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Most Commented Allegory Poems (898)

Here is a list of Allegory Poems ordered by Most Commented, posted by members. Read poetry, post your own poems or comments. Poems on these pages are copyrighted © by the authors who entered them. Click here to post a poem.


Gentle stranger

Do not be afraid my gentle stranger
I could give you the words eternal
but they are as thin lines along the highway

Do not be afraid my one-time sister
call wild for the season vernal
this mantle on its axis bleeds
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2017
About this poem:
There is a man, in a box
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I'm a Troll

I'm a troll, she's a troll
He's a troll, CS patrol
Let's just pay the toll
are we on a poetic roll?

Laugh a lot play a lot
The ladies searching for Sir Lancelot
Dance a lot and kiss a lot
Just don't drink a lot!!

Care a little disregard the tittle
Life and love remains a riddle

He's a jerk but, she can squirt
Always remain ready and alert
Be on guard to avoid any hurt

Write a poem write a blog
yet we still remain in a fog
No right or wrong answer
Just the music changes
with each dancer.

How we dance to the rhythm of romance
It puts a tingle in our pants
Oh to find love per chance

Take time to find the humor in life
instead of creating so much strife!

We are nothing but overgrown children
full of pain regret and doubt
its enough to make everyone pout

Have joy and a song in your heart
Embrace those who you never want to part
Love all beauty for it is our duty
to show compassion in our fashion.

Be true to yourselves and place what is holy
upon your shelves within your heart
Let not the dust hide the love you impart

Happiness comes from within if you haven't found it
let go of the bitterness and hate that hides in the shadows
that keeps the light of love from shining in!!

How I wish to love and embrace all the human race
A gentle hug a kiss on the face to let everyone know
You are not forgotten or have been erased.

Every soul who has ever passed upon the face of the Earth
offers a story and a song that is worthy to be placed upon
the hearth

The sands of time blows with the winds
offering its message sublime
Ten thousand years from now all that we are
all that we can be, will be written in eternity
because there is no time

It is said Heaven and Earth shall pass away
but my words shall be for all eternity
Let the light of love show in everything we do
for it shall be returned tenfold back to you

I may be a fool and a useless tool
I may have a hard time living the golden rule
Yet, who among us is without sin
assuming we keep believing in the darkness
of our ways
We may not improve if we keep throwing each other in
the recycle bin
However, there is hope for brighter days in between the haze.

Live and love the best you can
Hold on what is true
Forsake no one who says I love you
even though you may not think its true

The one you push away or discard
that may not ring well with you
may be the love that will save you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2018
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Thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing
but nobody is really

Thanks for your heart
but, your thoughts
are thinly wearing

You think you are a poet
yet your message
doesn't really show it

You may have your unique style
but always remember your critics
are fierce checking your ways
all the while

Thanks for sharing
your vision is noted
but don't expect much
from an audience bloated

Thanks for sharing
your love and kindness
yet you still block me out
of your heart
while I suffer in blindness

Thanks for sharing your
gratitude and your overall
attitude but, you annoy
us with your platitudes
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 2018
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Go ahead and try to love me,
I've sealed all my windows and doors,
If you're truly searching you might find me,
Splattered across your walls and floors,

I'm hiding deep inside myself,
Searching for some place to bleed thru,
Can't think of any other way,
Is it too late to get thru to you?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2018
About this poem:
If one hides the truth for too long it will eventually burst thru like floodwaters thru a breached levee. Don't try to hold back. Say what you need to say, and say it to whom you feel you need to say it to, or you could find yourself........
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Leaning on hollowed sticks

Laid back, lazy
T-shirt and panties

The fan oscillates
pushing warm air around
silken caresses stroking my legs
like feathers

While I listen to the sultry
George Michael crooning to
the plucking of cello strings
as he's kissing a fool

Shiraz on my mind
Whilst he sits in the freeze
on chill

The time has come

© June 29, 2018, L. Karriem
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jul 2018
About this poem:
it is a passage of "bad timing", that's all I have to say about it -_-
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Outside my broken window

Outside my broken window, the light begins to fade ...
at least that's how the evening tide makes it seem...
I look into my closed mind ,
to see if I can walk the night ...
to bridge the gap ,
to keep close to me ,
the warm, life giving light...
I look outside my window broken ...
and what remains of this life ...
kneading and treading the old paths,
cognizant and privy to the new ....
with a measure of heart,
with shields of Faith,
Hope and Love,
I will traverse the landscapes before me,
those paths most welcome...and those not.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2018
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The Human Experience

There is no greater story that has existed in history than that of our species.
We have always been an inquisitive series of creatures,
Ever since our ancestors took their first steps out of the primordial lakes
And observed the beautiful world around them.
They were primitive, yet had a yearning for knowledge through exploration and experimentation.
As our species has advanced throughout the last 200,000 years,
We have made fascinating discoveries about ourselves, the world around us, and beyond,
Yet our ancestors’ primitive and infantile behaviors have continued to remain in existence,
Even after all of these years of evolution.

It is surprising how our species has always been riddled with contradictions and irony.
We have an understanding of how to care for one another,
Yet some of us have been abused through egotistical desires and manipulation.
We want to share this beautiful planet and it’s bountifuls,
While some of us horde it for ourselves.
We want to live in peace and co-existence,
Yet some of us attack one another over frivolous quarrels,
Which results in verbal disputes or bloodshed.
We have created several inventions and concepts during our time on this planet,
Yet we have designed them to purposely help or hurt one another.

These contradictions often come from the worst of human errors, such as money and power,
two of which have vastly poisoned the minds of both the controllers and the controlled.
The belief that money is somehow legitimate is only a mere superstition, which has been enforced by the historical tyrants who claim they rightfully own this world.
This superstition is why many people impulsively ignore the injustices happening right in front of them,
and shows that money itself is a false reward compared to a love of this planet and it’s inhabitants.
Believing one has a supposed devine power over others is detrimental,
And shows how foolish and egotistical they can become.
A prime example of this is getting other people to do their bidding.
A religious parent isn’t proud their child made their first communion,
Instead the parent only concerned about getting a positive review from those in their congregation.
If a student doesn’t do as their told,
Their teacher believes they can rightfully-so restrict them of their human rights and freedoms.
If a person refuses to participate legalized theft (commonly called taxes),
The politicians and their enforcers believe they can legally kidnap and cage that person.
Despite these two human errors,
We are continuously pushing to become a race of free, open-minded individuals,
Instead of shackled slaves.

Our ancestors were shackle-less when they began their lives,
Yet some of us insanely believing we need to be shackled
Has led to the most inhumane injustices waged upon us.
Due to our natural sense of intuition,
We universally agree that those actions have always been wrong,
But we have sadly become so accustomed to them,
We have become lost and unaware of a way out,
Even when carrying a torch through the dark canals of our situations.

Becoming a race of natural, and intelligence-embracing, human beings isn’t impossible,
It simply requires learning from the mountain of mistakes we’ve made in the past,
And continuing to persist forward.
However, nothing is as clearly evident as our immaturity and ignorance causing nothing but backfire.
We have good faith that our descendants will live in the world we dreamed of,
Yet it is important and imperative that we push the boulder into motion
For a beautiful world to exist in the future.
Us doing so in one way or another shows we are capable of gradually acquiring maturity and wisdom,
And in a world of mature and wise people,
The power structure our corrupted brothers and sisters created will be overthrown,
And the dream world we hold dear will finally become a reality one day.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2018
About this poem:
This is what my understanding of humanity, and our place on this planet, has become over the years
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In sweeps the autumn

all ears the fawn awakens

dew morning blanket
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2020
About this poem:
HAIKU! He sneezed.
God bless you. She responded.
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lovecanberealonline today!

The Teenage lcbr

I start the year now nineteen eighty three,
In verse now strictly chronological,
If you want to know the plot just read and see,
In my life story, you will have it all.
I''ll try to tell of my strange destiny;
And hopefully my words will now enthrall;-
Poets must, (at least try), to be honest: -
To this I hope my verse will now attest.

T'was year nine, in school, (a long time back there);
A fourteen year old boy - quite innocent,
In this year of study some demands were,
Placed upon myself, who trusting went,
To the library to read with pleasure,
All things on the shelves, which were sent,
For our instruction (surely were intended);-
The world's wisdom - fully recommended.

Curiosity, (they say), it killed the cat,
(Well, in my case, I'm not entirely sure);-
Inquisitive, I was - and all of that;-
Though something else, I wanted - not censure.
Still in the library, reading, there I sat;-
An interested boy though still wants more;-
It is natural, in our adolescence,
To want the world, and it's experience.

Perfectly, I sat there uncorrupted**,
Young minds, they grow at such a rapid rate;
Teachers pleased? that I am now instructed,
To repeat such things, that I here relate,
And so I was by little now inducted,
As such it was, I tell you now my fate,
At fourteen and a half years of age;
P.N, a friend and I had Mary Jane.

We always want what we have never got,
This is true from man unto the infant,
Our human envy, that's our human lot;-
It seems this way since Adam first there went,
Into that sacred garden, and forgot,
What was at first a laudable intent;-***
Sometimes, it seems, that somethings never change;-
Only time, places, people re-arrange.

Carl Jung once said we have Collective Soul;
In this, I think, he wasn't far from wrong;
And in and age of Sex, Drugs Rock n Roll,
What was in books is now found in a song;
Such aural things do most of us enthrall;-
As teenagers - we must at first belong;-
Indeed before we do at first rebel;
We need our friends, who will do this as well.

P.N, P.N^ - Your'e so intelligent;
Of this I'm sure - (and could you tell me now);
Have you been living off the Government?
(I tell this story, as best as I know how);
The world's against us as an adolescent;
(I was not at that age holier than thou);
One thing I know is I will tell my story;
Not fearing now embarassment, or glory.

Where was I now my much detested Son?
(Though not that I do bear now any grudge);
The war that we were fighting could not be won
Though smoking grass at school was quite a bludge;^^
Now at fifteen years old in year nine;
We try a little worldliness to fudge;
Though truth be told - surely I must be joking;
(We were as green as the grass we were smoking!).

PN's place, 'twas when Spring was now through half;
We'd managed to find our selves a stick of pot,
Of course we'd only smoked it for a laugh;
And between ourselves, we soon had smoked the lot!
Although, (I thought), I might have had enough;
I was inclined to just that bit more scoff;-
For a while, (at first), nothing really happened;
Then all of a sudden the floodgates opened.

Where at this age, more innocent, I was;-
Although (it seems) not innocent enough;
Curious (more so) - and now because;
It seemed the going was now becoming rough;
Senses once dormant - now became aroused;-
To do with sex, and drugs, and all that stuff;
At Sixteen, I found my fist lay, in the Cross,
As they say, a rolling stone has no moss.^^^

© lovecanbereal
All rights reserved
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2020
About this poem:
** Not really true, I was only interested in Adult things, and that, for a teenager - are
always, the things, which we can't have!
*** I'm being ironic, I'm an atheist, this just happens to suit my poem, as a "literary
^ P.N - a school friend of mine (initials changed, and identity withheld).
^^ Bludge: "To bludge" is an Australian colloquialism, which means to: - "not try very
^^^ See my poem "My First Time", to see what happens next, in my life.

Please Note: This poem may be purely allegorical, with the I "first person, descriptor" used as a device to generalize about the kind high school years, which may be familiar to "many". This could be largely "Poetic Licence", however, I have tried my best to explain some aspects of "Adolescent Angst", here.

ps: Thanks for all your reads, lcbr.
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A Silent Telephone

Should I drop u a note
naturally, l am eating alone
waiting on a bowl of gumbo.
Ur a no-show
screwing in the shadows
likely doing the three famous maestros
Larry, Curly, and I hope
U choke
on Moe.
I'm sorry but feeling pretty low
I'm losing my Piedmont pillow
I remember u long ago
u tried to corner the market playing the blues on a banjo
Made sense maybe since lock-in a cellar sits a dusty jazz piano
Then lockjaw denies u fame and fortune blowing
the piccolo
always known for ur solos
this was before wearing out ur welcome on the cello,
Started as a joke
writing "Ode
to The Twilight Zone"
staring the fallen saint, Billie Joe
the story goes
before fleeing on rails like a hobo
down Mt. Kilimanjaro
she had an episode
losing her halo
slipping from her dome
while dipping her bent toe
into the dark cosmos
but caught the eye of fire breathing hippo
in mid-pounce feasting on a giant translucent minnow.
yet the halo plunged like an oscillating dildo
topping the speed of light (what did Einstein know),
when heading for ground zero
but caught on film in slow-mo.
Oddly snatched up by a swooping sparrow,
but dropped like a dirty ho
on seeing a dancing scarecrow
doing the tango
with a Hispanic hallucinating gringo.
Never scare off any black feather bedfellows
Each of them has a mind of their own
Scavengers are at home
grilling up some squirming lizard toads.
on the sunbaked back roads,
like on US 95 thru Mosco
not in Russia but Idaho
and yet the halo continued to roll
for years though God only knows
till it finally landed in Chicago
on the Antiques Roadshow
shown off by an old crone
or was it Saint Billie Joe
sporting a big nose
who lived alone
making a cameo?
Drooling over its host
a fat sweaty long fellow
who smelled like pork roast.
Sampled his ear lobe
on milk buttered toast
out doing Van Gogh
mesmerized by horizons aglow
but tripping on too much ginkgo.
Anyway, my hat off to those
poor blokes,
seeing nothing that doesn't show
dreaming of giving up the ghost
depending on the cash flow
soon on the back of an icy slope
surfing down the hills of Glasgow
yet these days at end of their rope
with necktie yokes
now a foot off the flo,
swinging low
to the tune of Desperado
fading in/out on solid-state radio.
Again, the Silent Telephone
landmines another mofo!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2021
About this poem:

RATED R Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.

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