... it's a helluva turn off laugh

All these times I thought the correct sentence would be "Could it have been a smoking kettle that called the pot black? confused Aaaahhh.. English language always confused me! frustrated I guess I need a drink an English teacher.. grin
Hi Chocheta.
It is not load shedding. Unscheduled. Probably due to the weather. frustrated

I hope it comes on before the battery runs out,doh
hug wave
Hi Kal
You could be right. I have been without the teacher for a very long time.grin
hug wave
The battery stands at 36% When on-line it chews it. If I ust disappear, bear with me, I'll be back.
@ Cat - wave .. Speaking of kitchen cooking, what about:

"Jumping out of the frypan into the fire"

.... conversing dunno confused

.... grin cheers
Hi Hans
Oil in a pan can get bloody hot. The fire may be the lesser of the two evils.laugh
cheers wave
Hi kal
Just to clear up any possible confusion around the word play; people don't smoke kettle, they smoke pot.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Hiya Cat, this idiom is outdated to begin with. I do not think there are any black kettles or pots to begin with.doh
So it should be the second pot you mentioned that is calling the kettle black.grin doh
Wish you a pleasant evening Cat.!hug
Hi Usha,

I have a black, cast iron skillet/pot. So maybe I can call the kettle black? What do you think?confused
Hi Usha
I believe most idioms are out of date; some being 100s of years old. But they are so entrenched in our language that they will never disappear. They enrich the language.cheering
hug wave
Hi Jim
I also have one of those. We use it sometimes to make 'potjiekos' on a Saturday afternoon. I'm not extremely fond of it.grin
cheers wave
Hi Cat,

I use mine mostly to bake fruit cobblers in. Beats most traditional pies baked in a pie pan.thumbs up
Oh Jim, I completely forgot about those. So when the pot calls the kettle black, the kettle should answer, "it takes one to know one" laugh

Hope you are doing good.hug teddybear
Hi Cat, and to think that these pot heads have a mind boggling...rolling on the floor laughing handshake i want a leader too...moping sigh
Very funny idioms...hope your sitting by a fire warming yourself due to the rain and the cold there...and maybe warming a pot of
Hi Lou,, hope you are keeping well, with all the summer weather there and I bet Cat is keeping a bottle of 'Klippies' company there, thats muti for any bad weather.laugh
Ok Now that I have electricity again we can proceed he last two responses was made from my sisters place. I ate and showered there because I had no electricity.doh
Hi Lukie,
In that case follow me, I'm right behind you.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Lou
I have a fire going but it smells' The owner of a nearby factory gave me a mountain of wood off cuts for free. They make roof trusses. He did not tell me that the wood is treated with a chemical.doh
hug wave
Hi Lukie
I normally drink Viceroy but when it is cold like this I lean heavy on a bottle of Monis full cream sherry. It is a real foot warmer.thumbs up
Thats an idiom aint it? Birds of a feather blah blah, or separate the goats cos the sheep are coming...rolling on the floor laughing eish
The pot is sooty (being placed on a fire), while the kettle is clean and shiny (being placed on coals only), and hence when the pot accuses the kettle of being black, it is the pot’s own sooty reflection that it sees: the pot accuses the kettle of a fault that only the pot has, rather than one that they share.
grin doh
Ooops,,, separate the men from the boys and separate the sheep from the goats. sounds better.
Hi Lukie
Yep, birds of feather flock together but I prefer : 'If you sleep with the dogs you wake up with the fleas'.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Gotcha,,, but its good to see the pot make a fool of itself rolling on the floor laughing
wave Heyyyy! All Yawl.

yay I been hanging out on Downtown Chicago!
Great Pizza Also!
Hi Angel, who has been hanging ?confused
Let sleeping dogs sleep.

And you man up!....hug
scold Read My Lips!

I been hanging downtown! In Chicago.
Ahhh ok. I thought you meant I must hang up my pizza untill the hot cheese get buddies
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Jun 2015
Last Viewed: Apr 28
Last Commented: Jun 2015
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