God...fact or fiction? ( Archived) (926)

Dec 1, 2007 11:42 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
EastbayRayEastbayRayLimassol, Cyprus10 Threads 1 Polls 781 Posts
But I find that since ‘we can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God’, on what sufficient grounds can one therefore assert oneself an Atheist? It can only be evidence weighing heavily on one side of the scale of argument, but – the element of doubt STILL exists because of the insufficient totality of the grounds!

Therefore one still asserts the non-existence of God on SUBJECTIVE grounds and not purely OBjective ones.

For an understanding of the necessity of sufficient grounds in subjective considerations lending themselves to assertions one must read ‘The Four-Fold Root’ of the principle as expounded most excellently by Dr Arthur Schopenhauer.

I am INDEED an intellect!

O how many Atheists upon whose path I have come who refute the existence of God on the basis of the existence of suffering in the world and the genetic unfairness of which I have above alluded to (not that Charlos is one of these).

However, nevertheless, God does not show favouritism to believers anymore than to Atheists. If indeed to anyone.

God does not show favouritism!!!

Debating whether God is fact or fiction is not asinine (it only becomes so when we are hit with dogmatic grounds proposed as proofs, whether for or against God as fact/fiction); in fact I gave the conclusion some several pages ago and it is an irrefutable fact: the conclusion to this thread is clearly (yawn) that God can neither be proved or disproved on any sufficient given grounds, therefore this element of doubt [which exists in both propositions for and against god] even if all else under subjective consideration is given AS certainty, owing to the element of doubt as the insufficient reason in the totality of the given grounds, really leaves even the most devout believer in the end as an Agnostic.

People believed the world was flat until someone went out and proved it was round. Because of DOUBT. Because he questioned what was given as a certainty on insufficient grounds!

Like God – but, moreover, like the NATURE of God.

What was it again that great sceptic who philosophised all that dogma stifling the learned world away with a hammer, said again? Oh, yes!!!: ‘I am no man: I am DYNAMITE!’

And the people I have referred to as blockheads, dullards and fools, have been the people who have come on this thread and attacked intellectuals and academics like Trish who actually BELIEVES in a God per se:

‘Are you capable of a single original thought with your brain, YOUR brain?, evidently not from the answers you have given’ etc.

Now I know you apologized for this, and Trish accepts that - but I do not side with anyone who attacks the learned. Ever.

The question of this thread asks for proof to back up God's existence or non-existence;

Almost every stout believer (in the form of a religious nut) has just attacked any attempt to disprove god while not expounding any proofs: this attack is proposed as the proof.

And some absolute bloody idiot drew up a tally showing that most believe in god as ‘proof’ (sufficient grounds) that god exists. Haha. That Gnome, I believe.

Well, indeed the majority believed the world was flat!!! And that was no sufficient proof that the world was!!!

And I say all THIS, of all things, as a believer IN 'God'.

Albeit . . . as a deeply irreligious one. devil
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Dec 1, 2007 1:18 PM CST God...fact or fiction?
wanderinggnomewanderinggnomeBelle Fourche, South Dakota USA5 Threads 688 Posts

Yes leatboyroy, I am still here, denying you the much coveted 'last word'.

The tally was not offered as a 'proof', just thought all might appreciate an update. I of course made sure to count you as a believer.

Please tell me that Charles Manson is not considered in the same learned society as Schopenhauer!
If so then, pity those studying with you. Manson is the breathing definition of a sociopath. The only reason you have read his words is that he managed to perform deeds so revolting that he has become a one man psychological freak show. Because of misguided intelects such as yours he WAS released from prison, and again because of the elite intellectual minds he was spared execution. And to further burden your elite society, he is allowed to propagate his 'intellectual' vomit upon mankind.

All credit to you,,,indeed!
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Dec 1, 2007 2:03 PM CST God...fact or fiction?
mindffulmindffulChicago, Illinois USA235 Threads 8 Polls 18,996 Posts
ive only read this page but i agree w/ most of what you just said

a sociopath profound

he is the reason laws are being passed denying 'free speech' to prisons
it co signs someone else to ramp up their own sickness

this is an age old 'debate' and boring boring boring
you cannot necessarily provide facts for something that even atheists agree is experiential

so there is little to debate

i am however tired of being persecuted for discussing my experience strength and hope
altho i neednt worry as it was said somewhere that this would come to pass and viola!

christians and 'fat' people-
the last to be openly discriminated against w/o reprimand...
any other bigotry is wrong but these are so frickin intellectually based


bite me
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Dec 1, 2007 7:11 PM CST God...fact or fiction?
countryboy67countryboy67Kingston, Tennessee USA10 Threads 186 Posts
Well, all I can say is that we have differing views on the age of the earth. The timeline in the Bible indicates about 6000 years, give or take a few. As a wiccan, I would not expect you to believe the Bible. However, that doesn't change the fact that it is accurate about history, or that it provides scientific anologies years before mankinds feeble minds discovered them. Perhaps the reason we are so ready to dismiss the Bible these days is the mention, particularly in the old testament, of so many miracles and extraordinary things that God wrought. Jesus carried on this tradition in the new testament, healing the sick, raising the dead, so that our modern minds either dismiss it or believe it to be the work of some magician, or slight of hand specialist. But I see too many threads of truth in the Bible to dismiss it. There were no pre-historic men, no millions of years old anything, unless God created it that way. Carbon dating, and other forms more recent, are fairly accurate, I'm sure. All that means to me is that God created a planet millions of years old. Thank you for your contributions to the thread, and may blessings fall upon you.peace
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Dec 1, 2007 7:16 PM CST God...fact or fiction?
Why was there a need to create a planet millions of years old,6000 years ago???? And a Flat One at that!
rolling on the floor laughing confused grin
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Dec 1, 2007 7:28 PM CST God...fact or fiction?
countryboy67countryboy67Kingston, Tennessee USA10 Threads 186 Posts

This post is not to judge, incite anger, or condemn anyone, so please do not take it that way. Throughout this thread,

there have been many speculations and few facts. In this post I offer you the proof of God you seek.

1. Pray

2. Admit, or confess to God that you are a sinner (we all are).

3. Repent of your sins.

4. Accept the Lord Jesus as your personal saviour.

If you do these things, you will find the proof of God you seek. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth* in Him shall not perish,but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." From the gospel of John, chapter three, verses sixteen and seventeen.

*trusts, relies on

For any questions, thumper bashing, got to h$%&s, or anything else, feel free to email me here on CS.

hug hug hug peace
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Dec 1, 2007 8:48 PM CST God...fact or fiction?
CloudofFaeriesCloudofFaeriesImrryr, Florida USA32 Posts
I've met 'God'. I even think my friend has a picture of him doing dishes....lol
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Dec 1, 2007 9:33 PM CST God...fact or fiction?
crazedangel89crazedangel89VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia USA41 Threads 441 Posts
it has had the result that it does b/c when it first started out poeple were killed to be made examples of the convert or die thing or they were tortured until they converted. they struck fear into people and converting. come on lets face it it is either convert or spend the rest of enturnity in the firery pits of hell. now which sounds better?? and heres something for ya most of christianity themes comes from paganism/wicca.
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Dec 2, 2007 8:50 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
EastbayRayEastbayRayLimassol, Cyprus10 Threads 1 Polls 781 Posts
‘And to further burden your elite society, he is allowed to propagate his 'intellectual' vomit upon mankind.’

Thank God they ARE ‘allowed’ !!!!!!!!

His words – and the fact that they are thankfully available as opposed to suppressed - do not further burden our ‘elite society’, but rather help us to study and further understand why people turn out this way.

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Dec 2, 2007 9:00 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
EastbayRayEastbayRayLimassol, Cyprus10 Threads 1 Polls 781 Posts
This is what you get in reply from someone who actually understands this endeavour as appose to someone who, I would like to say DOES not, but rather must admit 'CANNOT'.
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Dec 2, 2007 9:01 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
EastbayRayEastbayRayLimassol, Cyprus10 Threads 1 Polls 781 Posts
And this . . .
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Dec 2, 2007 1:24 PM CST God...fact or fiction?
wanderinggnomewanderinggnomeBelle Fourche, South Dakota USA5 Threads 688 Posts
Hey thanks for the spell check there Bub, I'll try to return the favor next time you screw up.
Unfortunately I can't get the 'intellect check to work on your posts, it keeps coming up negative.

Are you so sure I have not been to a university? I make no claims. Show me your transcript and I'll show you mine.

finally in regards to the lack of respect you percieve, you have to give it to get it, kiddo.


Did we hurt little eastBABYray's feelings?

C'mon everybody
Give him a hug!
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Dec 2, 2007 1:44 PM CST God...fact or fiction?
wanderinggnomewanderinggnomeBelle Fourche, South Dakota USA5 Threads 688 Posts
I wish to accept this title from His Most High Pooobah of Idiocy Incarnate with a humble acknowledgement that without his most idiotic philosophy, this honor would not have come to me.

I can easily understand your fascination With Charlie, he is one of your intellectual equals- you truly speak the same language. Charly is what you crave, a man with no responsibility to society, yet all his physical needs are met. Free to think his thoughts and spew his philosophy of self proclaimed superioirity garbage. With his self justification to back it, of course he is a role model for you. Confess, you wish you had it as good as Charlie.

Glad to see you came up with something besides 'dullard, and blockhead kid.

But seriously, always remember what the t shirt says
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Dec 3, 2007 9:38 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
So why negate our Mind,our only basic Tool of Survival,with Blind Faith?
doh peace
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Dec 3, 2007 9:40 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
EuphoEuphoWild Wild South West, England UK49 Threads 12 Polls 6,581 Posts
I'm sooo surprised this thread is still going..

No one is going to change anyone else's mind. dunno
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Dec 3, 2007 9:48 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
KaraokeKidKaraokeKidSteens, Mississippi USA1 Threads 19 Posts
Yes, there is a God! And he lives within my heart. If you spend as much time with nature as I have, you will see too many things for them to be accidents of a big bang without some higher power. You can call me names and try to despute what I know with meaningless facts. I will not hate you for that. But you cannot destroy my faith with anything that you might say!
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Dec 3, 2007 10:02 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
countryboy67countryboy67Kingston, Tennessee USA10 Threads 186 Posts
Sometimes, faith is the only thing that keeps us going. What we choose to have faith in is up to us. Blind faith can be dangerous, I suppose, but I feel I have a good sight on what I have faith in, don't you, in what you have faith in, be it yourself, your government (God, forbid), or whatever you have chosen? Make no mistake, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything for my own benefeit, rather for theirs. I can't tell someone what to believe, the same way they can't tell me what to believe. But, as I've said before, beliefs are a dangerous thing. They are set in stone most times, and people are willing to do anything to preserve them, even kill, or die! I think ideas are better, because ideas can change, improve if you will. I have an idea that a supreme being, commonly identified as the God of Abraham but called by many names, created us in love. I have an idea that mankind rebeled against this being, and was condemned, because of a sinful nature stirred up by a fallen angel named Lucifer. I have an idea that God, in His expotentail wisdom and out of His love for us, gave the perfect sacrifice one time, His only begotton Son, Jesus, so that the stain of sin could be erased without a trace by His perfect blood. This idea has only gotten better and stronger as I try to walk closer with Him, emulate Him, and present Him to the world as best I can. I'm not perfect, but I do have an idea that I am forgiven, and that's what counts, at least to me. My best wishes to you all in all your endeavors!peace
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Dec 3, 2007 10:14 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
mindffulmindffulChicago, Illinois USA235 Threads 8 Polls 18,996 Posts
some people should look up what it says about prosyletizing (sp)

it has an offensive not attractive result and we're not to do it
for that reason.

anyone notice the OP has vanished?

im here and have never had 38 pagesrolling on the floor laughing

attraction not promotion-thats an A-1 designthumbs up

as not all have the gift of teaching...
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Dec 3, 2007 10:14 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
Hope you have a Good 24!
joy smile tip hat
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Dec 3, 2007 10:14 AM CST God...fact or fiction?
countryboy67countryboy67Kingston, Tennessee USA10 Threads 186 Posts
That was a lovely, lucid, well thought retort! Thank you, and good luck at physical therapy!applause
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