Funiest ad on American TV right now

What do you think?

Poof, she's gone like a cool breeze along with the email she sent me.

What do you think?

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

What do you think?

"Hello you doing today....I am here to search for my perfect match to be my future partner...When i saw your profile and picture, i was so excited, you really strike me as somebody responsible and pretty enough to be my special man if we can give it a trial...I know you have a lot of female admirers but we might have something good in common when we get to know each other very well. I can relocate if necessary because i need to be love and be happy again. I would appreciate it if you can write me back via email or send me more pictures to this email:"

Should I give it a go? The only problem is she claims to be 6'7" with dark brown hair and brown eyes but her pics are obviously a blue eyed blonde.

WHO declares Peshawar Pakistan,world’s ‘largest reservoir’ of polio

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, of which Peshawar is the capital, and adjoining tribal districts where Taliban and al Qaeda linked militants have hideouts are particular polio hotspots.
Polio is also endemic in Afghanistan and Nigeria, but of the three countries only Pakistan saw a rise in cases from 2012 to 2013, said the global health body.

Tests have found that 83 out of the 91 polio cases in Pakistan last year were genetically linked to strains in Peshawar, while 12 out of 13 cases reported in Afghanistan were also linked.
So from these facts I conclude that Al Quida militants are traveling between Peshawar and Afghanistan spreading the desease.
In November, the WHO linked an outbreak of the disease that paralysed 13 children in war-torn Syria to Pakistan.
See above!

Militants in Pakistan have routinely attacked health workers giving out polio drops since the Taliban imposed a ban on vaccinations in 2012.

In the most recent incident gunmen shot dead a health official supervising an anti-polio drive after storming a hospital on the edge of Peshawar on December 28.

RE: Missing Miss....Why Do Black Women Disappear?

@ Obstinance, Has anybody ever told you you're a spitting image of a young Earl Holliman? 100's of times I bet! The resemblance is uncanny.

RE: best quality

If our parents could read this thread I think it would quite an eye opener.

RE: best quality

I never got anything behavioral or life lessons or educational from my dad because he never was in my life except he would come around at Christmas time for a visit and to drop off presents for me & my brother and sister. So whatever I got from him was genetic.

Life lessons I got from my mother, like don't get addicted to alcohol like her and be involved with your childrens developement unlike her.

RE: best quality

Well, I think I get my mechanical aptitude from my dad. He was an engineer who worked on satelites. I'm sure some of his work is still orbiting the earth long after he died.

Homesteading livestock / Hobby farming

The tax man has some definate ideas what constitutes a "hobby" vs a "business" and it's centered around whether you make a prifit or not.
I see hobby farming as when you have a full time job which pays all the bill but you have a small piece of land that you would like to get some use out of by say raising a few head of livestock for your own consumption or grow some crops to defray feed costs etc. You can't use it as a tax shelter or deduction year after year without the IRS taking a closer look at you. I'm sure they have algorythms in place to check your history.

Homesteading is a lifestyle. I think most homesteaders don't want anything to do with the IRS.

Homesteading livestock / Hobby farming

Thank you for bringing this thread back on topic.

John Boehner is a complete idiot

Somebody please fire this man. It's hard to believe that the Speaker of the House of Representatives can be so ignorant.
"WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Tuesday that no new regulations are needed after a chemical spill in West Virginia last week left more than 300,000 people without safe tap water. He suggested the incident was not the result of less environmental and energy regulation but of the Obama administration's failure to enforce existing rules.

"The issue is this: We have enough regulations on the books. And what the administration ought to be doing is actually doing their jobs," Boehner said at a press conference. "Why wasn't this plant inspected since 1991?""

DUH John, there is no agency or regulations in existance charged with inspecting chemical storage facilities!

Now I have a question. WHY was a toxic chemical storage facility located a stones throw up stream from the largest water treatment plant in the whole state? The city of Charleston just happens to be the state capital and they get all their water from that plant.

RE: So where's this "Global Warming" that is supposed to fry all of us?

I knew a thread like this would lure all the Global Warming attack dogs like a bloody slab of beef. Read this article which goes far to explain all the BS posted by these deniers.

Homesteading livestock / Hobby farming

I consider myself an expert on keeping chickens for eggs having done this for about 8 years. The one piece of advice I can give is make sure you have a safe place for them to go in for the night that nothing less than a Bear can get into. You'll sleep better knowing that once they are locked up for the night you wont find chicken parts and feathers all over the pen and the head count doesn't come up short. There is no need for a Rooster. There's another old timey idea that you need a Roo in order for the Hens to lay eggs. It's not true, you will get just as many eggs but they wont be fertile is the only difference. BTW, I let my hens hang around til the die of old age, that's the least I can do to repay them for the bounty they gave me.

Homesteading livestock / Hobby farming

So your KuneKune pigs are really pets as evidenced by you naming them? Plus they wouldn't be worth much as food being so small. Free range is the only way to keep chickens of course you will lose a few now and then. I shot a young Coyote last week as it was trying to find a way into my chicken pen. I'm fairly sure I hit it because it was a clean shot with a .22 but it ran off and never came back. I would never shoot an Eagle though, for one thing I'm pretty sure they are protected.
My neighbors had a Black Lab which was a chicken killer and she killed at least 2 dozen of my chickens before she got too fat and old to catch them. She never ate them, just killed them. Something was amiss in her training.

Homesteading livestock / Hobby farming

I had a couple of Peking ducks once but stray dogs killed them both. One day while they were still alive a neighbor came by to chew the fat and while we were talking one of the ducks came all the way up the hill from the pond about a 50 yard walk up hill and was quacking all around my legs. They never ventured away from the pond so this behavior was very strange. I had my back to the pond and suddenly while the duck was quacking my neighbor asked me if I was burning off the dead grass. I said no, why and I turned around to see a big grass fire down by the pond. It seems it was triggered by the electric fence jumping a spark to a blade of grass. The duck came up to warn me that the place was on fire. I was stunned to learn just how smart an animal really is. I've treated all my animals with total respect since that event because it taught me that they are way more aware about things than I ever realized.
I never heard of raising Geese is there a market for that?

Homesteading livestock / Hobby farming

There is an old timey idea which says you should clip the top beak of a baby chick back to prevent cannibalism. Again this was believed to be helpful by preventing one chicken from damaging another chicken when they were held in close (over crowded) confinement such as in a commercial egg operation where the birds have barely enough room to turn around and they never see the light of day or ever set foot on the ground. I recently bought 6 hens from an old (85 years) farmer but didn't notice the beaks were cut until I got them home. Had I been aware of this he would still own these 6 hens. The problem with cutting the beaks, besides being unnecessary, is that with the beaks cut, the chicken can not eat off the ground but can only eat from a feeder. I kind of wonder if this whole idea wasn't dreamed up by feed producers to prevent a chicken from foraging for food like bugs and grasses and forcing it to consume more factory supplied feed. I do notice that I am going through feed MORE THAT DOUBLE the rate since doubling my head count from 6 to 12. Besides making it impossible for these birds to eat off the ground they look really stupid.

Homesteading livestock / Hobby farming

Years ago there was a movement to leave the fast paced modern high pressure lifestyle of city living and return to a simpler more enjoyable way of life. It was called the "Back To The Land Movement". This movement came about by people who were fed up with the direction the world was heading with everybody trying to get ahead by stepping on everybody else, raping the planet, starting wars over natural resources like crude oil and generally "keeping up with the Jones". The movement coincided with the environmental movement which sought to undo the years of damage done to the Eco system by greed and ignorance. People were fed up with streams full of dead fish which would burst into flames if you tossed a match in them because they were filled with volatile chemicals and drain oil dumped in them indiscriminately. These interrelated movements even had a Bible, it was called "The Mother Earth News" (TMEN). For a while I had a subscription to it. We couldn't wait to get the next issue and we would go through it page by page.
The movements haven't died, but they have matured and I'm pleased to see that much of the new consciousness that was born in those heady days are normal accepted practices today like recycling and laws put in place to prevent wreaking havoc on the land.
Sorry for preaching.

Many families have decided to get into backyard farming on a very small scale like raising chickens for meat and eggs, pigs for meat and to make some extra money by selling off the offspring (a healthy Sow will produce 2 litters of roughly 10 piglets each per year) a cow for milk, meat and also to sell off the calfs. I've done all of the above and for sheer profit Nothing comes close to raising pigs. They do take work though.
Besides "TMEN" there were/are booklets from companies which produce feed for the livestock industry such as "Carnation" that contain loads of valuable information on how to raise livestock. The problem is though that the advice and regimins outlined in these booklets can't always be "scaled down" to a small backyard operation and in many cases the advice given is actually wrong.
I will give you 2 examples. One concerns pigs and the other concerns chickens.
In the booklet from Carnation entitled "Swine". They recommend "docking" the tails of baby piglets. Basically cutting off the little curley tail leaving only a little nub. The reason for this is they are assuming you are raising hundreds of pigs in close (over crowded) confinement which is typical of a very large commercial hog operation. This practice is supposed to prevent one pig from biting off the tail of another pig. A pig can't bite off a non existant tail. The problem with this advice besides being unnesserary, is that there is no better indicator of the health of a pig than how the tail is carried. A healthy pigs the tail is up and curls in a circle, a sick pigs tail hangs straight down.

RE: Knew I need a man

Take a night course in Auto Mechanics, those classes are populated with young buff guys, also hang out at hardware stores. Jesus, think outside the box for a change.laugh
The upside is no repair shop will ever try to hoodwink you.


Lizzie Borden took an axe Hatchet
And gave her mother forty whacks.
When the job was nicely done
She gave her father forty-one.

Nah that doesn't rhyme therefore she must have used an axe.

RE: Should all webpage accounts be deleted if not used within a time limit ?

I wish my "Benaughty" acct would get deleted. It's nothing but a scam site to gain access to your Credit Card account.

RE: How many people wanna help a foreigner to practise English?

From reading your post I don't think you need much help writing English because it reads better than what many people, who were born in the US, UK, etc are capable of writing. Unless of course you're using a translator program.
I believe the best way to learn to "speak" English is to immerse yourself in an English speaking country which may be rather dificult for practical reasons. Watching English language films with sub titles might help. It would also be very helpful to work with someone who speaks both languages fluently.
Good luck my dear.hug

RE: Schumacher...

He broke his neck at a place called Commonwealth Park which was 4 miles from my farm when I lived in Culpeper.

I watched them build that place. Use to be a hay field. We always felt it was a Hellova way to put Culpeper on the map.

RE: Would it make you feel untrusted by your partner if they asked you for a prenumptial agreement?

In as much as a marriage is a legal contract, it follows that with no guarantee that the marriage will last until one or the other dies, in fact statistically it's probable that it will end in divorce, it not only makes perfect sense to document pre-marital assets, it should be required by law to get a marriage license. By having such a law, the stigma of having to bring up the subject with your betrothed is eliminated and the added benefit is that a divorce will be much simpler and cost less.

My first marriage lasted 1.5 years, neither of us had anything so the divorce was cheap and easy. My second marriage lasted 14 years and we had a lot more to divvie up. Fortunately neither of us wanted to burn the other so our divorce went fairly smooth regarding the division of assets. In fact, when it became certain that we would end our marriage, I suggested that she get a credit card in her name while we were still married because with virtually no work or credit, history getting one would have been impossible.

RE: Top 3 most best fave movies of all time...

Impossible to pick just 3 so I picked 12. Of the 12 the ones in bold are the top 3. But that's today, tomorrow I might pick 3 others.

Ben Hur
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre
Doctor Zhivago
Gone With The Wind
Lawrence Of Arabia
The Shawshank Redemption
The Wizard Of Oz
The Maltese Falcon
The Seven Samurai
The Outlaw Josey Wales

RE: Do mobile operators save people's conversations?

It's really hard to tell these days after the revelations exposed by Edward Snowdon. I would be equally surprised if they DID record and save them as if they DIDN'T. I do know that if you're under investigation by the police your phone could be tapped and recorded and those recordings would probably live forever somewhere.

"Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer" teaches hypocrisy and exclusionism

The entire legislative body of this thread has been recalled from Christmas vacation (at great expense I might add) to consider your request to be banned.
It falls upon me to have to inform you that your request (duly filed in accordance with all our bylaws in triplicate on recycled wrapping paper, thanks a lot!) has been denied.

RE: Humanity at the Crossroads

Believe it or not, recycling has a major impact not only on the environment but also on the cost of everything. It costs 10X as much to make an aluminum soda can from Bauxite ore to a finished product than it does to start with a crushed used can. Keep up the good work, it helps more than you realize. Did you know that the catalytic converter on your car contains Platinum and has a scrap value of over $100.00? The money that your town gets from selling the things you recycle, plactic, tin cans, cardboard, paper, drain oil etc helps to keep your property taxes down.

"Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer" teaches hypocrisy and exclusionism

We love you jac, otherwise we wouldn't joke around with you.lips bouquet

"Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer" teaches hypocrisy and exclusionism

Thankfully I live far away from SE DC.

This is a list of forum posts created by ooby_dooby.

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