how we are being dumbed down

I have not even given this a lot of thought and I do not even know if there is a point to this. I think perhaps it is just to stimulate possible postulating. I just started a new book and only on chapter one. It has to do with physics and its link to Eastern Mysticism. The little bit I have read has gotten me thinking a bit. I was fascinated to hear that mathematics is a language of nature, only thing with symbols. Also how our spoken language is only a guide of sorts to efficiently understand one another. It would take way to long to describe every aspect of a tree, or a person. Not to mention, it would be we use tree or person to describe that object. This is all we are taught to care about and understand. But what is a person? ...or a tree for that matter. Both are made up of matter and both have this mysterious energy force connected to them.

Okay, this is just about as far as I got with my


I left the best for last. At least to me it is, there was a saying I read in the book.

"The map is not the territory."

It is like we are taught how to identify and read the map, but we never go seeking for the territory.


...thus, we are being dumbed down.dunno
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Comments (41)


Your blog gives the feel of Quantum Physics or something like that.

You know, when I was younger, I sometimes thought I was part tree, because I often woke up with wood. laugh cheers

roll eyes Wow! You Sound Very Smart. Not!

Ps. Humans Are Mammals! And Trees Mainly Are Plants. That Comes/ Grow Out Of The Ground.

" I Cant Wait! Until You Finsh Reading The Book."

You Just Might Learn More........wink

Did You Meant To Say: Half Wolf?.........rolling on the floor laughing

I might be half wolf. Especially when I was younger on Saturday nights out. grin

By the way, you ever read a whole book? I fall asleep reading trying to read a whole book.

I think Johnny must be a smart guy if he can read a whole chapter of a book. That's amazing! wow
And also, how the heck is a MAP not a territory. My dog found a city map somewhere, and he won't let me touch it. He guards it. My dog told me, "Nothing against you, Rob. It's a territorial things us dogs have." doh beer

Wolf Wolf............rolling on the floor laughing

Yes! Indeed. Reading One Chapter, Take A Lot Of Time And Strenght Too. Reading Online Instead Is Not No Time At All....conversing

Where is Johnny. He comes and posts a blog, then just walks out on his guests. Sheesh! What kind of hosting is that? doh Who does he think he is? You? Me? rolling on the floor laughing

sometimes I just wait for the movie or video.. and even then, sometimes I fall asleep looking at them. yawn
Hey! Robert.
Lets Just Delete Johnny Blog. And Tell Him, CS Deleted It!.........rolling on the floor laughing
LOL, can we do that? That would be fun! rolling on the floor laughing laugh
If We Can Find Out Johnny Pass Word. We

Most Likely! It Is. Try Those Words And See......conversing
peace Yup! Thats It.

I Betcha! $ 5000, Thats It.....conversing
I do not think all the people in the world are being dumbed down.

Like yourself some folk read and learn more and deeply into life itself.

Others are plowing through the maze of the life we know.

All things people etc we are all ust molecuels in different shapes, thats why some folk say they can blend in to everthing and not be catogarized as one thing or tother.

Derserves some reading though not to be dismissed out of hand.thumbs up

You only have to look at our own education system in the UK. They are so concerned with Education tables, that children are only taught enough to pass a test and make their school look better in the tables.

You go into a supermarket and smells are pumped out to make you to make you buy things (i.e. Bread).

These are just two examples, there are many more instances that hopefully other commenters will highlight.
Everyone has to start from scratch--some kind of building foundations --- then progress as and when you even want to go deeper. Or are you saying we are all sheep and just do excately what we are taught??

We have brains and can use which way we are comfortable with in outr lives.

Not everyone wants to search deeper life is a maze to get through just in the here and now
Hi Johnny,

Interesting topic.

I agree with Red to a certain extent.
When you think about it, the forces of nature that are holding a tree together so that it doesn't just crumble into atoms and the indescribably subtle reactions and constitiuents of nature that cause it to grow the way it does and take the form that it does are mindbogglingly difficult to even try to understand....especially for a kid in school.

So we tend to look at everything as a whole, as a finished structure...with various parts that have a function and reason and how they relate to each other.
Sure as humans, the top scientists, philosophers and theologians have achieved a fairly sophisticated knowledge level of sub-atomic structure, chemical reaction, forces that either attract or repel, but the truth is, we are still a long way off from understanding the true nature of the universe and all the forces that hold it together in the form that it is in. i am talking of everything from gigantic solar or planetary forces - down to the sub atomic forces, molecular forces that give everyhting finite stable structure.

Whether we believe in God and that this whole universe and all it's complexity was designed and created by a single unfathomably amazingly powerful entity or whether we believe it has all come about by complex random events of nature.....the fact is so brainmashingly complex.

Those forces and reactions can only adhere to the laws of physics. Within the apparent randomness of nature, every particle and sub-particle that makes up the whole is behaving mathematically and conforming to a mathematically controlled force.

Think I will go and have a lie down after writing that.....handshake
have you gotten to Buryat shamanism ?
Johnny, when i was in school, i often was the teacher's pet. i didn't like that. too much attention, so i intentionally dumbed down. i no longer liked school. i continued this throughout my life. i didn't want to be expected of too much or fear of disappointing people. now, as a dumber person, i am comfortable in my skin. as for Mr. G's comment about the smell of bread, i do love bread.
Graeme, I reference that movie often. :). It is amazing how much people seem to not know. I figure everyone is like me....seeking deeper truths, but many are just here for the ride and don't care to know if the gears are shot or not.
Johnny, I agree with Tesla. Everything IS energy vibrating at different frequencies.
Wow Gypsy, no woman has ever said that to me before rolling on the floor laughing

Ok, I'll send some IQ waves at you and get you ready for the mud bath.......wink kiss
Hello Gra,

Interesting. The book mentions two different kinds of knowledge. There is relative knowledge and absolute knowledge. The West and most of the planet use relative, while eastern are familiar with absolute. They claim meditation, yoga, etc...can lead you to the enlightenment of absolute.

I really do not know, but I suspect that the use of such a small percentage of our brain capacity has a reason.

Red, maybe saying dumbed down might not exactly be the correct wording....but maybe being kept from enlightenment might fit better.


Thank you.

and thank you Gra
Hello Robbie,

In the beginning part, they wrote about the Western belief in a God...looking down upon us and essentially the creator of everything. This was able to happen because Christian religion removed philosophy and science from their standards of being. That is precisely why Galileo was not looked upon fondly by the church.

Eastern mysticism holds that everything has movements. I think it was Gypsy down below who believed everything is vibration. That is true, to it most finite existence everything is moving. (therefore nothing is ever the same) But the question is, what is controlling that movement? From what I understand so far, instead of God looking down upon us from heaven, Eastern mysticism has it that "God", if you will, is within everything and everything, including life, is part of one and the same. I think..anyway. laugh Have to read more. :)

I just think with how we have been taught to live, including the fact that we use such a small portion of our brains currently, there is known to the select few, a way to become they would call it, "enlightened."


But with the so-called knowledge we think we have now, we are pretty much the equivalent to cattle...maybe sheep. laugh

Thanks Robbie


Oh yeah...another thing they say about the Western way of living, it is a good way for egos to develop.
Hello Ded,

No I have not. I have taken a note of that subject. I will check that out, sounds interesting.

Hello Free,

I feel we each have our own destiny. Apparently, you chose the route you did for a reason. It sounds like it was something you personally were comfortable with....but maybe on a deeper level, it served a purpose nobody can quite put a finger on. dunno ....and I mean that in a good way.

Isn't that something, there is as many personalities out there as there are people.

Hello Gypsy,

I agree. I made a reference to your statement in my response to Robbie. I am not exactly sure what it is...but I certainly feel there was something very special about Tesla. Thanks for bringing up his name.


Yeh I got a bit carried away with the dumbing down of society thing, its abit of a pet hate.

There is a school of thought that says that everything is vibration, and that if we vibrate or resonate at the same rate as say a wall we would be able to pass through it. I read it a long time ago, but will try and find out the title of the book.

A lot of Eastern Mysticism also says that the path to enlightenment starts with the cessation of ego, and realising everything is finite.
I think if I remember correctly, it was a book discussing Schrodingers theory and it is called quantum tunnelling.
Richard Feynman also gave a lecture to C.I.T. in the sixties called 'Atoms in Motion' that you could probably find online somewhere.
Hi Johnny

Interesting blog!

With regard to the statement you quoted:

"The map is not the territory."

Here is a piece I posted on Poetry Corner:

Experience and Knowledge
Author: socrates44

words are like a map
and experience is the territory
a map can only give knowledge
"about" the territory
it can never give knowledge
"of" the territory
this can only be obtained
through direct experience
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Oct 7, 2013

Also, here is my response to a comment on the piece from Redex:

Hi Redex

I hope I can offer some explanation to ease your puzzlement.
From the information posted in your profile, I see you enjoy walking and Nature. You refer to the trees and wild animals. I assume this also refers to the vegetation, natural scenery, layout of the land, streams, lakes, etc. Suppose you wanted to visit a new "Nature" area and someone got a map of it, or drew one, and gave it to you. Then sometime later, you visited the area. You observed a lot of interesting details that were not shown on the map and actually experienced the sensations, feelings and emotions generated by Nature due to your presence in the place. Do you think you could have such an experience from viewing and studying the map only?
This is what the term "about" versus the term "of" indicates.
If you are expanding your terrortory ,m'be read the yelp reviews.Word of mouth works the
same.whether the critique reads disgruntled customer or appreciates the great ambience.head banger
the glitter remains.
Gra....not getting carried away at all. That is also a real concern. They are talking about removing the ability to write from schools. In addition, I go to a lot of places where younger employees are working and they cannot figure out simple mathematics for change without some sort of digital device. Thanks very much for the title and about the lecture. I have written that down as well. I would like to look into that.

Great insight, thanks.

Hello Soc,

Wonderfully put...and outstanding with the use of a map for the comprehension of your point. When I first read that in the book, it was like some new reality had shown itself.

Now I am not sure, because I know some of the gist of Eastern Mysticism. But, is it safe to draw assumption it has everything to do with experiencing...and as Usha puts it, not with your eyes and ears? I would also add, not with the conscience mind also?

Thanks Soc.


Just for your information, I know the side effects of Adderall. I was just talking to this chick the other night and she was telling me. rolling on the floor laughing
...and Ash, that is a true story. doh
The bigger the city the younger the help...p.s..Do you spell your password, with 2 ts? grin
Shame on you Ash....and yes. laugh

There are actually two t's in my password. rolling on the floor laughing
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