You Don’t Understand Us

Yes, I know that we have given up trying to understand women a long time ago but that does not mean that you have to give up just as easily. We are more predictable than women and it is not that hard to understand us. professor

We are fragile creatures; not nearly as robust as women and therefore we need constant attention and reassurances, otherwise we sulk. Whereas women compare well with stoves that can be moved and shoved around at will, we are more like computers; we need to be handled with extreme care or our hard drives will crash. With this being said, remember that we don’t come with any sort of a factory guarantee. sigh

We are not good at multi-tasking; don’t tell us to fix the leaking tap while there is another job (like mowing the lawn) in progress or still pending. Our job queues can only accommodate one request at a time. And never repeat a request; that may be perceived as nagging and we will probably hang or go into a flat spin. For the best results, phrase your requests in such a way that we may think it was our own idea in the first place. idea

We are not good liars and are caught out every time; accept that we are not nearly as fluent in this department as you are. At least pretend to believe us some of the time. We need that confidence to develop this skill to an acceptable level. mumbling

We need plenty of sex; not just any sex – quality sex. We are insecure and we need to know that you needed it as much as we did. If you have to fake, do it with enthusiasm; we don’t want to feel as if you did it to do us a favor. You don’t want to know what social disorders can spawn from insecurity in our sex lives. It is not that we want it, we need it. Besides, you need to get on-line with a brain at regular intervals as well. devil

We are extremely sensitive; don’t yell at us. If you really need to send us to hell, do it in such a way that we can actually look forward to going there. We need to feel important and you should consciously work on it to maintain us in that frame of mind or we may stagnate. stuck

We are not good with dates; minor details like birthdays and anniversaries can very easily pass without us noticing it. It will be prudent to work important dates into the conversation regularly, starting a week or two before the big date so we can have enough time to think about a suitable gift. Some unsubtle hints will be helpful as we're not very good at that either. doh

There are many other things that are also important but I don’t want to go there now as you may think that we are full of shìt. Nevertheless, you will be surprised with how much you can achieve by getting these few things right. Just a little understanding is all you need to get the best out of us. It’s not that difficult, is it? grin
cats meow cats meow

You don’t have to pay me for this valuable advice. I render it as a free service in order to promote a better understanding between males and females. grin

Have a wonderful day!! wave
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Comments (36)

I couldn’t agree more cat....but eating something is vital.....nom nom nom tongue
I have my Arty wrapped around my little finger.....devil

Catfoot applause hug
Hi rough,
i suppose if the action you described can be seen as eating, then yes. And I still fail where the blowing comes it. It could be disastrous.laugh
But will you still recognize him? Now that he's a year older.dunno

By the way, tell him I said happy birthday. applause
If only it was this easy all the time .
Hi Annlee
Oh but it is, You only need a little understanding. And we are such lovable things when we are happy.laugh
The main problem, Cat, is that you men think that's what you want, but you're wrong. You don't know what you really want. No man I ever met knows what he needs, just what he thinks he wants.

The happy man is the one with the woman who is giving him what he needs and making him think he is getting what he wants.

If that was easy, we'd all be happy ...


And I'm not man-bashing in any way. Women tend to be just as bad scold
Give a woman a car, credit card, purse full of cash, shopping malls, coffee shops, and she will be bored before the day is out.

Give a man a dozen beer, can of beans, and a lighter and he will be occupied for the day.

Men are simpler.
hi Biff,
You see, it is exactly as I said. You don't understand us. We know what we want but we cannot express those desires because very soon some woman will come come around to tell us that we actually need something completely different.laugh
Good post cat, I agree with you . I didn't realise just how complex men are until I started dating again.
Same problem that Ekself experiences. Whenever I employ this dry South-African humor, most people takes it seriously. It is as if people cannot see when I take the mickey out of myself. you just save my sanity..laugh
I get Ek's humour too grin

I think that you should enter (canned laughter) after sentences for the others devil
I love reading her blogs.laugh
Canned laughter? What an innovative idea. Does it come in bottles or cans.

Stupid questiondoh

You did say canned.
Hi Angel,
Maybe by then we'd be able to make our own women too, but I guess until then we're stuck with each other. rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Catfoot wave Well said and I have nothing to add.

I am starting to understand why I am single. cheers
Nah! It will be too much for Google to enter all that, into there computer basic info ....drinking
Hi Wen
it's not your fault. It's them who don't want to understand us.laugh

Well! If you agree with this. We will never get married!...confused
Don't worry Angel,
Maybe one day soon. Google is getting better every day. mind you, i don't need Google, my girlfriend knows everythinglaugh
people don't get married after living together in sin for almost five years.laugh
@ Angel, please don't give up on me you know how I feel moping

@ Catfoot, good to hear that handshake
No Problrm Wen'
That's what friends are for.laugh
Wenever And I, Don't Live Together!

He live There, And I Live Over There. duh!.....roll eyes

( If You Keep Agreeing With Catfoot)

scold We Will Never Be Together!
But I was not refering to Wn at all.rolling on the floor laughing
I was just practicing philosophy..professor
laugh rolling on the floor laughing

roll eyes.....You Always! Lying.
Very funny Cat... and very true! thumbs up laugh I enjoyed the read.

But.... I DO understand men and this is why I prefer to be alone... or work with animals (horses and dogs) wink
But Angel,
that's what blogs are for.grin
Hi Daniela
I'm glad you found it funny; most people took it very serious. the blog did not go the way I intended at all.laugh
that's the part that hurts. they know these things and still they won't compensate. I mean if you know your little brother cannot walk fast, you carry him, don't you?laugh
rolling on the floor laughing Cat.
I will get out the zimmer frame for ye roll eyes
Hi Molly,
Back with us? You were saying...grin
I'll take the 4 wheel job. then I just need somebody to push me around. Should really get a wheelchair but this looks better.doh
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

About this Blog

created Dec 2017
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Dec 2017
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