The Choice To Comment.

A few days ago I received a PM from a fellow blogger asking me why I never comment on his blog. How do you reply to such a question? Is it not is my right to decline commenting on certain blogs as I feel fit. But maybe I must explain how I see it?confused

I have a few friends and I comment on their blogs as a courtesy most of the time, regardless of whether I find it interesting or not.thumbs up

If I do not like a blog or if I do not agree with the blog, I move on to the next blog without even reading the comments. If I cannot add something positive or amusing to a blog, I won’t comment on it unless if it is somebody I know well enough to speak my mind.

A blog containing just a picture, a video, a poem or a question is also not very likely to attract my interest if there is no story to accompany it. The same holds true for blogs inviting discussions or blogs being ‘build’ by a few people.conversing

I don’t comment on a blog if it is intended to discredit or to offend, be that aimed at a single person or a group of people.barf

I avoid blogs by people who have previously deleted my comments or who have attacked me in the past and the same goes for blogs where I was attacked by other commentors while the blogger did nothing to protect me. I will never make that mistake again to try and defend myself on another blog.frustrated

On my own blog it is different. I will retaliate in any way I see fit and I will protect myself and my visitors against malicious comments.super

My blog is a reflection of my thoughts. If you disagree with me it is your right to do so. State your disagreement and there is no need for any further discussions. Your opinion is noted and it will not be deleted if it does not contain a personal attack. Likewise, if you like it or agree with my view, tell me about it as well. It can only encourage me to produce more of the same.grin
cats meow cats meow

Hang tight, it is only Tuesday. Friday is still a long way off.wave
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Comments (75)

very true catfoot cheers
So Catfoot...............which category I fall into?? snooty snooty snooty

grin comfort wine
I disagree, Catfoot..
Friday is only a smile away! smile
HiCat! Did that fellow comment himself on your blogs? If he did, and maybe quite often, his question is a bit understandable. You mustn't forget that as you blog very often here you have developed to an important person. And who doesn't wish a VIP to once pop into one's blog? grin professor laugh
Hi Jarred
I made a few mistakes in the past but I learned (hopefully).
hug wave
catfoot if you stay long enough you learn fast laugh handshake
Hi Mimi
I thought that you might have been able to work that out without my help.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing wave
Hi Kal
Just remember that there is a mile in every smile and that is a long way to go.
hug wave
Hi Calleis,
He did sometimes but I don't want to elaborate on that. It may identify him. Let's say I avoid his blogs for one of the reasons mentioned in my blog.
hug wave
Yes, there is. But don't forget the "s" which makes it short. cowboy
I'm only sorry I did not learn faster in the beginning. I had no previous experience of blogging and did not know about the power plays and cliques. That knowledge was acquired the hard way.
cheers wave
agree with you...cant add anything else. thumbs up

stay well, Cat..handshake .wave cheers
I recon smiles must then be the longest English word. There is a mile between the first and the last 's'.rolling on the floor laughing
hug wave
You seem to have an amazing ability to solicit many comments on your blogs from just about anyone and everyone here. I have however noticed that the topic of your blogs always seem to be fairly controversial, which leads me to wonder if your topics are designed to bring out as many responses as possible. Making comments on others blogs just for the sake of sympathy may seem like a kind gesture, but I would view it as overly unnecessary. would cause me to feel a bit pathetic even if your intention was a kind one.
Hi Boggie,
Not peddling anything today; or have you also retired?laugh
cheers wave
I suppose you only reply to the topic if you are interested in it, other wise its just empty words....
I say as mister B here, I agree.... can't say much more... Happy Blogging and a Happy Tuesday, my friend.yay teddybear hug
Hi Catfoot, wave I reply if something interests me. dunno No disrespect, but there are some blogs I don't even read.

Filters in the mailbox are a great thing btw. grin
I am kind of with Budda on that. My reply (if I bothered to dignify it with a reply as the very question sounds so pathetic) would be on the order of 'first right something interesting about a topic I have an interest in, then if I feel like it, I may.' We owe no one our personal comments into their blogs.
Hi Candy
Your view is noted but I cannot agree with you about my topics being controversial. I try to present a mixed bag all the time. Ranging from silly jokes to serious matters and everything in between.

I fear I do not quite understand the last part of your comment and as such I must refrain from reacting to it.
cheers wave
Well, Cat! Then you have a good reason! And nothing on the blogs is obligatory..handshake flirty
The longer one is here the longer the list grows laugh in addition to yours I'd add - Was the blog comprehensible, if not then your comment is likely to be misunderstood. Has the blogger misinterpreted comments before on a regular basis, especially if this resulted in an addition blog to winge about the comment they misunderstood in the first place. Has the blogger promoted themselves to a rank beyond reach of us mere mortals, a comment there could seem like groveling rolling on the floor laughing But my all time no no, is the blog hypocritical, how many times have we seen a blogger tearing into someone\something when known for the self same thing themselves doh yes we're all probably guilty of that from time to time but regularity would make a comment less likely for that blogger imo. beer
Hi Buddha,
Yes, that is a factor. If the topic is about a potato crisis in Egypt it is very likely that I will read it but not comment for I don't even know if they grow potatoes in Egypt.doh
cheers wave
I am more than happy to explain. In your blog you stated that you sometimes comment on others blogs as a "courtesy" whether you find it interesting or not. This is very sympathetic even though it is done out of kindness. My point was that if I wrote a blog, I would be able to tell if comments were written out of a true desire to comment, or merely done out of sympathy.
Hi Welela
Thank you and all the same to you.
hug wave
cheers Cheers to you Cat! And I totally agree.

I'm kind of thinking this person either values your insight and views maybe and wants your support...OR....this person may want to have a go of a debate with you!?

Either way, like you, it's a choice to or not to comment. Sometimes what we'd say....has already been said so why say it again too...

teddybear bouquet
Yes, that is the way I see it as well. You are a fairly regular contributor to my blog, but only when it interest you. There are times that you don't comment. And I must respect you for that. The choice to comment is yours.
hug wave

I have to agree with you on this one. thumbs up

Ek kom nou net van Richards Bay af.. jinne dit was awesome
Primarily, my first thought is
"can i add to the topic of the blog"
This is to say, If a blogger is asking for advice, am i in a situation to give any,
Is the topic relevant to me, If so i add to it,
Some of the blogs i stay well clear of, no matter who is the author of the blog is those that are just joke after joke after joke or blogs that end up being a chit chat session between maybe 3-4 bloggers only.
Those sort of blogs do not interest me.
I read all comments of the blog i am going to comment on, so i can gauge a feeling if the commentators really do understand the blog.
Like most bloggers here, There are a couple of writers that i will add comments to their blog.
But first and foremost, the blog has to stir some sort of emotion inside of me to make me want to comment.
Then i make what i believe to be a pertinent and straightforward comment.
just my way of doing things.
Hi Ken
I have a few close friends here and not all of them comment on my blogs every time. It is for me to pick a topic to gain their interest and I would not dream of asking them to why.

The number of comments on a blog is a poor barometer to measure a blog. The number of time the blog is read and the number of different people commenting is much more important to me.

I'd rather have 15 people making one comment each that having 5 people making 20 comments each.

I write blogs because I want them read.
hug wave
Hi Calleis
The fact of the matter is that I will always at least read every blog except for the profane and abusive. If I find them interesting and I can add something positive, I will do so. If I don't comment there is a reason for it.
hug wave
Hi Z
Language also seems to be a big barrier here. Sometimes I cannot understand what the person are trying to say and cannot respond. Other times I get a response so complete off the mark that I can tell that the person did not understand a word I said. All you can do is try to explain.
cheers wave
@Dedo, rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Candy
Ok, I get you loud and clear now. Just as well I did not comment. I misunderstood you completely. But no, it is not in sympathy. When you have friends of long standing a simple 'hi' and a well wish is always appreciated. As did happen a few comments back on this blog.
hug wave
Hi Theresa
This person wants to to say something so he can take a stance on the opposite direction.
hug wave
My blog I make decision!I appreciate your this attitude!
Before, I never daring to say my own point of view, now already slowly dare to say "no", this is a progress, right?hug
Hi Kariena
Welcome back. I have wondered what happened to you.
hug wave
Aaawww sweet!!

someone missed me

Thanks Catblushing
Hi Dedovix
I could never share those pics with you. It may just be some of the lassies you have on tow and you may get upset with me in stead of with them.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Simmo
Now you have touch a very important point. Reading the comments! And the blog itself.

Some people just read one paragraph of the blog and maybe the last two comments before they comment. Mostly such comments are completely off the ball. The theme of the blog may only transpire towards the end. Any you only need two off the ball comments in a row to derail a blog sometimes.

Very hard work to get it back on track again.

cheers wave
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Jul 2014
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Jul 2014
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