RE: Prince Andrew demands

Pronoun offences are another example. Actioning the things that don't matter whilst posterity is led seamlessly into a Chinese concentration camp. Civilisations play very strange games before the final collapse. Insanity becomes usual before the end.

RE: Prince Andrew demands

And lockdown raises another point because it's damaged the young at an industrial scale. The youth is going to grow up really warped. And I do think that Andrews head on a spike is desired as some sort of consolation for a worse life for your kids in general.

RE: Prince Andrew demands

It's an irony of the pandemic. Lockdown supporters are not the essential workers. There's a reason they've quickly turned on those they once clapped for and it's because they'll be disproportionately leave voting men. It absolutely despises the culture of the working class that it claps. And that does feed into how old is a 17 year old? Woke kids are immature for their age not getting a job until they're in their mid-twenties. In the working class you grow up relatively quick.

RE: Prince Andrew demands

We live in a culture where men are encouraged to be like women and vice versa. Women earn more than men and the law is on their side but for all of that, it can't really succeed. Because women drop out and have kids. Social engineering breaks down at that point of great biological difference.

And that's one thing I like about the pandemic. This emphasis on essential workers has hit women hard. Superfluous nonsense has taken a hit. They might earn more before they have kids, but in jobs that are an extortion racket jobs we are manipulated into financing.

RE: Is the fall of the west is close?

And we are not wrong to call the anti-vaxxers ignorant, it's just that the authorities are no better. If it suited the authorities they would argue that doctors are trying to murder people with vaccines. They would also make the rule out of the exception if it suited them. The authorities are utterly ignorant savage people who know nothing of their own limits.

RE: Is the fall of the west is close?

This is the state of pre-death emergency. All of western values and principles, the sanctity of the individual etc give out to political expedience. Tyranny arises to keep up with change although it never does.

RE: Is the fall of the west is close?

Authoritarianism from completely and entirely unworthy authorities. The chalk judges the cheese. The culture changes through technology and we are left with a digital dictatorship playing catch up. But it never does catch up, it just grabs power and expands it's jurisdiction over things it knows nothing about.

RE: Is the fall of the west is close?

Anxiety and a certain love of petty power. An ignorant meddling with a new low of interfering but you don't really understand anybody's lives. We don't have things in common and yet a tyrannical bureaucracy is here to hammer the splinters. It becomes more judgemental as it becomes less and less possible to judge accurately. Instead of things in common we have a tyrannical centrist bureaucracy. Lies, damned lies and statistics that don't appreciate the context or the truth about anything or anyone. Ignorant judgementalism fueled by anxiety and a love of petty power.

RE: Do you think...Over representation....creates division?

War isn't a good example of what women need men for. Even if a fight is sometimes what it takes to clear the air. Women need men so that they don't die of anxiety.

RE: Post a philosophy song

David Bowie. Cygnet Committee

This is one about how a left wing revolution became no less repressive than what it was fighting against. Basically a critique of the new age that came 40 years before the rise of woke stalinism. Very prophetic.

RE: Why would people holiday in the USA ?

Not just fat though are they, they have much bigger houses the best suburbs in the world.

RE: Prince Andrew demands

More than anything you want a judge who would risk their reputation for the sake of truth and justice. Verdicts that are a freedom from the press, not just delivering any man's head to the press and the large section of the public under their control.

RE: Prince Andrew demands

If you've done something politically incorrect then he's going to be found more guilty than he really is, the total opposite of the Colston four.

RE: Prince Andrew demands

Does he think he's the Colston four? Sleeping with 16/17 year olds is politically incorrect, the wrong side of history. It's men wearing the chastity belt now.

RE: Why

Just in time has a hand in this, also. Everything works very well until it goes very wrong. We had very low prices before the pandemic to fit the economy where most people control very little of the world's wealth. I like just in time, it used to be my job, but there's a reason everything has to work so well first time. Very productive but not a lot of margin for error. Having a margin for error would raise prices, but an error when you don't have a margin will cost us even more.

RE: Why

It's both. These days they have to dig deep and blast the oil out of the ground. Down to the darkest depths of the ocean.

RE: Will Johnson be charged

Political correctness censored the term "the filth" but we need to get back to calling a spade a spade.

RE: Will Johnson be charged

Well what you gonna do. Few people attracted to a job in security - cop, soldier or bouncer - unless they're a bully.

RE: Need thoughtfulness opinions!!

The truth is that we were a timid species when we were first came down from the trees. Death stalked us at every turn. You had to get it right first time not fourth time, imagine a life completely without insurance.

RE: Need thoughtfulness opinions!!

God fearing it's just an old fashioned way of life. In the old days being a clumsy precious spaz and ditz got you killed. Have you seen pictures of the empire state being built? The workers? One mistake and they'd fall to their death, no forgiveness.

RE: Looking For A Suggestion

Relatively low mileage but I can see why you want to do it yourself.

RE: Looking For A Suggestion

Just out of curiosity how old is your car?

RE: Looking For A Suggestion

Just the nosy neighbours, is it? Typical. Make sure you don't hurt yourself

RE: Looking For A Suggestion

Have you got any helpful neighbours?

RE: Are they or aren't they.

Are we going to have to hide in the caves again whilst all the thug men kill one another?

RE: my late grandfather...used to call American's yanks

Not to worry we sold them ghosts. No matter who the rootless cosmopolitans are you can always trade what they have for some of our fake history.

RE: Why

Having said that everybody becoming a shareholder would most probably cut into the cyborg market. If everybody has the purchasing power to employ a normal human being there might be a job even for you. Or go the other way and never charge a penny for your services in the full knowledge that you're a living dividend. Working for free certainly helps beat inflation.

RE: Why

And if you're wondering what that small group of very elite workers is going to look like, look no further than Neuralink. Musk is right about becoming a cyborg if you want an active part in the labour of this century's economy.

RE: Why

Unfortunately it will lead to a situation where most people are not worth employing. You'll have the Uber drivers and a small group of very elite workers, not much in the middle. The middle skilled and middle incomed disappear.

Where will be then is a humanity where the majority of income is a form of rent. Landlords and shareholders, the only way to make money is by owning assets. Technology creates the wealth. And perhaps we all need to be made shareholders in the stock market. Everybody must become a capitalist as labour, for the most part, goes extinct.

RE: Why

And then there's technology which drives down the price of most things. Before the pandemic we were printing money in tandem with the pace of change to stave off deflation. The cost of most things would have plunged between 2008 and 2020 if there was a policy of tight money. But such a policy would be no good for house and share prices. What society has done is try to raise prices for a long time, and lend the ordinary person the difference so that those who own property and shares win out over everyone.

Fast forward to 2020 and the above mentality goes into overdrive. The printing of money far, far outstripping any productivity gains we get from technology. The response now will be to increase the rate of technological change. It'll be the only way to maintain house prices.

This is a list of forum posts created by ChesneyChrist.

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