Its the end as we know it

Tell me about it Hugz, its crazy, the main news is carrying the weather forecast as the main headlinelaugh and all the main airports are closed already, with most trains cancelled or running delayed. Bulletins are being posted on all the media asking people to make sure their journey in the morning is necessary. Its a bloody joke, I could understand if it was a couple of feet but is just 2 inches at the moment with a further 6 predicted by this time tomorrow.

But you have to laugh, it's the best way to stay warmlaugh

Its the end as we know it

I got stuck at Dublin airport a few years ago Dru,cause of a freak snowstorm, they only had one snow plough, by the time it reached the end of the runway the snow was too deep at the other endrolling on the floor laughing

Still could have been worse, at least the Guinness was flowing well.

This country only has to get an inch of snow and its total panic, can you imagine my surprise when i was in Canada in a town calle Jasper when the snow arrived, I was expecting panic as usual, but no. everyone just got on with their lives just as normal, took me a while to adjust but soon learnt how to cope.grin

Its the end as we know it

Tomorrow (here in the UK)its monday, and the whole of London will be brought to a shuddering stop, no shops open, no banks to return the unused notes from a quiet weekend, no coffee shops to warm your hands and feet in, no trains, no plane no cars

What, you ask has caused this empty cold and desolate place.

Water, yes that right water has brought one of the greatest capitols to its knees,

Mind you, its a special type of water.

2 inches of white fresh snow.

So remember, we can create test tube babies, we can send object to the moon and get the back, we can accelerate a neutron particle at the speed of light, but give us some snow and the whole flipping place disintegrates.

RE: children

There is no excuse for what your mother did, that is not being a parent, but that is an extreme, what is being suggested here is not abandoning children at a whim, we are saying that you can have time to yourself, by getting a babysitter/childminder etc, and that any potential partner would see what kind of life you had and offer to help you within that life. With regards to the OP, if she met the right person maybe she would actually find that sharing the burden she carries regarding her children and her ex would actually ease her pain and give a relief she so obviously needs.

RE: children

Hmmm trickey debate, as an absent father I see both sides, I would have to say I have and will always put my children first, but, there has to be "you time", I was seeing someone once who complained that we only ever met during weekday evenings, as I was busy with my children at weekends, so I invited her to join us at a canoeing event my son was doing, we had a great time both my kids accepted her as Dads friend, and she was bril with my son who can be painfully shy.
The point I'm making is that sommer is right, you will always put your kids first, it's what parents do, but you can also have a life outside of the nursery. As long as your honest and upfront with all concerned.


No offence intended Hugz but that's naive conjecture, we all would like to see that, but this is a war zone.

What I would like to see is leaders passing out the medical and food supplies that have been sent over, for the leaders to show they are willing to put down their arms and stop intimidation, To see the leaders actually sit down and discuss a peace treaty as leaders of a peaceful people.

When that occurs, all of your wishes will become viable, and I would bet that the Israelis will be heavily involved in rebuilding Palestine, if for no reason than to appease their own guilt in the destruction they caused in their protection of their own citizens.

RE: Things that make me go hmmmmm...........

People who say "If I were you I wouldn't do that"

If I was him I wouldn't need to do it in the first placedoh

RE: Men Jokes

Sorry I dispute that one, I change the roll regularly,

I have to as balancing it on the edge of the bath, it always falls into the water.


Lovely, great post Drew, had me in stitches, thumbs up


In addition to my last post

If I thought for one moment that Israelis were fighting Palestinians just because they were Muslim OR ARAB I would disassociate my self from them as well.


Yet Hamas, and their followers are doing just as you say, which you CONDONE, Reuters today have shown that Palestinian missiles have been fired into Israel, casing injury to 3 people one a civilian, but but your reckoning, thats ok because he's a JEW, what an awful awful belief, I don't wish to be associated with anyone who thinks that killing is right, you can have your opinion Hugz, but two wrongs never have and never will make a right and to believe that its okay for Hamas or whoever to kill and maim other humans because they are Jews is just abhorrent.

RE: Is there a better alternative than Internet Explorer ????

I have been using firefox since ver 1, and love it, never had a problem, downloads can be a pain I agree, but I use opera if I want to download, Opera is great little prog, just not as easy to use as firefox, and I love the widgets you can add, I have the aquarium, gives hours of pleasure lol.


Whats sudden about my statement, what facts have I turned around.

Yet again you prove you are so wrapped up in one-upmanship you never actually read posts of those that oppose your arguments

I have stated quiet clearly, in many posts that I believe that Israel has full right to be in place behind the green lines. However if those on the other side insist on sending missiles into Israel, then they can only expect to be pushed further away from the border so any further attacks will fall short of killing innocent women and children.
As for word games, I have never plagiarised, never stolen other peoples written word, if I do cut and post, I do so by acknowledging the source. And I ask permission if its required, although in this forum it has not been necessary as the only cut and past I have done was an open letter. In more than one case your copied rhetoric has stated quiet clearly that permission is required to reproduce any or all, I very much doubt that was sought let alone granted.


There is a lot to what you say Tater, but this conflict is split between religion and greed, yes the Arab world want to be rid of Jews, that's a given. My fear though, is that the fanatical Islam world will group together, will attack Israel in force and it will result in world war 3, which in turn will become a repeat of the crusades, Christian against Muslim, the whole western world will be dragged into it, we need to learn from history not keep repeating it ad infinitum, the crusades were holy wrong, the Knights Templar did the most inhumane atrocities in the name of Christianity,rather than quoting all the bad things we need to learn that killing is not the answer, that two, three, four whatever number, of religions can live side by side without creating friction.
Someone on this forum said that having a school assembly was offensive and that if some wanted to pray they should go outside and do it, thats just intolerance, I have no problem with those who pray to God,Allah,Buddha or any other idol they believe in, all I ask is that they leave me to follow my own belief.

The conflict in Gaza and Israel is of paramount importance to the whole world, not because of what has taken place, but, what may take place in the future if peace is unattainable.



When hundreds of hamas soldiers start opposing a form of legal occupation, and use methods of oppressive conduct and inhuman treatment to Israelis, something truly is happening that goes further to the right of protecting there own country.

Anyone questioning that, does not know what is going on!


Do you actually have an opinion or can you only steal words from internet sources.

Note:Reproduction of material from any AlterNet pages without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Hope you got the permissionrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing laugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing


I also like sources that are the truth, but when people refuse to even acknowledge that the post has relevance to the thread I give up, there is no point in trying to state a point when its just dismissed out of hand by people so blinkered is unreal.

I have posted many times that I disagree with the tactics used on BOTH side yet you specifically always ignore that and just post more propaganda to support your argument rather than seek a peaceful settlement.Not once have you openly condemned the actions of hamas, or posted any information showing the murders they have committed. Your whole view on this can be summed up as Palestine and hamas are in the right and never do wrong, Israel is always wrong and never does right.

Your only input has been to annihilate Israel and put everyone into one basket, a situation that would never work and you know it. So by your own premise, you want Israel to disappear, and to hell with all the peaceful and genuine Jewish people who live there, when you accept that Palestinians and hamas in particular have only one thing in mind and thats to rid the world of Jews then maybe we can have a realistic discussion, until then I just sit back and laugh at your attempts to discredit a much maligned and badly treated people.

As I have said so often on these threads, I believe in balanced discussions, not biased in any direction. Neither you or I are politicians involved in this conflict, we have no idea what is really taking place in the background and as such its a very foolish person who takes sides on hearsay, better to have an open mind and try and see both sides of the argument.


Hugs, HF
Have you eve wondered why there is so much stuff on the internet backing your argument, I mean just google “anti Israel “ and there are thousands of pages, why?

Google “support Israel” and there is a fraction of the results.

When someone is not in the wrong, they don’t need to keep printing billions of pages of drivel and propaganda, they don’t have anything to prove

It is the job of the one’s desperate to prove that black is white who have to make all the pages so that the gullible will cut and paste for hours on end proving that black is white.

Ironic, then that in the scheme of things, none of you really care what is happening in Gaza or Israel or Palestine. For me only real importance is that of the future, that no more lives are wasted on any side and that a peaceful settlement is made. Unlikely when there are so many who enjoy the bickering and one-upmanship rather than an end to it all.

RE: Whats your favorite smell?

laugh laugh laugh thumbs up

Get a child to open it, seems they're designed to confuse those over 35

RE: Oh Wise Ones, calling the Wise Ones....

In answer to your first question, because the IM on CS is cr*p, its just the way it's been written, a very poor means of communication if you ask me, but, most IMs on forums work in the same way so I guess there is no real solution other than to put up with it, I never use this IM, prefer to use Yahoo or MSN, I created an msn account purely to exchange chats with members of dating sites. That way I can still have some anonymity.

RE: A subject that I have always thought was incorrectly termed

I can't agree with that sentiment, I wish no ill to any of my ex's, in fact I am best friends with them.

When a loving relationship dissolves, there is a grieving, similar to that of loosing someone to death, love is not like jealousy, which can be controlled, love is an uncontrollable emotion, we don't choose who or why we fall in love, it just happens, sometimes that love is returned, which creates more uncontrollable emotion.

It is no more selfish to feel loss at the lend of a relationship than to feel joy at the beginning.


RE: A subject that I have always thought was incorrectly termed

Love is such a deep deep emotion, it stems from your very being your soul, when the love is taken away your soul screams out in agony at its loss, as it's an intangiable thing, you can't comfort a crying soul, can't hug a soul and say all will be ok.
That emotional stress has to get release, it does so by gripping your stomach, by making your heart beat faster and puts stress into the whole body.

Remember Sommer, when you were at the airport, and saw him for the first time? What was your heart doing at that moment, it was beating so fast you had to catch your breath,maybe it also does the same when that emotion has been destroyed.

A broken heart is a euphemism for a broken soul.

RE: Dia dhuit

No,no one would hate, thats only what that lad interpreted from the response he got from those who were bothered by the way he treated the English language.

If we all started to speak and write like him then the whole richness and variety of English would be lost, forever.

RE: The Morning After.......Paper Bag Needed

Great thread guys, really entertainingrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: The Morning After.......Paper Bag Needed

Easy Solution, take her with you, she can clean hers at the same timeblushing wink

RE: The Morning After.......Paper Bag Needed

The more messed up she looks, the quicker the memories of the night before come back, and then it kicks off all over againgrin

RE: President Obama's new dress code... jacket on or jacket off

thumbs up

RE: I wish they made a drinking glass that did not leak.

Just common sense really, just concertina the thought process into your brain and your ready to go.

May take a bit of squeezing in if theres too much rubbish already in there, but soaking your head in hot water often allows debris to wash out. I believe its called caterpillar action grin

RE: President Obama's new dress code... jacket on or jacket off

Who cares what he wears? If he sorts out the problems that America has he can walk around nekkid for all I careangel

RE: I wish they made a drinking glass that did not leak.

No silly thats condescension, condensation is what you do when you crush a cola can flat

This is a list of forum posts created by rizlared.

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