Global Warming Is Probably A Farce

I believe it is just another conspiracy to keep people in jobs. Everything is exaggerated for the sake of sensation and organizations like Green Peace cash in on it by thriving on the people’s fears.frustrated

We only have data for less than 200 years and now some people want to create panic by applying a few years worth of data to the entire history of Earth. It’s like as if you can paint the whole picture by picking up one tiny piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle.doh

Yes, it is a fact that the planet’s mean temperature is rising by about one tenth of a degree Centigrade per century but that is to be expected. After all, we are coming out of an ice age. It is also true that places with a higher population density had a steeper increase in temperature than the norm but other areas have gone colder. We don’t even know if the rate of warming is increasing or decreasing.dunno

Now they concentrate on those places that are getting warmer while ignoring the places going colder and bombard us with selective statistics. By using a different set of statistics it will be just as easy to proof the Earth is in fact cooling down. For all we know, we may be having cycles, spanning several centuries, of rising and dropping temperatures.hmmm

Okay, so the mean temperature of Earth is rising very slowly but we don’t know how much of that is caused by man. Astronomers say that every planet in our solar system is warming up to the same degree. So, are we responsible for that too; or do we blame the Martians and the Saturnians for that? There is just is not enough data to prove anything. confused

Our few factories and car exhausts are farting against thunder when compared to nature’s own pollution. A single volcano eruption can cause more heat, pollution and environmental damage in one week than all of mankind can do in years. Yet, Mother Earth coped with it every time. professor

Yes, I agree, we should be responsible and we should prevent pollution wherever we can but there is no reason to inflate figures or to brainwash us with selected data to proof something that is not certain at all.doh
cats meow cats meow

Have a great day.wave
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Comments (111)


I am all for green technologies...and although I have not investigated their data...I believe those scientists are on to something...

Pollution kills...

If we can reverse the damage done...good...

Automation is the reason why so many do not have jobs...and that silly man Trump making a deal regarding coal is outdated, dangerous and expensive in comparison to natural gas or green technologies...but even fracking causes quakes and polluted water...

If we go green...perhaps we will find out if our Earth's temp is increasing due to humans or is a natural phenomenon...


Hi Lou
I'm all for going green; I acknowledged that at the end of my blog but they are exaggerating things. there is absolutely no evidence that mankind is responsible for that minute rise in temperature.

I think we should be more concerned about more direct pollution like toxic wastes dumped or spilled in our oceans and rivers.

One thing about humans is their greed...many human rights issues surrounding those in least with going green...our streams and rivers would be safer...

Anything to adapt to a better way of living without pollutants is
Hi Chesney,
It seems that the topic is going to illicit some interesting comments. however, my problem is not with going green. That is something we should work on day and night.

I'm not disputing that we cause too much pollution. I have a problem with the panic they create with insufficient data. My point is that Global Warming is exaggerated.
And note that this is not just happening on Earth but at every other planet in our solar system.

Not disputing your thoughts...

I do understand your position...

What takes a nation to rally for change regarding such notions as climate change...hype or needs to happen...

I do not want to see those scientists right if I have to live in such dismal rather go green...dunno

Not to mention the next generation...we need to think of their future too...

Not gonna bore you guys with the details here on what I do to minimise my waste around the house and outside the house. Try aiming for the 'zero waste' thingy but find it too hard but I'll keep trying.

Also, I'm in the midst of looking for a metal straw coz we really need to cut down on the usage of plastic straws. blues

I'm just doing my small part and along the way trying to convince my kids to do the same too....
Hi Mimi
That is great. though I'm not sure if metal straws is going to be the answer. Too much pollution and heat to produce. Maybe we should look at thin bamboo or other grass straws. They'd be reusable if we disinfect them with carbolic acid between uses... Eisch!!! More chemicals. No cancel that it won't work.laugh


Does Art have a

I do my part as well...funny I have more recyclables than trash...all for a good cause...we do what we can...glad the automotive industry is hearing our concerns and green technology is being seriously considered...even in Canada...

I see warmer countries marketing their energy to places like the
South-Africa, i think, is behind the rest of the world in recycling. I get the impression that only stuff with a quick cash value, like metals, glass, some plastics and paper etc, is being recycled properly.

Have you noticed that I changed my tack. Something I learned from my grandfather. If you can't beat them, join them.laugh

No need to change put it out there and is being debated...

Neil De Grasse is a favorite of mine...explains alot of what is happening regarding climate change...

If I have time I will post his opinion...

Good topic and nice to see we can be civil...unlike the


LouLou applause

Art has 2 younger brothers but he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy, anybody who wants to get to know his brothers! laugh

However, he did mention that one of them has a really good heart...
I completely agree with you, Catfoot. cheers

I really like and enjoy reading your blogs. cheers
Hi Lou,
The thing is, nobody is debating my point which is Global Warming being a farce. Instead I get pollution, climatic changes, recycling and what else. No, I have never steered my blogs. I rather follow them. but i would like to hear what people think about my theory of global warming.laugh
Global climate change - how's that rain of yours coming along, Cat? Plenty of it? Water reservoirs filling up nicely?
Thank you Maya,
I'm glad if you enjoy my blogs.
Hiya Catwave

Regarding you blog topic...YES..I also believe it's becoming a joke!!

As far as I am's all FEARMONGERING!devil

I also agree with some of the comments that we should be looking after our environment and reduce pollution.

As for metal straws.??wow yes...straws are normally made of straw or other natural material.
Mimi..roll eyes laugh
Hi biff
We had a bit of rain on Sunday, but rain here is of little help. We have tight water restrictions in place but that is nothing new. I first ran across it more than fifty years ago when I was still in school. South-Africa is a water-poor country and it has always been. The uncontrolled influx from our neighboring states is not helping either when you don't have enough water for your own residents.
Hi Daniela,
I really believe it is just a scheme to keep a few people in highly paid jobs.doh
Oh, Biff,
I forgot to say

I agree with you that Global Warming, Climatic Changes and Pollution is not related or inter-linked. As you said the latter is man-made and the other two are natural phenomena not linked to each other.
But greenhouse gasses are directly related to global warning
Warming even laugh
Are you telling me that our greenhouse gasses are warming up the other planets as well. Global warming is not local to our planet.

And we are talking about a tenth of a degree per century. We don't know if the rate of warming is increasing or decreasing. there is just not enough data available to determine mans part in it.

Was it not about the same thing happening on the other planets I may have been less dubious.

Cat, can you point me toward any peer reviewed data, study or papers that show the above statement to be true? I can't find any. I have found commentary or opinion that a few planets have increased in temperature, but it is suggested these planets increase in temperatures are due to local factors. I can't find any peer reviewed information supporting "all planets are warming to the same degree".

Cat, there are articles both claiming and refuting it, and always will be.

However, the vast majority of scientists believe that man is aiding the speed of global warming.
And if this is true, or even if there is a chance of it, then man has to do what it can to reduce it .
Molly, I normally drink hot beverages and that do not require a straw.

My son drinks iced drinks and I need to get him that metal straw. Have been telling him a lot about this change lately so that he'd get used to the idea.
Mimi, why can't he drink it out of a glass like the rest of us?
hi Molly,
that's the whole thing. nobody can prove anything. We just don't have enough data on it.

and yes, We must tidy up our planet. We've been abusing it for too long. I never disputed it.

All I said is that they're exaggerating global heating and that the cannot prove that man has anything to do with it.
I think people inethe countries which are experiencing climate change the worst aren't really interested in waiting for definitive proof, which some will still disagree with.
They need action now.
I've never tried asking him to do that, to be honest, Molly.

Maybe it's high time I should wink to wean him off straws! laugh
Yeah, considering he is practically an adult now, he could learn to live without straws laugh

I try not to use anything that is not reusable and recyclable. The only thing I do use, that is only semi-recyclable is the paper cupcake liners.

But since they go out to the wormery, they are being recycled into compost, so I shouldn't feel too guilty.
Thanks cat, I look forward to reading it.
Hi Molly
I agree that something should be done and very soon.

I'd suggest the start by cutting the money from those who shout global warming and use that money to develop and implement better ways to harvest energy from nature.

Those guys are just sitting there creating panic and fear instead of doing something useful.
Cat, people have to shout before people will listen.

Once people start listening, then something practical and useful can be done.
I can't find it now, too many things I went through. But here is something similar.

Ha ha. The first link I opened is a complete article dedicated to calling your claim a Climate Myth.

The second one had this "As for Abdussamatov’s claim that solar fluctuations are causing Earth’s current global warming, Charles Long, a climate physicist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratories in Washington, says the idea is nonsense.

Not one article you're provided (and articles aren't peer reviewed papers) supports your claim " Astronomers say that every planet in our solar system is warming up to the same degree".

I have to say, cat, you may have represented your claim as poorly as anyone could. Sorry. If you could find that peer reviewed paper, I'm really interested in reading that.

Peer Reviewed - "Peer review is the evaluation of work by one or more people of similar competence to the producers of the work (peers). It constitutes a form of self-regulation by qualified members of a profession within the relevant field. Peer review methods are employed to maintain standards of quality, improve performance, and provide credibility. In academia, scholarly peer review is often used to determine an academic paper's suitability for publication."

They should come up with edible cupcake liners! laugh

I read on some news today that they have successfully come up with edible plates! During my wedding in an Indian temple, they served our guests vegetarian lunch on banana leaves.

Embedded image from another site

I was a cheeky bride. Indian brides were supposed to be demure and shy but I was none of those, much to the horror of my in-laws!!! laugh
Every one of y'all are free to believe - put blind faith - in whatever position you wish to take on this subject...and find plenty of evidence to support your position.
Peer reviewed even!

That's the beauty of an issue based primarily on models of the future.
Pick your position, select models to support it...
VOILA - you're in the game as legitimately as anyone else!
Neither you nor anyone else KNOWS the future!
Very egalitarian very happy

I like the one that planetary CO2 is so dangerously LOW as to threaten the existence of life on Earth...near starvation levels to support plant photosynthesis.
There are models to support this. Probably.
Also repeatable, observable research.
Something has been written and reviewed by peers...whole boatloads of 'em!

And then there's all that fossil fuel lying all over the place (primarily coal).
All that carbon must've been part of the atmospheric carbon cycle before getting packed away in coal beds...right?
And just look at the fossils found in those coal beds!
Dragonflies the size of crows!
Beavers as large as a car!
Sloths the size of a garage!
Ferns as big as a house!

Those were lush times, you betcha!

I am NOT making this up! scold

Search - CO2 Starvation.

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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Jan 2018
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Jan 2018
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