Dancing In the Street and Respect...Arethra Franklin I think. I dedicate these songs to me....cuz I will dance to them across a street,on a sidewalk or even in a laundrymat. And without any embarrassment or care who is watching. My all time favorite dance to Michael Jackson's Thriller. banana elephant dancing dog dancingsanta boogie dancing


Here's to you sweet Miked56, Sentimental Journey. (WWII Big Band Sound). Not sure who the songwriter/lyricist was but it just makes me melt inside to wanna slow dance, lay my head on your shoulder or chest and feel/hear your heartbeat. Uh, I'm really getting carried away in my imagination already.heart wings

RE: Do you believe a long-distance relationship could lead to marriage?

Yes, I do believe it can work. Just ask Old Foxy Guy and a very special gorgeous lady from Cyprus. He left South America for her and they are happily married the last I saw.
I think he changed his CS name as we were all giving opinions on what his new name should be. But hey, they are a fantastic couple.
We all have a soulmate someplace in this world. Be it next door, across town or across the world. You will each know at some point that you are right for each other. I cannot believe that out of an incredible billions of people in this world that there is no one out there for us.

RE: Why did my Tapioca pudding burn on the bottom?

I believe you are on to something here. Your tapioca solution will get first prize in my book. No doubt you are the master of the artful technique of the perfect Introductory Tapioca Making 101 course. I just love a man that can long as they clean up after themselves in the kitchen. Ffffft, nothing to this cooking lark...that I'll agree. I burn tapioca everytime. thumbsup: rolling on the floor laughing

RE: gosh....i miss arguing here on CS

Hi Mnowsa,
Glad to hear that you got married recently. It is good no doubt and long overdue for you young man.
As for arguing on here, no one has started an Israeli/Palestinian thread in a long time. When one is put up, you can be sure that there will be plenty of arguing again. Seems like people got tired of it after a few years as it led to nowhere but people getting banned on CS and hurt feelings to CS members. The middleast has changed much politically since those threads and we see it on the news everyday.
Better we all get along in this world and look at each other as friends. We on CS are only armchair keyboard fighters. I doubt any of us with our opinions will change anything in the world except what goes on in our own lives. And even this is questionable, even when we argue with ourselves.
As the song words say, "Que serah, serah...What will be will be, the future is not ours to see, Que serah, serah."

RE: If you have been solo for an extended period, do you panic at the thought of going on a date, and wh

Now here is something that just occurred that just can't be a coincidence.I just wrote my posting on here about the yellow rose experience of 4+ yrs ago, before I even opened the morning flower that was sent to me. My guy writes to me aound 5am before he goes to work, way before I get up. I open the CS flower and it is the yellow roses with a comment under it referring to yellow roses even. His morning flowers are usually many of the other type of symbols as there are so many different symbols in general to pick from. This is most unusual considering I just wrote a posting about the yellow roses. Go figure,eh? I'm truly stunned. Subtle mental connection from the "other side" again I think.angel

RE: If you have been solo for an extended period, do you panic at the thought of going on a date, and wh

Go for it Professor. I was divorced and alone for 17 yrs before I met my guy. Afraid to date not wanting men in and out of my son's life. I heard so many horror stories from friends. Met him on this site. He lives 45 mins away. I also didn't know what to say on the first date and was a nervous wreck. I brought a photo album but they were my son's baby and kid pics. My son was already 17 yrs old at that time. Duh.....I really didn't know what to say. It was my first day of college too. Just trying to show I was a family person.
He was a widower of 2 yrs and had a grown daughter. Well, we sat in a restaurant and I prodded him with questions about life and what he had done and what he was seeking with meeting me. We kept it brief. On the second date in the same restaurant, I brought him a yellow rose for friendship, not knowing what it would lead to. Put it under my long skirt and feined a hurt leg when I got out of my vehicle. I held my leg and leaned over, he leaned over to see what was wrong and I pulled the yellow rose out from under my long skirt. He was hooked when he got the rose and tears flowed from his eyes. He pulled up his sleeve and showed me a yellow rose tatoo with his wife's name and explained the meaning of the tatoo. We've been together over 4 years now. His wife and I have certain similarities in our lives that are uncanny. She loved yellow roses, his wife and I have similar occupations and we both enjoy homestyle and healthy cooking and I will go fishing too(just not touch the worm). Religiously, ethnically and the part of the country where we were born are opposite but I grew up with the ethnic generations from WWI and WWII era so we had a common understanding of older generations as his mom is still alive. We also thought very much alike growing up from our generation. And yes, I have sculpted him in a variety of ways....especially to check the toilet seat for any back splash even with the seat up and make sure he leaves the seat down after he goes. Very, very important for a guy to pay attention to if he wants to get along with a woman. That's a dealbreaker for me after a couple of warnings.
We have no doubt that his deceased wife had a hand of sorts in bringing us together. The yellow rose was the clue for him so he says. I only thought of a rose for symbolic friendship and nothing more and it only came to me to buy it that day late in the afternoon just before I met him. My occupation and the fact that I can cook or really enjoy fishing may be coincidence, but the yellow rose was not a coincidence according to him.
So as we say, "Go figure". Meaning to ponder and think about something and figure out why some things occur. The only thing I can figure is that in life, there is more than one person that is meant for us. Finding a compatible person the first time is hard enough with all the differences that make us who we are, but finding them the second time is incredible. Who says that there are no second chances in life?

RE: Glories of being a MAN

Boban, there is one woman on that skateboard. She's wearing the green doo-rag on her head. Or maybe it's called a babuska. It takes one good woman to make a whole group of guys show off like they are little kids all over again.

I wish I was that woman on that skateboard with all those guys. No doubt she is having a hoot of a time with all of them. Lucky gal!!rolling on the floor laughing applause

RE: Lunatic Fringe

Maybe in a few thousand years. That's what I've heard around the company water cooler.

RE: Lunatic Fringe

That is a terrible thing to happen in the library Dobe. Seriously, count your blessings and consider yourself all lucky that he didn't just stand up and pull out a gun and start shooting at all of you. One never knows what these lunatics will do. It is the innocent that suffer from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hope someone has reported him. If you see him again, be vigilant and keep your distance.

RE: What's in the fridge !...

Sounds quite exotic what you have cooking there. But the apple juice by the toilet door? And you downed it? Guess as the mixture is cooking in the wok, you will very soon be sitting on the toilet taking care of some other business. Dessert will follow very soon no doubt. You will be all smiles and in very good mood by the time your date arrives.
If downing something in your country means the same as it does over here, it means drinking something(goes down to the stomach). People here refer to downing something related to an alcoholic beverage (aka "chugging a beer" or "downing it") but if someone is constipated, "downing" a glass or mug of apple juice is very healthy and definitely will clean you out well. Very good idea to keep it by the bathroom. I hope that is what you meant. It didn't sound like you put it in the wok. wave teddybear

RE: He Threw His Two Year Old Daughter Into The River To Die

Monte, the mother may be religious in her own right but somehow something was "missing upstairs" so to speak. I'm not condemning her as she is no doubt in grief over the loss of her child but somehow she also she has a responsibility for the safety of that child after a supervised visit. That is where she may be faulted. No matter what, this is a most horrific crime. There is nothing worse than the loss of a child. It will all come out in the courts. This guy is "going down" and no doubt the prison "employees"(the inmates)will "take him out" unless he is kept far from the general prison population. Most prisoners despise p*dophile and child murderers. I don't believe in the insanity plea for murdering an innocent child as this man did.He did the crime and fled to try and not get caught. Now he will do the time.

RE: He Threw His Two Year Old Daughter Into The River To Die

Initially when this case first came to the news, it said that the father was on supervised visits and he was suppossed to bring the child back to it's mother from the supervised visit time(which doesn't make any sense)but that might have been the arrangement. Perhaps the courts had the father come to a meeting place with someone else present for the supervised visit. However, if that was the case, then the courts fulfilled their responsibilitiy and it was the mother's responsibility to make arrangements to pick up her child or have the child brought to her by someone other than the father. Perhaps the mother couldn't find someone else or else not this one time. If the mother was allowing the father to bring the child back, that is where it is the ticking time bomb that went off, considering he was so angry at the mother. What kind of mother would want supervised visitation and then allow the father to bring the child home? Makes no sense. She must have had a "loose screw upstairs" so to speak.

RE: Most likely?

My vote went for the sock monster. There is no doubt in my mind that he is lurking and exists. Any mother of a son knows that for sure. Put 2 socks in the washing machine and only one comes out. Additionally, give your son two socks and only one goes into the machine and they will swear up and down that they had two socks put in. Hence I have an orphan sock bag full of one sock mismatches just because of that awful sock monster.
Incidently,a washer/dryer repairman told me that it is not uncommon for socks to get sucked down some sort of dryer vent area. Said he finds it all the


I'm up for a get together too. Perhaps one of the state parks or even the Cuyahoga Valley National Park on a beautiful Sunday. The Naturerealm in Cuyahoga Falls is one area of the nationa park that in the Spring has the most gorgeous decidious trees in pinks, lavendars and such as well as walking trails and an echo pond. They also have built a very large wood open pavillion with a fireplace that is overlooking a pond. There is a earthen covered small building next to it with immaculate restrooms and a small nature museum inside. Also, there is a bird watching area where they will lend you binoculars to watch from inside the building. As you walk in some areas, the chicadees will fly right into your hand and eat black oiled sunflower seeds from it. I'm not sure if they charge any fee for the use of the pavillion but it should be reserved. There are also picnic tables in another part of the area by the parking lot.
There is also the Gorge area of the Summit County Metro Parks in Cuyahoga Falls which has picnic areas and trails that run along some nice rock formations and a cave as well as along the racing Cuyahoga River below that sports a small dam. Quite scenic. Also the Hinckley Reservation is another area that has nice scenic stuff like the ledges and the historic rock sculptures and etching areas.
These are just some ideas of locations if we want to do a pot luck dinner get together. We could probably get electric if needed at the Naturerealm pavillion area since it is attached to a building. In case anyone was going to bring a microwave or a bread baking oven to heat something up. LOL!
The areas are also close to major highways.

RE: Your Greatest Inspiration Throughout Your Life

I had several inspirations in life besides my own self.

#1. My mother - her elocution lesson speech, "As you go through life dear brother, whatever be your goal...keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole.(the donut hole that is, for anyone thinking dirty)

#2. My paternal aunt - refused to allow my brothers and I to go to live in an orphanage back in the 1960s due to being orphaned young. She took us in. Additionally, she refused to allow me to drop out of nursing school at the very end and insisted I quit my 5 jobs that I worked 7 days a week to support myself. She sent me any money I needed to live on to finish off my last semester. I sent her the money back within a year.

#3. My computer literacy teacher - I couldn't have challenged the online Blackboard courses without his patience. I learned from him that I was the fastest and most accurate typist in the class and would move the mouse around habitually like it was a typewriter carriage.I was most frustrated trying to understand Microsoft office. He taught me that computers aren't just for kids. But none of the kids in the class could come even close to typing with my speed and accuracy.

#4. My older brother Dan - who is going on 61 and into his second year of his PhD studies in cancer research.

#5. Myself and some very talented young people- at almost 59(less than 2 months from now), I am more than 1/2 completed with dual medical programs in a Community College and carrying a 3.87 GPA (grade point average). GPA will go higher by the end of this semester with two more A's I hope to get. Law and statistics are not easy courses. Just got inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and am the oldest member inducted to date on campus. I get some funny looks as a senior citizen amongst all these young people, especially as I hike the campus at high speed (with books in tow) when my back hernias are not flared up. The youngest inducted who just turned 17 the day of the induction is studying aerospace engineering. Probably will be a rocket scientist. Other very young ones are in the early study stages taking all the pre med stuff to be doctors and business managers. They are really very inspirational to me. They will graduate high school and college at the same time and have scholastic honors in both along with being class leaders in their high school organizations too. Truly unbelievable what talent and perseverance they have. They will immediately roll over this Associate degree into the Bachelors Degree and have half of their Bachelors degree pre med programs completed at the age of 18. They are in special honors classes in the college which also require additional community service projects along with their college class studies. Incredible young people they all are. I'm quite humbled to be with them.

RE: Joy as Shalit arrives in Israel, Palestinians freed

Yes that does seem to ring true Wow_Factor. Doesn't seem that IDF is gunning down their citizens that protest, not even the citizens involved in the tent city housing protest wanting affordable housing.But the arab coutries......that's a different story.

It seems like there is so much Muslim on Muslim violence in this world in so many of the middleastern countries. They need not worry about Israel. The Muslim citizens of other countries over there are fighting for their own survival amongst their own country's harsh regimes. In Israel, citizens walk free. But that freedom comes with a heavy price. The same as the heavy price that the US citizens have paid with their blood to protect our freedoms.

These released murderers will vanish one by one. Israel does not forgive and forget the children's or families futures that were destroyed by the suicide bombers and murderers that were released. The blood on their hands cannot be washed off. Stealth justice will be served.I believe that the Israeli families will be notified secretly when justice is served.

RE: Apparently i have ''Rip me off'' written on my forehead!

Yes Sunflower,
We all seem to get them. I had my profile up with my picture for a long time. I finally got sick and tired of getting so many scam emails that I took down my picture and changed my profile wording so as not to attract them but occassionally still get those lovelorn letters.
My breaking point came when I got 16 scam letters in 3 days.
I met a decent guy a little over 4 yrs ago on this site and we are still together. He lives 45 mins away. The site does work if people are compatible.

RE: Poll On Instate Tuition For Illegal Immigrants

Your last 2 sentences are very eloquently and perfectly stated. I agree with you 100% as that is the way it should be. College education should only be for people who are in this country they a citizen or on a non expired Visa. Come here legally only or else...go back home before or get kicked out!! The boat is waiting at the dock.

RE: Poll On Instate Tuition For Illegal Immigrants

The answer is that the US politicians have got to be the stupidest bunch in the world. I don't know of any other country that will give a free college education to illegal immigrants. Heck, our country even gives a free college education to the criminals sitting in our jails. I have to pay for my own college education.
As far as I'm concerned, if the parents didn't come here legally, then the children also should not be considered citizens just because they were born here. It should be if the parents become legal citizens then their offspring are given that right too. Otherwise, free ride for any of them. Not medicaid or even food stamps. I say if they need some help, put them on a bus or plane and fly them free back to their own country. I'm sorry if anyone doesn't like how I feel about illegal immigrants being squatters on US soil. I say, "Go Home!"

RE: Poll On Instate Tuition For Illegal Immigrants

Ray,for a change I have to agree with you on everything here...especially the last sentence. Amen brother!!

RE: What did this woman want?

A couple of things come to mind about the lady.

Perhaps she was looking to get laid and pick up a guy/gal with some flirting. If she can get someone to keep talking, then she has a good chance of scoring.

She might have been a suicide bomber and sitting on her suitcase bomb that she would eventually just leave somewhere or blow up the train.

Just practicing her flirting techniques.

Maybe she caught people staring at her sizing her up so she acknowledged that by making some conversation to divert people's stares. People do notice people around them and take notice. It's only human nature.

RE: Angels and Demons are Real.

I believe they do exist. My son when very young once saw an angel. He had no idea what an angel was but described it quite well down to clothing it wore.
Interestingly, I also saw an angel back in 2005 but not in a usual sense one might think. I had never given thought seriously to whether angels really existed before this even based on my son's experience as a small child, but this confirmed it for me. My elderly aunt who I was very close to was dying and I had driven to New Jersey to stay in a hotel overnight and be with her the next day. In the morning when I got up, I took a shower and when I stepped out, there was a huge image of a figure in a long robe, hands straight down to their sides but with huge fanned outstretched wings that literally that covered the 3 mirrors in the bathroom. Like wings on the horse Pegasus is what comes to mind. The figure's wings started at the sides of the body from the feet and went higher than the top of the head and then fanned out. The figure was etched in the steam on the mirrors. It glistened and every wing feather outline could be seen and glistened like a polished diamond. Some people say there are different levels of angels but I have no idea to this day at what level of an angel was there. This was definitely not an image of Jesus whatsoever but something I could not have even conceptualized in my mind prior to this. I had an inner sense of calm after seeing the angel. It was like as if it was telling me, "Don't worry."
As for demons, I believe they exist. I have heard that there are murders that have no conscience and to look into their eyes, they are blank. Ramirez and Manson both come to mind. Maybe devil worship for them.
To any jokers on CS that are reading this, the figure was not my reflection in the mirror whatsoever. My reflection showed behind it. I was so humbled that I threw a towel over me immediately as I stood in awe of this gigantic image. To this day I have not ever seen anything like that again. It was not a figment of my imagination as I am more scientifically minded but this really took me by surprise.
From that experience I have come to the conclusion that angels appear at different times to people and come in different forms and in different times and places.

RE: true love story in cs?

I think Wonderworker and Tennessee Judy are married. If not, they were sure a great team together. They met on this site.


Where is our CS Scoutmaster hiding? I would love to see his comments on this. Thanx for posting this Patmac. You made my day great. I love a good laugh first thing in the morning with my cuppa coffee.rolling on the floor laughing thumbs up

RE: Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society .

Just for the record, you better believe I am real and I've been on this site possibly alot longer than you. Ray seems to think I started this Muslim bashing thread because of the similar first part of our profile names. My profile is the only profile of mine.
Ray and I and others have gone back and forth over the Palestinian/Israel issue many times over the last 4 years and his anti-semitic diatribe repeatedly. We all know how passionate he is about Jew bashing....that's a given. And then you post an inciteful Muslim thread that added a few coals to the fire so to speak. And you stayed silent as the topic got heated up. I may not agree with him but I still respect him even though he pushes the limit a bit at times. I can push right back.
I sure am not you and can well understand why he thought I was you and started this thread. But anyway, welcome to CS.

RE: Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society .

I have a strong suspicion that the OP is a troll and also is not whom is pictured on the profile. Has anyone noticed her profile english grammar issue and also the fact that she has not bothered to come back into the discussion.
Most of us old timers have seen these type of inciteful forums and how the OP deliberately bows out to watch the fights ensue. Cheap entertainment for them.

Israeli Scientist Discovers Cause of Rare 'Fingerprint' Disease

Then ya shouldn't be stuck in Pennsylvania for long. Happy Trails!!

Israeli Scientist Discovers Cause of Rare 'Fingerprint' Disease

Hi Griz,
That is a very interesting point there. Not having a fingerprint would indeed be a finger print in a different way. An identification of some sort of mutation would be the identification of a person. At least in this case it would be. EXCELLENT POINT YOU MADE!!

Israeli Scientist Discovers Cause of Rare 'Fingerprint' Disease

Ooby, the article said FINGERPRINTS....not toeprints. Guess if the burglar didn't wear socks, then he will surely get CAUGHT & BUSTED.grin

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