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Most Commented Political / Social Poems (810)

Here is a list of Political / Social Poems ordered by Most Commented, posted by members. Read poetry, post your own poems or comments. Poems on these pages are copyrighted © by the authors who entered them. Click here to post a poem.


ALI (float, sting)

where did you go?
Your fallen crown, your resurrect,
your voice so strong,
lost to the restraint
of misbegotten fate.
We, your progeny
remember: ALI
your blood and spate and voice
that flew about
(float like a butterfly)
Ali, your chin was strong, and stern
your black, proud
your fist a terror frozen, high
(sting like a bee)
your fight much bigger
than the tiny square
you danced as if
there were no rules, no doubt
as if you never knew regret.
You gave each one of us
a little bit of free.

in Africa (they chanted beyume)
you danced a legendary
fought the boundaries
of hate, the rot of prejudice, you knew
no shame, you spoke in proud, your chin
was strong, your fist flew straight
and always, high
we heard your voice, we saw
you rise and never fall,
Ali, we won't forget.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2011
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A Bubble of Poison Gas

Why does it feel like the earth is a’ bloating
A planet inflating by a bubble of poison gas
Just look around see the sickly refuse floating
All around covering seas with human frass
Stand on a mountain stained with a coating
Painted by swirling clouds of acid rain pass
Wealthy oil baron’s crude and sleazy gloating
Pumping and burning ancient life they trespass
All across the land and sea we’re demoting
The life where all common creatures amass
Is there any profit in life worth promoting?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 2011
About this poem:
One planet for us all...lets all save it!!
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Dracula Moon...

In the shadows of the moon hides the ancient reptile,
Blood-starved eyes watching, biding its time,
Just waiting for you to make a mistake,
Any mistake will do...

I’ve asked myself the question a thousand times,
Why does the reptile prey upon us?
After all, it has everything, and I mean everything,
All the material wealth belongs to it,
All the lands, all the gold, all the silver, the brain-washing tool, ooops, I mean the ‘entertainment media’,
Why? Why? Why does the ancient reptile prey on us,
Hiding in the silhouette of its own Dracula moon?

I don’t at all claim to know the answers,
But one thing I do know,
The reptile knows nothing of pure, mother-love,
The reptile knows nothing of authentic friendship,
The reptile knows nothing of the joy of serving a fellow-being,
The reptile knows nothing about authentic peace of mind,
Thus, bereft of love, joy, and peace,
It literally tries in vain, to vicariously usurp what it can via preying on the innocents...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2011
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A Week in Bkk

Djs and event organizers
Photographers, great friends and models
Expats, backpackers and few teachers
What else would we want to do
In the city of angels?

Mondays are for Mexican buffet
Tuesdays are for Reggae
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Ohh I love, booze is free
Ladies in the house, so plenty

Then Friday comes when my dear friend Dee
Comes to town with her DJ hubby
the real party begins at Glow
stops at 3, then to Narz or Shock we go.

Saturday morning is for Him alone,
As I dressed up to go of my own
No friends, no smoke, no booze
A quiet moment I fear to lose.

As I pray and confess my sins away
Let me be a good person, everyday
From these temptations, strengthen me
Even if it means pollution-free.

But after the sun sets, its Sunday
the phone, I can’t stay away
as I mutter a prayer or two
forgive me ohhh Lord, I will go :)

a week of buffet and reggae
and ladies nights with girlfriends
the clubbing and getting pissed
and a wonderful time to confess
round in circles, I didnt seek,
my life in Bangkok every week.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
About this poem:
its my weekly life in Bangkok, a routine I can alter but refused not to, yet somehow leaves me a choice to not go.
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A mother kisses her only son,
as she lays him down to sleep
in a cardboard box near the edge of town.
She prays his life to keep.

She covers him in oil rags
to keep his body warm.
His feet are wrapped in plastic bags
to keep them dry in the storm.

The child holds a teddy bear
that he found along side the road.
In this great big town where nobody cares
it gives him comfort and lightens his load.

The city mission turned them away,
overcrowded every night.
They beg for scraps during the day,
mother won't give up the fight.

People scurry past the pair
and push them out of the way.
The little boy gives a saddened stare
but a word he does not say.

In the dead of night, a mother's cry
but no one seems to care.
The city continues to walk on by....
May you rest in peace with your bear.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 2010
About this poem:
I am a poet and a songwriter. I write things in poems that can not be written effectively in a song. Most of my poetry is darker like this one.

This poem is not inspired by personal experience of any kind. I wrote this poem to point out the lack of caring that we seem to have for our fellow humans.

When you walk down the street and you see a homeless person, what is your first thought? Bum? Alcoholic? Freeloader? Lazy?
These are just labels we use to excuse our own lack of compassion.
How about showing sympathy? If a homeless person asks you for money for a burger or slice of pizza, how bout taking him to a fast food pizza joint or McDonalds and buying him a meal. You would be amazed how doing something so small and inexpensive can make you feel knowing that you have helped to make a difference to someone who due to circumstances you don't know have put them down on their luck.
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angry voices

A while back I posted a blog titled "To Dream". It drew a number of responses but few words were shared on the original theme of the entry which was that all peoples are valuable, important, and loved. I blame myself for that as I opined on the conduct of the U.S. over the years which led to the muddling of the issue of who were the victims at Mumbai India. A heated debate began on the causes of terrorrism. Folks arguing politics on a blog. Tempers flaring. Fingers pointing blame. Patronizing tones. Name calling. Insults. Hurt feelings.
One friend remarked to me that I had "opened up a can of worms". I shan't jump into the fray, however, I would like to share my thoughts on the matter. I believe that we must say what we wish and share that platform with all voices. Only true discourse aids us along our journey of discovery and is our only hope of lessening the gulf between us. Too many folks seem bent on finding someone or something to blame. Thus avoiding any responsibility to help solve problems and trying to find possible solutions. With their excoriating tones they only exascerbate divisions already in place, exasperating the problems moreso. I think that we should allow and encourage all to air their views. We can learn and perhaps somewhat understand the others viewpoint. If lucky, maybe we could arrive at a small compromise. We are all humbugs to someone. It just depends on who's seat you're in. It may be prudent, for those that question the character of people from different backgrounds, to remember the old saying "walk a mile in my shoes". Subjectivity reigns. There will never be human synthesis. We're all individual. People don't always have to know who or what caused a difficulty to find a workable solution. We must never lose sight of our common bond of humanity and of our love for one another. The only people you should want to get even with are those who have helped you. Most world leaders share the same bed with the moneychangers, as in they use their power to further their own ends. They are the true helmsmen that steer the vessel of international policy. It is never they that have become burdened in debt. Nor has any of their own blood been spilled in their glorious crusade. No, it is always the common citizen who pays the price of filling the purses of those at the top. We've become lemmings fed on propaganda and led by patriotism. As we all know, time is the healer of all wounds and usually must be given its' just due before true enlightenment showers down upon us soothing our damaged hearts.
We need a hard rain...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jul 2010
About this poem:
an old write...only poetic in the sense of the value of freedom of expression...something we all treasure...
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The past leaves its marks
The future, unknowable
What we have is now.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2010
About this poem:
Seems to be Haiku day...
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Happygolucky4uonline today!

The Night

When the darkness covers the streets.
And families are safe in bed.
Out comes the people of the night.
A world all their own.
They don't care for the light of day.
Or the structured lives some live.
With beer in hand and laughter on faces.
They are here for the night.
Come take a walk with me.
Don't be scared not all are bad.
There on the corner is MaryJo.
Selling her wares so to speak.
She use to live among us in the day light.
Was married three children that she loves.
Her hubby cheated thought it hurt no one.
I don't think he was right.
Now MaryJo belongs to the night.
See the old man standing there.
Almost as dark as the night himself.
Once he had it all. A loving family a great job.
But he looked for an answer to something in his past.
He looked in the bottom of a bottle. But it was not there to find.
He belongs to the night still looking one bottle at a time.
The young girl on the corner there.
Tells herself no one really cares.
Strung out on the dope. Living a life of no hope.
Another that belongs to the night.
The thing that bothers me.
Is that I am comfortable with all I see.
I was born a child of the night.
So this life is all right.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2010
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The biology of belief...

The biology of belief...
By Bruce Lipton...

"the evolution of human civilization is self-similar to the evolution of a single giant organism. We humans are the cells in that ' social' organism. The relevance is that human civilization will evolve through the phases that characterized the evolution of animals, Human civilization will go through evolutionary phases that are redundant to previous evolution patterns. For example, in the evolution of vertebrate animals, the pattern provided for fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, an evolutionary jump occurred between each of these major classes of organisms, Civilization is in the process of such a jump now, as we are evolving from a reptilian-based civilization to a mammalian-based civilization. The intellectual character of our culture's leadership is currently most similar to that of reptilian behavior. And yet more advanced mammalian characters yourself and myself are in the process of rewriting a new blueprint for civilization, different from the way we are living now. Reptiles are 'conscious,' and do not express the trait of 'self-consciousness.' What that means is that they live for the moment but they have no conception or vision about how their actions today affect civilization tomoorow.
LG: Not much abstract thinking in that state of being.
BL: A perfect example is our going to war in Iraq , without even considering what the consequences of the war will lead to six weeks later. We fought the war without even a notion of how to deal with the population when the war is over. That is an excellent example of reptilian thinking. A mammalian civilization is a very different one because the character of mammals is that they are nurturers. Nurturing means to 'take care of things so that the future will be better.' Mammalian civilization would be focused upon taking care of the planet, while the current reptilian government, like dinosaurs, are raping the planet for what they need at the moment with no consideration of how their actions affect the future.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2010
About this poem:
With thanks to Bruce Lipton, a beacon of light in a morass of darkness...
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Truth Be Told

Truth be told,

They've had AN EYE on the world,

Since all the possibilities arose.

An endless knot sounds unassuming.

Line-upon-line made for grooming.

The possibilities,

What could they be?

We're employed by the possibilities

And none of us free!

Our vices marketed against us at will.

How long WILL we take it?

How many MORE will it kill?

Elements, Vices, Virtues, and SENSES.

Enlightenment at first seems a breath of fresh air,

Awakened from the sleep of who cares.

Until telling the truth feels like a.....

Scorpley - May 29th 2008
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Oct 2009
About this poem:
hmmm... I could tell you, but then I would have to hit you over the head with a scull and cross bones!! ;~)
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