More Important

Few things can annoy me more than people who think their cause is more important than others who are in a similar situation.

BLM comes to mind. It is not that I think that black lives don't matter. To me, when a white (or black) cop kills a black (or white) man in the USA, it is no different than when a black (or white) vagrant kills a white (or black) farmer in South Africa. The fact is that all lives matter. scold

Sometimes we are too fond of playing the race card when we cannot get our way otherwise. In my experience such a person either secretly resent who he is and really wish he was somebody else or otherwise he uses racism as a ruse to gain sympathy for his cause.

Using racism as a prop just takes the focus away from the real problem.professor
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Comments (97)

Who fought on the Taliban side when Russia fought Afghanistan, because of the Taliban spreading their influence in the Russian republics?
Who trained them and armed them?
Good, old USA...
I rest my case
United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992.
Mujahideen, Arabic mujahidun, members of a number of guerrilla groups operating in Afghanistan during the Afghan War (1978–92) that opposed the invading Soviet forces and eventually toppled the Afghan communist government. The CIA decided to arm the Afghan resistance fighters (mujahedeen) to repel the Soviet invasion as part of the larger cold war strategy.
In the brutal nine-year conflict, an estimated one million civilians were killed, as well as 90,000 Mujahideen fighters, 18,000 Afghan troops, and 14,500 Soviet soldiers.
I suppose you're talking about the Soviet republics, but that is no excuse. The USA will train and arm anybody with their outdated equipment as long they can gain some advantage by doing so. Yes they worked with the Taliban but then afterwards, while they occupied Afghanistan, they trained and armed the Afghans who were quite capable of resisting the Taliban but they preferred not to fight them.

That war did do some good though. It brought about the collapse of what Ronald Reagan dubbed the Evil Empire.banana applause head banger
Hi Capricorn, yeah, it's been a long time good to see you again.
And the Soviets still lost.dunno confused
Personally, when I see sweeping headlines with emotive declarations I check a few other sources. That’s just me. I do sometimes think that really is JUST me sigh but then my pet bugbear is all media slanting news, whether they be left or right. It is unforgivable and disgraceful.

Firstly - Al Jazeera reliability generally is reasonably well rated. Okay? handshake Forgive me for not being left wing, it does influence my judgement. I have this ridiculous obsession with accurate unbiased reporting. dunno

" – Al Jazeera’s Lean Left rating was confirmed in review in June 2022 - Reviewers on the left, center, and right detected types of media bias including Lean Left slant, story choice, bias by omission, opinion presented as fact, subjective qualifying adjectives, and word choice in Al Jazeera's content."

"Wikipedia - Al Jazeera has a large audience, but the organization (particularly its original Arabic channel) has been criticized for its alleged involvement in controversies ranging from slanted journalism to anti-Hindu bias and anti-Israel bias."

Secondly - This particular story blames apartheid and colonialism for the fact that 10% of population owns more than 80% of wealth. It doesn’t mention that 2 of the people on the top 20 richest are State President Cyril Ramaphosa at #17, with a mere $450 million, and Patrice Motsepe at #4 with $2.7 billion. Lean Left journalism. Don’t spoil a good story with facts. Only TWO out of TWENTY, I hear you cry, that’s SHOCKING. Well, all 20 (okay, maybe not Ramaphosa) employ a great many people and you may not be aware that B.E.E. legislation ensures nearly all of those will be black. So don’t be thinking the other 18 are huddled in little white enclaves. Look up B.E.E. for yourselves, you and Jac, do you good.

Forbes doesn’t have any black billionaires in the top twenty. wow Alert Al Jazeera, we have a scandal here they’ve got to cover.

Thirdly - who do we blame for the world figures? A mere 1.1% hold nearly half the world’s total wealth.

I suspect Al Jazeera does pretty well out of excitable stories – I couldn’t track down its worth in the time I was prepared to give it but Qatar Investment Authority (from which Al Jazeera is financed) is estimated to be worth somewhere north of $85 billion. Maybe one day they’ll do an exposé on themselves grin

Anyone want to place a bet on which of my comments will be taken out of context and attacked? I’m running a small book . . .

Apologies, Cat hijack but it grates my carrot when I'm accused of, what was it, "blurting".
Hi Suzie,
No need to apologize. Remember, this blog is defined as opiniated and therefore the comments are opiniated as well. As opinion is not based on fact but rather personal preference, everybody is entitled to an own opinion, whether that be correct or not.

As for Al Jeera (and any other news outlet) their credibility is relative to your orientation. News media report what their viewers, listeners & readers want to see, hear or read. It all depends where you stand.grin wave
Totally agree everyone is entitled to an opinion. But when they make that opinion a personal attack, especially a stupid one, as so often on CS, the person attacked is entitled to opine back. JMO. laugh

It IS interesting that no-one, yet, has come up with an intelligent counter to your actual blog content. And that nobody has responded to my comment about the damage caused in protests, the people who lose out big time but don't apparently matter.

And now I do have to go and do other stuff, back in a week mas o menos

No it is not, and it has greatly improved. So has the lot of women and of the first inhabitants, of the deprived and downtrodden, but it is far from ideal. Life expectancy has stretched from 40 years to 80 years, and not via silence and acquiescence. The strident voices create the chance of more and more improvement, but they need to ring out, silence is submission.
Well, they did what they had to do, stepped back. Knowing USA is behind the scene.
It backfired and blew up in the American face.
Many more lives were lost, unnecessary.
Is that what we want, pretending we care when we bet on sides of a conflict.
The result of the Israely Palestinian situation is a proof of that.
It's all about someone's interest when people die and these same people get blamed for making someone kill them.

Racism is still alive because some people intentionally shove it in our faces and keep on reminding us what had happened hundreds of years ago. Keeping us responsible for things we didn't do.
Taking us on a guilt trip to places most of us have never been.
This "logic " is sick.
And the proof has been all over the place sinse the WWs.
Anyone got the message?
Obviously not.
Of course you're entitled to your own opinion as well. Everybody can air their opinion.

You see, there are one or two persons here who make a point of derailing my blogs and when that has happened, there is nothing to get it on track. This is why I don't bother to blog anymore. frustrated

Suzie, your comment is forgotten, burried under tons of irrelevant comments. You see, most people read only the last few comments on which they then comment. dunno

So you think Martin Luther King will be happy with conditions in the USA if he was alive today. No need to respond for I know the answer.
Ten, all government decisions that involve foreign policy are taken in self interest. It does not matter whether it is the Soviet Union, USA, Israel or whoever. They only think about what is best for their own plans.mumbling blues
Still comes back to playing the race card.grin wave
What then is the 'real' problem? Race, Gender, Colour, are not cards to play in Texas Holdem, but they are facts and issues and problems that affect millions, whilst they merely irritate you. What you say in your topic opener is pretty vapid, people speaking about these issues annoy you. What do you contribute to resolution of the underlying issues, however? You appear to want the sufferers to shut up. Or is there something less shallow in your words?
As to whether MLK would be content, he would know how much he achieved but also how much remained to be done. Same for women, for homosexuals, to a lesser extent too the indigenous peoples of the world. Annoy you, do they?
Embedded image from another site

I wont pick sides too, but rather take the route of logic.
Anyone that can hold more than 2 million people captive in this relatively small space is insane.
The people of Palestine was offered freedom and prosperity by Hamas, an organization that hates all Jews, and who in their right mind can blame them for accepting Hamas or in fact 'anyone' that promises a tiny improvement on current issues, as the saviour?

@ Jack,
I would suggest that you find a B&B in Tembisa and visit for a few day before believing a TV station that was apparently influenced by the very wealthy criminal Gupta family, for stealing from SA coffers, which are on the currently on the most wanted list of Interpol. They will do and say just about anything to take the spotlight off them. Why I suggested Tembisa?, because you seem to me very similar in your ways to Tembiseans, as they too always very subtly love starting shit with any available folks. Hopefully you might find a suitable it there for you.
Not as much as idiots like you do.
The real problem is that innocent people are murdered and and you too missed the point because it is drowned by all kinds of side shows of which racism is not the least.

You're derailing the blog again. This blog is about people being murdered. Not about homosexuals or women's rights or anything else. Try to stick to the topic.
Howzit Luke handshake cheers
Is this why many Americans think and avoid Al jazeera like the plague? It was even blocked or banned in the US at one point.doh doh
Hi Cat, its good to see you again. Sorry for my impulsive comments but some people are real turds. Hope you stick around for a time Cat, sanity is needed herelaugh
I better read what your blog is about...laugh
You're too funny, I wish I could express myself like this.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Yesterday I watched a video clip of a black woman that went ballistic in a rast food restaurant, continuously attacking and slapping the white manageress until the manageress retaliated and really gave her something to think about. When the cops arrived the 'lady' stated that SHE was attacked first cos she was black.
When the video was presented true colors once again emerged and she was arrested.

Too fond of playing the race card is underestimated, its gets totally abused at every possibly geleentheid.
We just saw Tom Currie dong it with Bongi Mbonambi - probably tried to milk a penalty.
frustrated very mad
Bonnie is far too decent to have said that.
Tom the crybaby who can't take a beating and also can't differentiate between English and Afrikaans.

Watter kant is die bal.... Die wit kant.

Boks took you out of your safe space, Tom.rolling on the floor laughing
** Bongi not Bonniedoh
Cleared to play for his cuntry...laugh cheering
Hi Catfoot wave

Ofcourse I am. grin

I am pretty good. Hope you are too. head banger

It's just, seems there is the USA in every war. dunno

Anyway, have a good Thursday, Catfoot! bouquet
Sharp Luke, nice wordplay.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Your blog heading language makes BLM a mere example - only now do you actually say the topic is murder. However ethnically directed murder is a prime reason for BLM with the police execution of blacks per 100,000 being 6 times as great as the rate for whites.
Despite @tenof claiming this is a passe issue of 200 years or so ago, it is a present day fact. Racism runs in the veins of Americans, whether that notion irritates you or not. Racism is still an everyday fact in America, in Australia too, though to a much lesser extent. 14% black and 18% hispanic Americans live that fact.
Can you back these claims of racism in USA. Hope you know you are speking to a guy from South Africa, they know a thing or two about racism. Where would you say it's more racism Fargo- in America or in Norway? innocent
The racism from black towards whites in USA;
I'm not sure of it got worse or better after BLM emerged
but my best guess is it was not very helpful.
How to get rid of racism according to Morgan Freeman:

Leftie talking points only Fargo. Let go.
Racism is the world over. A survey has just proved Germany the worst racist (specifically towards blacks) in Europe. Africa is saturated with racism. So is Asia. You will find racism on all continents. Ethnic cleansing is just another form of racism. It need not be just white on black. But the enigma here is that racism is the lesser evil. People are being killed and that is serious.

South Africa has one of the highest murder stats in the world very little of it is racism. I recon more than 95% of it is black on black. Nothing racial, politically motivated or just plain criminal intent.

And it does not matter what you or anybody say, racism in itself does not kill people, people are killed by other people. People with criminal intent.

By putting a racial issue in in the foreground , the real crime, which is murder, is obscured.
As a matter of reality, white people are subjected to constant racism but they are not allowed to voice it.
Somehow nobody is interested in making it known.
We are not entitled to complain. And if we do we get the "You deserve it" treatment.
Nope, I don't deserve it and it's time we punish the criminal acts of the so called BLM during "protests", wrecking people's lives for no cause at all.
Even their leaders proved to be daylight arrogant thieves, buying mansions and living in ouxury with the donated money.
Jail the bastards.
Hi Ten,
We also have a bit of black on white racism in South Africa but it is sporadic. There is a lot of goodwill amongst the different peoples of South Africa. It is mainly some political groups that will practise racism.

As for myself, I ignore racial slurs if it comes my way. Stick and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.professor
@grand after the struggles of the 70s when new laws had been introduced and segregation largely removed, racism was more or less swept under the rug in America, everyone seemingly assuming it was a dead issue, but it has always bubbled along under the surface.
In 1994 US ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and UN later reviewed and reported: UN Review of US Record on Racial Justice Should Prompt White House Action

I know you dislike reading - here is a short extract:
Playing the 'race card'?
thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up
Howzit Conrad.wave
I often wonder if there is not another reason why people of African origins don't do as well as their white brothers. They may well have a different mindset.

Here in South Africa you find black people with good education and good jobs, driving smart cars and dressing in brand name clothing. While they are perfectly capable of going to any bank to secure a bond to buy a proper house, they prefer to live in informal settlements.

You will find them living in tin shacks, quite prepared to sit there for twenty years until goverment gives them substandard houses intended for the poor. They have a mindset that government must provide everything for free.
confused dunno
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Oct 23
Last Viewed: 10 hrs ago
Last Commented: Oct 27
Last Edited: Oct 25
Last Liked: Oct 25
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