RE: would u get into a hotub with the one above

Nite Ladies.......Tater be good to em all.....see ya

RE: would u get into a hotub with the one above

How is going Tater? Joining the tub?cheers

RE: would u get into a hotub with the one above

It was mid winter if I remember right....I could see Dude asking you out on a date....setting the place on some ice berg in the Baltic, hence the dress warm comment.......................LOL......did that event come about? I know you two were chatting about it for a time.

RE: would u get into a hotub with the one above

Nite Luscious, watch your step getting out of the tub......

RE: would u get into a hotub with the one above

Guess I am going to have to my water tricks for you then.

RE: would u get into a hotub with the one above

Hi WUW4. A day out and about. Things are well with you?

RE: would u get into a hotub with the one above

You keep the cold stuff, Luscious.

I will stay over here then, where it is warm.

RE: would u get into a hotub with the one above

I always test the waters before I get in. Mind if I put my foot in?
Better than putting my in mouth...which I have been known to
do on occassion here.

How is everyone tonight? Water fine?

RE: Iran, A Country of War or peace

We coddle Israel! Why?? Israel has proven to worsen our plight for peace in the middle east. Israel doesn't want peace, except on it's terms. Why should they?? The greatest military force on the planet backs their every move. Turns a blind eye when Israel attacks Lebonon, Syria, and anyone else that Israel opposes.

I just had a great conversation on family burial sites, Ship. So I am going to try one time.

When little Isreal feels threaten, it acts premptively in its national security interest. The 7 Day War is one example. The bombing of Sadam's Iraqi reactor another. And finally bombing of the non disclosed nuclear reactor of Syria. So just getting to your scernario of nuc armed Iran and Isreal is the way to go...seems to me thin.

But let us take your scernario. Give Iran more time.....let it build its devices (ala North Korea) only 10 or so. 5 it places on missiles that can
reach Isreal. 5 it keeps laying loosy (a Barak Obama phrase) around for any terrorist group that has the cash to buy one.

So? Do we have nuclear parity? Nuclear deterence in the middle east?
Nope. Isreal is said to have over a 100. Real number is classified. All we have is a nuclear arms race in the middle east. Both with inchy trigger fingers....because these guys really really don't like each other.

So Isreal to stay ahead...will build more. Making all of its Moslem neighbors that it has peace agreements with or is in talks with very uneasy. And you know what the answer for that it.....Saudi needs them, Egypt needs them, Jordan needs them, Lybia needs them etc. etc. etc.

By the time Iran has build its 30 device and Israel its 200th.......these countries will be on the arms market and nuclear markets for reactors and devices. Where do they go to? Russia, North Korea, Pakistan, China. We have seen how much fun de nucing North Korea has been. How easy it was to get them to dismantle thier reactor. And we still have not gotten to the devices themselves. North Korea may not have the materials to directly sell...but it still has all the technology to transfer on this, still has the trained people to send. Russia would love this.....she is already the supplier for Iran. China? You bet trade nuclear technology for her oil needs. Pakistan? Dr. Khan can come out of retirement on this.

Ship, at the end of the day.....even if Israel and Iran have enough restraint to keep from pulling the trigger on each other....the nuclear club will 5 to 10 countries bigger. Most of them Islamic.....and most with ties to terrorism. And the world's security and the National Security of the US is in even more danger.

These countries are already on the nuclear market. Rumor of it has been out there for a long time. They will only speed up the process, they will pay bigger fees for the this arms race between Israel and Iran occurs. Saudi and the other Persian Gulf countries already feel pressure from the Iranian program.

And what does the US do? Get into the nuclear proliferation business.....just trying to make sure our today friends have the device.....while being totally unsure if they will be our friends tomorrow? One option. But personally, one I hope we don't take.
Go to the UN and try for a Nuclear Free middle east? Well our ability to get the UN to do this with its voting block of 70 Islamic countries does not seem very viable to me. But another option. Sit back and watch it happen. Withdraw our presence from the middle east. Become energy independant......withdraw our support to you wish....and hope that terrorist don't have the cash to buy from any of a number of sellers. Which is exactly what Pres. A and every hardline
Cleric and terrorist in the middle east wants.

Respectfully, I think that is what your scernario will bring Ship.

RE: Iran, A Country of War or peace

LOL.....Moses, I got to tell you something.

By leaving your computer tag on this post.....the NGA and CIA can now be looking for you.:-) Sweet dreams

RE: Iran, A Country of War or peace

Ship, you know exactly what several nuclear devices does to Isael.

It whipes that small country off the map......exactly what Pres. A. is talking about. It will not just be Jews dieing in these attacks, but also
Palistines and tourists visiting the country. A world of history and diverse culture and variety of religions being destroyed in moments.

Remember when the Taliban destroyed the Budha in Afhganistan.....and the world outcry that occurred? Imagine that 1000 time plus if several devices take the major cities of Israel.

Not only that....the Israeli response to Iran.....even if the attacks are terrorist without a direct link of radar to thier source. Well you can count the 25 major Iranian cities history...with literally millions dead.

Pres A. and ruling class of Clerics will be in some deep hidden underground bunker......but the people of Iran and Israel......will feel the heat of 1000s of degrees in this exchange of nuclear devices.

So why doesn't the same principle of the cold war.....that of balance of fear (nuclear deterence) here? Well in have a revolutionary Islamic government....that is so far out in the extreme....and its beliefs..... that nuclear deterrence is not likely to work. Pres. A. comes from the Mosque of the 12 Domes, near Tehran......wish to understand thier it up. He was raised there as a orphan. Even today, they are his advisory group.


Keeping Iran from getting the nuc, preferrably by diplomancy.....but also by military operation(s) are the two choices governments have here. How well has the sanction/diplomancy worked so far?

Iran just announced it has increased it working certifuges from 3,000 to 6,000.....and with out inspectors there......if they are lying.....maybe that is 12,000. Each one of the those certifuges daily produces a few grams of enriched weapon grade material. Get 5 kilos of have a nuclear core. The rest you can buy at your local electronics store and home depot.

I saw the video of the day.....they produced thier first few grams of enriched materials. 100 guys in a tech guy dancing around them with a nuclear containment vessel with the material inside raised over head......they were all cheering like they had just won the super bowl.

Iran has put billions into this...and there is a large group of Iranians that want this nuclear confrontation with Israel ...and the west....and the US. We took from the AlQeada camps in Afghanistan their thought and diagrams on a nuclear we know they would like a source of one. Feel they would hesitate to use one, if they had one?


The wisdom of letting your enemies have a such weapons is?

RE: Woo Hoo

Congratulations!!wine A long life together with many blessings for you both.

RE: Moving on

You got to watch those valley girls and bay watch babes, RW....they will break your heart everytime. Ever wonder why the Beachboys had all the right answers? They grew up with them.....:-)............

California Dreamin.........Little Surfer Girl.........

RE: Moving on

American Court TV Shows...where great American Jurists gather to provide Soloman like wisdom to the American public.:-)

Thank you for the compliment.

RE: Iran, A Country of War or peace

Russia will give Iran all (a lifetime supply)the nuclear fuel rods it needs to operate those plants. They would be registered and certified nuclear fuel rods. Iran on the other hand insists on a right to enrich its own nuclear materials.

There are only two uses for highly enriched weapon grade nuclear is to power reactors....the other is to make nuclear device cores. The first the Russia will give them.

So let me ask you. You are buying a new car. You go to the XYZ auto dealership....he says this car costs this amount and comes with a lifetime supply of gas. You go dealership ABC who says the same car is the same price, but without the lifetime fuel. Which do you buy? The car from XYZ dealership, yes? Iran is buying the car from the ABC dealership.

Iran by rejecting the Russian basically telling us that it enrichment programs are for nuclear devices. Other evidence:

UNAEIO......found diagrams of a nuclear device inside Iran during a inspection. Iran has since handed over the diagrams to them.

Photos of a nuclear furnance provide by Iranian ex pats. Nuclear furnances form the enriched materials into nuclear cores. Or can be used to form nuclear fuel rods.

Iran has modified various missiles to carry nuclear devices.

Iran has a underground test site for testing nuclear devices.

Iran has attempted to acquire nuclear device triggers on the arms market.

Iran contact with Pakistani Dr. Khan, provided them with much of the
Pakistani and North Korean nuclear device designs.

Those are the major evidences pieces to Iran nuclear program are for military purposes. There are also a number of minor evidences pieces as well.

So you tell me? Just a peaceful use or a military use of nuclear materials?

Lastly there is this. Enriched nuclear materials with out being processed any further can be used in 'dirty nucs'. Iran's connection with many of the world's terrorist groups can be a source of dirty nucs.

RE: Moving on

Onced heard a psychologist say...that the end of a marriage (e.g divorce) or failed serious relationship.....that the emotional pain was second only to having a loved one die.

After seeing divorce court on TV for a few season...I began to think
he was wrong. Staying in a bad relationship is the second greatest emotional pain.:-)

Having joked about it.

It hurts. It is not easy emotionally or mentally to go thru a realtionship/marriage failure. The question is.....once you go thru the 6 stages of recovery on it......find yourself healed.....find a good direction in life....and tread it wiser than when you were younger. jmo

RE: Barack Hussain McCain!

So what I understand you to be that the majority of
Iranian (see themselves to be Euro aryans) and oppose the Mullah
imposes Islamic government that is over them. That though the country is mostly Moslem, this difference means that the Iranian
people will eventually take the intiative to change the Mullahs, Pres. A.
and revolutionary Islam that they advocate?

Seems like a stretch to me. Here is why. During the Iraq/Iran war......literally 100,000 of Iranians supported fully the this Mullah
gov't then. Also you have the US embassy take over....not done by
a hand full, but again 1000s. And in Iranian elections, these moderate
person cannot get on the tight in the Mullah control. And when people do vote, they keep returning guys like Pres. A into power.
So where do you think that this will lead?

RE: Barack Hussain McCain!

So you think that Iran is just buying time. That the economic sanctions against it will not have any effect to cause a change in course?

Seems to be working with Fatah group of Hamas....they are near getting a Palestine Homeland. Now the other two groups.....Hezbollah and Hamas....I would agree...most likely just prisoner exchanges with little real resolutions be done.

RE: Barack Hussain McCain!

To be "Presidential" he needs to paint this picture....that he can be
Commander in Chief......

RE: Barack Hussain McCain!

McCain is just as much a supporter of Israel ...even more so than Obama.

RE: Barack Hussain McCain!

We agree that talking directly with terrorist is not wise. But at some point all conflict comes to talking in some manner or form. Today, Isreal talks with Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria. Both because they feel it is thier interest to do so. And because the alternative is more conflict.

Why is now not the time to open dialogue with direct face to face talks that Obama wants? Why is now not the right time to open talks with other groups and parties connected to terrorism?

RE: I Have a Question

LOL........well......this is going to get a lot of attention.........

RE: I Have a Question

Anytime I see some one here....moving in that direction, wuw4,......there is only one cause......the Obama threads.

But we will let you peek in once and a while.......

RE: I Have a Question suggestion is be non judgement until more is known.

The email is a little bit of issue. Most that advise net safety....suggest don't giving out email on first contact. But honestly, I have broken the rule and most everyone on the net has.

The red flags or total surrender can be raised or done as you learn about her.

We are all here.....trying to meet is one......for what ever reason(s) (good or bad).....that is contacting you.

Just have eyes wide open.......and if the red flags raise......go from there. If they don't, the worse you have done, is made a new net friend.... and the best you could do...takes this back to last night
:-)....and by the number of replies since.....has moved well beyond that point.

How goes the ladies 50 questions?

RE: I Have a Question

Personally, I like the idea of the ladies doing 50 questions to find the question.cheers

RE: I Have a Question

Good morning all!

RE: I Have a Question

Well if Indy is Mr. Sensitivity of the Artful Dodger of CS.

RE: I Have a Question

Nite too.

Kid going to leave you in some great hands. If you thought that trip to the bar was a exicting treck for a couple of beers........stay on this thread a while will make it seems like it was only a game of tag in the school play ground

nite all

RE: I Have a Question

My poor hard drive after this. Likely have a bad disc.....and some some corrupted fields after you get finished with him.

RE: I Have a Question

Kid, I suspect it was the tight levies that pushed them over the edge. They start rolling dice .....for the first groppe with the rest in a line.....reminds me of a girl gone wild...or a girl's night out.

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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