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Last Commented Health Blogs (955)

Here is a list of Health Blogs ordered by Last Commented, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.


Men and women....birth control......

In many cultures the expectation is for women to be responsible for contraception. Many men are severely against using their own barrier protection. Cheap, easy, reasonably effective preventing pregnancy, and better than everything except abstinence for prevention of disease. But it's not just this refusal by men. Very little research on men has been done---almost all such work and results apply to women. Sure, it's said methods for men are harder to develop, but more likely it's just another example of attitudes between sexes.
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Men and women...

the monthly, Red hat, friend, period, etc. Now THERE'S another difference between the sexes. A natural cleansing health process, linked to reproduction, ceteris parabus. Sure, details are found in medical books, but a fair amount has been written about the personal, cultural and more recently, (thanks feminists), political aspects of the "Curse". No doubt it colors relationships between sexes, often with male control (exile to the bush, home confinement, and so on). Sometimes even moreso than the Muslim mens' arbitrary control of their womenfolk. I think of those poor women and girls in conflict related refugee camps, with little to eat, let alone modern, or even, traditional, female hygiene items. Biology is destiny, for many, no? V-Aa.
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Only the Lonely

Do you ever find yourself feeling lonely? How do you deal with it? When do you feel the loneliest?

The loneliest I've ever been was when I was married, and to me, the worst kind of lonely is feeling it when around other people. Occasionally, I'll feel lonely, but can honestly say I'm not sure when the last time was. I have learned to really enjoy my own company and have numerous hobbies and activities that keep me occupied, focussed and motivated.

A recent study indicates that being lonely and isolated is worse for your health than smoking 15 cigarettes a day. I found the study a bit interesting in that they seem to equate being alone with loneliness, which is not necessarily true, as the study suggested being with other people and getting out as a 'fix-it.' While this may be true sometimes, it's not always the case. I can attest that one can feel extremely lonely and isolated even within a crowd, so the cure is not necessarily being with other people.

I also find it interesting that they don't address the fact that one can choose to feel lonely, just like one chooses to feel happiness. It's as if they don't acknowledge or want to address that as individuals, we're in charge of how we want to feel. But then, that would take the power out of the medical profession and put it in our own hands, wouldn't it?

I think I've lived on my own for so long that I don't view living alone as being lonely, like many do. I thoroughly enjoy living alone, having my own space and my own timetable and as mentioned, rarely feel lonely. So I wonder, what leads to feelings of loneliness? Again, Imo, it comes down to choosing one's thoughts and emotions. I agree that keeping oneself interested in a hobby is a wonderful way to put one's mind on something more positive.

So, if you feel lonely, when does it occur? Do you focus on something else or what do you do to change it?

Of course, what would the topic be without a little Roy Orbison?

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Mental health personal issues....

OK, so your life has been interesting in the Chinese curse sense, and your family is a hotbed of drama. Don't even ask about the kids lives. It took you a while, but the "duh" moment finally arrived, and life's scars melted the resistance and denial. Perhaps there's a bottom story for you. So you decide to seek professional help. No easy task. Most folks don't even know where to start. No shortage of incompetents and even scammers, in spite of impressive looking paper on the wall. I'll outline the issues in time, perhaps, if interest exists. But for starters, do you seek medicine, talk therapy, both, or something entirely different? Many ways to skin a cat here. Aa-V.
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How Does Your Garden Grow?

That time of year and we've gone from a cold, miserable April to a hot May and everything that was slow to grow has all of a sudden burst into new growth. Flowers everywhere, piggy backing on each other, scenting the air with their sweet fragrance.

Rhododendrons and azaleas are now blooming along with the lilacs and wisteria. The petunias I planted a few days ago are thriving and their subtle perfume greets me every time I walk out the front door. I've finally gotten pots for the geraniums, and planted those today, along with the rest of the marigolds. I think I need another pot so the marigolds aren't crammed in together, and I'll get one tomorrow on my way home from the US.

The marigolds are great mosquito deterrents so I've placed them around the perimeter of my patio. I'd have planted them in the garden except there's so much ground cover in there and it's not going to be a simple matter of just pulling it out. I'm going to have to cut it off then dig out the roots.

My tomatoes are planted, their cages already in the pots, unlike last year when I waited too long and had a heck of time getting the cages around them. I found both hose nozzles which is quite a feat for me. If, and it's a big if, I can get the ground cover out of the garden, I'll plant some veggies. My neighbour said her son would come and take my bushes, which would be awesome!

I'm so excited today, my Peace rose is blooming already! It doesn't usually bloom until mid-summer, and I've already cut three roses off it for my bedroom. I absolutely adore the fragrance of roses.

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What a treat to have them in my house already!

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My neighbour brought my bike over this afternoon and I was going to go to Harrison Mills for a bike ride, but someone posted photos of it flooded, so I'll forego that for awhile.

It's such a beautiful bike ride, with a short ride curving to the north east along the river towards the bridge.

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If you cross the train tracks and skirt the old mill, the dike to the southeast goes a long, long way, and the views are spectacular! The following photo is looking back towards the train bridge.

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Back home and before the river has risen to it's current high level and standing on the river bed, the blue hour mesmerizes me.

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And, without realizing it, the full moon has highlighted the mountain and area behind me.

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I love this time of year with all the new growth and getting my hands in the dirt. There's something very therapeutic about gardening. heart beating
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Being Healthy by WATER in Ayurveda

Water is the first requirement of our body.
There are 4 rules of drinking water in Ayurveda.

1. Always drink warm water (37 C warm). Warm = body temperature.
Never drink cold water

2. Take water after 90 to 120 minutes after taken food. Don't drink water instantly after food, wait for 90 to 120 minutes. If you want drink water before food then 40 to 60 minutes before eating food.

3. Always drink water slowly-slowly as like you drink hot tea or coffee.

4. Early morning when you wake-up instantly drink water about 1 to 2 liter (according to body capacity), after then go for toilet.
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and this little piggie went ouch ouch ouch ouch all the way home

damn damn DAMN have broken my baby toe, how can something so small and utterly useless be so crippling?

I've straightened it **EINA** and tried taping it to the next toe but that was worse than leaving it to heal on its own but if anyone has any brilliant cures or comfort suggestions please fire away. help

Oh and if you could pop round so I can languish on the sofa while you supply me with coffee that would also be very cool. Ta.


I feel very sorry for myself. Just sayin'.
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Toilet Deaths, what a way to go!

Parting shot, I have to go, I may be in love, too early to tell yet I guess. And this site is sooooo addictive, compulsive even, so I'm off for a while, to work and talk to my new (potential) love, who is not on this site. And for those who bemoan the apparent fact that there is no one in their area. New girl is four thousand miles away from me and doesn't even speak the same language. She found me, I wasn't even looking in her direction.
So Toilet death. Somebody should have told Elvis about this!
Although it doesn't get much press (for obvious reasons), a disproportionately high number of people (usually older men who are in high risk categories for heart disease) die on the toilet. This is at least partly due to problems some older men have with constipation. Although this causes them to generally spend longer on the toilet, that's not the problem. The problem is that people in this situation tend to "push" harder and longer than they should in what is effectively Valsalva's manoeuvre. This added pressure on the intestines and colon corresponds to an added pressure in the abdominal and thoracic cavities. The vena cava, (major veins leading back to the heart) are normally "held open" by the "negative pressure" (lower than atmospheric... the same reason a hole in the chest wall can kill you so quickly). When the pressure increases it pinches the vena cava closed and the blood can no longer go back to the heart. Consequently, the barroreceptors which measure blood pressure on the arterial side of the heart, notice a drop in pressure (due to the fact that blood is no longer being pumped) and so they trigger a "sympathetic response" that causes blood pressure to spike. The combination of blood pressure spiking (which can lead to stroke or other problems) and lack of blood being pumped to the heart (which starves the heart for oxygen and eventually can trigger a heart attack and/or heart failure).
The rule is don't push, Cough! Not because the toilet door lock is broken but because it has the same expulsion effect without the risk of killing ones-self.

Bye for now kids, be good while I'm gone and no bickering.
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Just some healthy eating stuff

Inspired by the wonderful, talented and eminently desirable, Daniela.

I was just going to mention this on Daniela's blog, but you all know how I rabbit by now, so I thought I'd bore you all away from there.
I have had peptic and duodenal ulcer problems on and off for most of my life so that's why I'm a pescetarian (Fish eating vegetarian) The stomach problems were the only reason I changed. Only afterwards did I find that they live thirteen percent longer than meat eaters and longer even than Vegerarians or Vegans! Anyway I only recently discovered that the only safe oils to fry with are Coco oil and Avacado oil, the others turn carcinogenic after reaching their relatively low smoke point. Olive oil is best but has a low smoke point and extra virgin is lower still so don't cook with it.
Spreads are generally more of a problem than butter because they contain trans fats which give you high cholesterol. I've found two safe ones but they're French so you need to check yours out.
You can make an interesting spread substitute out of fresh garlic. We all know there are a million reasons for having plenty of garlic in the diet so here is my version of garlic butter. Eight big bulbs or a dozen smaller ones, peeled and blended into 500mil of extra virgin olive oil. In a cold fridge it will become solid and work as a spread.
Also. My dogs have three meals a day, and in the midday well 15.00 feed, they get a teaspoon of garlic each. This means I never have to give them a chemical wormer or pay the vet. Perhaps I should also add they are never ill except when fed Canilou which made Cookie vomit about six hours after he had been fed. Something wrong with that stuff so I don't use it.
Talking of vets, we don't do re-vaccinations because that is simply an earner for vets and unnecessary in my opinion. I was vaccinated as a child, never needed it again! The difference being if I need vaccine the government has to pay, if the dog does I have to pay. Not rocket science to work that one out is it.
The French, until the fifties used to make garlic necklaces for their kids, if they got worms. It would get rid of the worms in about a week. Why not eat it you ask? No idea. But it worked. And a bit of useless information, if you touch your finger on the garlic spread I described above, and wipe it on the soul of your foot, your breath will smell of garlic within an hour proving that you don't have to eat it to get the benefits. Or, if you have a partner who doesn't like garlic but you do, do the foot trick with him or her and they won't notice when you have eaten it.rolling on the floor laughing
An o gr as mic cream substitute is coconut milk or cream! Mmmmm I love it, though I had to try a couple but quickly found the one I really like. The coconut taste is not strong like I expected and I resisted using it for years because I don't like coconut! This I really do and it keeps well in the fridge!

I'll shut up now, more another time maybe, if I get inspired!
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"And They're Off!"

This has not been my week for electronics, that's for darn sure. Twenty years ago, I developed an all natural anti-inflammatory and topical pain reliever that I ended up marketing (with endorsement from a pharmacist and naturopath) after completing my degree in graphic & web design. I now have three online businesses, which, of course requires me to download my orders from the internet. Mondays and Fridays I've allotted to taking my orders across the US border to mail. After screwing my previous computer up because USPS wouldn't let me use their site unless I upgraded, and the upgrade trashed my computer, I had my Friday already pre-planned.

Friday morning, turn on the computer, get coffee, and.... can't get online. Okay, do all the things you're supposed to, then phone the company. Problems in the area - oh great. Fortunately, my phone is with another carrier and I was able to get my orders with my phone. But of course, I still couldn't use USPS to purchase my postage.

Frustrated, the day didn't get any better, with a lineup to cross the bridge due to construction, a lineup at the border, and a lineup at the post office - none of which are usual. Returning home, I diverted from my usual route to take a walk in the wetlands, partaking of some meditation, exercise and relaxation.

Of course, I didn't take my camera with me, although it was in the car. I just didn't want to pack the extra 10-15lbs of camera equipment in my backpack. Of course, you knew I'd see something unusual didn't you? Two bright yellow canary type birds I've never seen before. As best as I can determine, they're yellow warblers, although the birds I saw had red heads. Yeah, if only I'd had my camera - or even my phone.

One of them even posed for me on a branch overlooking the bridge. Sure. Tease me. Brat.

On my way back, a family of Canada geese was walking purposefully towards me, the first goslings of the year. Eleven of the fluffy little babies scurrying along between Mom and Dad goose. As I was close to the car, I managed to grab my camera, follow them down the path at a respectful distance and get some shots of them.

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Returning home, over 12 hours later, and still no internet. Phoning the company yet again to find an ET of repair, it turns out the fibre optic lines were vandalized and cut in three places over 200 yards. The outage affected tens of thousands of homes and hundreds of businesses. What the heck is wrong with people these days? You don't like the internet? Don't use it. Don't like the company? Don't use them. Pretty damn simple. But to affect everyone else is beyond ignorant and self-centred.

This is my last day before my summer farmer's markets start up again after a five month reprieve, which, this year has been wonderful! Previous years I've had so much going on, it was nice to have the time to update one of my websites this year, although the main business website still needs attention.

A beautiful day today, I've already been out for a 10km tour around the farmlands, and after coffee will load up my car with all the paraphernalia requisite at a farmer's market. Hopefully, tomorrow will equal today, weather-wise, which will translate into $$, as people always spend more money when the weather's nice.

It's a fallacy that meditation has to be done while sitting on the floor trying to empty your mind. (Although some people's minds appear to be quite empty, these days - lol - just an observation, not aimed at anyone here). Meditation is the act of being present in the moment, and that's what biking or walking in nature and photography do for me.

I kind of feel like I'm in the starting gate, preparing for the season, appropriate for the day, seeing as today's the Kentucky Derby.

In the announcer's famous words "And they're off!"
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