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Most Commented Political / Social Poems (810)

Here is a list of Political / Social Poems ordered by Most Commented, posted by members. Read poetry, post your own poems or comments. Poems on these pages are copyrighted © by the authors who entered them. Click here to post a poem.


Flash Point

We all have our limit,
Just how much we can take,
Til we blow a gasket,
Before we start to break.

Some go off so easy,
Their trigger is a hair.
Always on the threshold,
Without a nerve to spare.

I am not so touchy,
And can take quite a bit.
But when I've had enough,
There comes that raging fit.

Anger clouds the senses,
Throws judgement out the door,
Blows out of proportion,
And shakes us to the core.

So let's all try and see,
If we can raise the bar,
Maybe all together,
Perhaps prevent a war.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2010
About this poem:
Just some thoughts...
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Expect a miracle today, and I guarantee you’ll see one,
Kinesiologists teach us that of the 65,000 thoughts we have per day, its only about 7 high-vibration/loving thoughts that counter-balance the other 64,993 low-vibration/negative thoughts and keep us from obliterating ourselves off the planet,
This is power!!!
My research and experience corroborates this,
I’ve lost count of how many times people walk into my therapy room distraught and just even one positive thought causes them to find their equilibrium...
[What do I say to them? Expect a miracle today..., please we’re not defining miracle to mean only occurrences like parting the proverbial Red Sea, no, a smile on a previously anxious face is miracle enough for me... ]
Crime in Washington D.C. was dramatically reduced during the few days an actual experiment was done whereby a number of people focused on loving thoughts for a portion of the day,
This experiment has been repeated in other parts of the world with similar success...

The last few days have seen massive amounts of stress come my way,
Yet, by focussing repeatedly on the expectation of miracles, the miracles have come, and the stress has receded,
This got me thinking,
Why am I merely looking for miracles,
Why don’t I see miracles in everyone and everything?
This technique took me to another level,
Now, I realize that my every breath is a miracle,
Every ‘hateful’ and ‘angry’ persona that comes to me is a miracle, if only I focus on their spirit, rather than on their form,
Even suicidal people made the decision to give life one more try after allowing just one loving thought to splash their weary brains,
[A major in the South African Police Force taught me a brilliant line to use on suicides, many, many years ago, it still works with reverberating success, it goes like this:
Say, come down off the ledge and talk with me,
If you’re not helped by what I have to say, you can always jump tomorrow,
but if you jump now, its all finished...]
Yes, I know, believe me, its a lot easier said than done,
But, it works, every time...

I dare to ask,
What if we consciously had 14 loving thoughts, or 28, or 56...???
Could we, like Walt Disney go from a mouse-infested garage to Disneyland?
Why not?
Could we heal cancer?
Why not?
Could we heal a broken heart?
Why not?
Could we place serenity on the face of someone who recently lost a loved one?
Why not?
I see these miracles all the time, not only in my life, but all around me as well...

Keep parting that Red Sea, will ya?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2011
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dividing spoils

i always remember
these people
fleeing across
concrete armored posts
all roads in
were fortified
invading soldiers
take to
the streets

sticks in
pointing guns
at women and children
the mind
still bugs me
faces of pain
down trodden
counting back years
plight of generations
sorrowful mysteries

becoming refugees
in their own
war torn country
where they
themselves were born
grew up
then had children

sounds so sad
heartbreaking countries
without voices
a world sat back
nodding their heads
silently said nothing
shame allowing this
in a just world
many years later
has it been forgotten
our soldiers
that died
in a struggle

we all
take a side
in war
ireland still
remains divided
one of her
four seats
dating back
to the pyrmaids
partially taken
strangely why is that
we are one
big teddy bear

a question
i ask myself
over and over again
invading someone's space
surely one tyrant
taking land
by force
is it not
a crime anymore
in anyone's books

i myself
call it stealing
whats not
rightfully theirs
in the first place
does the bible
not quote
thou shalt not steal
christian virtues
as they use it
in courts

justice a joke
a coin
with two heads
makes the
whole system
corrupt into
the very core
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2014
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“…the peace that transcendeth all understanding…”

“…the peace that transcendeth all understanding…”
the bible

Stop and think for a moment, what do all of us desire most?
“…peace of mind…”
All other needs are like a pyrrhic victory, sans a settled mind,
Most of us spend volumes of hours tinkering uselessly with thoughts of how to please others, and or following some guru’s advice on how to live our lives, what to think, what to say, what to do…,
Like weary wayfarers we seek peace of mind through countless external avenues,
Only to realize at death’s door that we should have looked inside,
Thus, we exit with only a few moments of bliss weighed against a lifetime litany of piss…

The path to bliss?
You’re kidding right, how should I know?
One suggestion I will allow myself though,
I invite you to consider that it is as different and as individual as our fingerprints are, unique to you…,
Some may find it through one of the many spiritual disciplines or a personal mutation thereof,
Some may find it as a porn star,
Some may find it as a nun,
Some may find it in some form of meditation,
Some may find it as a rapper,
Some may find it as a man/woman of peace,
Some may find it as a warrior,
Some may find it in money,
Some may find it in poverty,
Whatever way you take, I invite you to consider that unless its yours, you may walk it in vain…

May we all find our way…
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2011
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The illusion...

It is powerful and all-pervasive,
It is inescapable and all-encompassing,
Like the mythical Hydra,
It’s always in front of you, on the path just ahead, waiting to devour the unsuspecting...,
Most, by far, fall prey to it, never knowing it could have been sooo otherwise...

Call it ‘karma’[which I personally don’t believe in], ‘luck’, ‘coincidence’, ‘meaninglessness’, ‘existentialism’, ‘Darwinism’, etc., etc., it matters not...,
Suddenly, one awakens; one realizes it’s all a daydream, a chimera of gargantuan proportions...,
The shock is huge...!!!

Now what?
Indeed, ‘to-be-or-not-to-be’, ‘what-to-be’, ‘what-to-do’, ‘what-to-have’, become the begging questions...,
And so begins a ride that no amusement park can possibly reproduce,
I sure hope you enjoy most of your ride, friend,
Bon Voyage...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2010
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In search of my heart...

I spent a lifetime in search of meaning,
Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going? Who am I?
I delved into many of the sacred writings of the world,
I spent years practicing various modalities such as prayer, meditation, introspection, fasting, even,
I spent many years in the various temples of the world,
I searched in thousands of the world’s books,
I earned university degrees,
I spoke with many of the world’s wise, I listened to their thoughts,
Next, I tried the world’s ‘foolish’, I listened to their thoughts, lest, per chance they had the answer,
I counselled many, and received counsel of many,
I travelled far and wide,
Always in search of meaning...

I have seen birth, I delivered two of my daughters with my own hands,
I have hosted funerals, lost father, mother, wife, granddaughter,
I have loved, and I have hated, and I have been loved and I have been hated,
I have great friends and I have great enemies,
I experienced want, I experienced plenty,
I dwelt in lushness, I was born in the desert,
I have been in wars, I have known peace,
Been up, gone down,
Always in search of meaning...

So far, meaning eludes me,
I have come to the conclusion that only I can give anything meaning,
And, “Boy, do I struggle with that...!”

Finally, I draw comfort from the old proverb:
"If you cannot find a temple in your heart, you'll never find your heart in a temple..."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2010
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Why Do You Write Poetry?

Why do you write poetry?
Is it for the recognition?
Maybe for the glory, or just to see if someone,
somewhere is even listening.
Do you make up stories of pure fiction?
Or are you just desperate for some attention.
Why is it so important to be noticed, to be heard,
To be thought of as a voice of reason?
Maybe it is just an addiction, like smoking or drinking.
You can never get enough.
Nothing will satisfy the hunger or need.
But what is that need that habitually leads,
To that feeling of “I have to be seen”, “I have to be read”,
“I have to be understood”.
But in fact, you do not have a clue as to why you are the brain’s food.
So keep writing, keep going within,
Making up stories, telling the truth, hurting others and deceiving yourself,
And maybe someday you will see,
It has just always been about you and your need.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2010
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Raw, pure, unadulterated fear,
Everyone is periodically smitten by it,
In the wink of an eye it can take you from heaven to hell,
From riding the crest of the wave, to being you’re convinced you’re lower than shark excrement...

It is a harsh and heartless enemy,
It makes a snivelling coward of the bravest among us,
It saps the very life and smile out of you,
Fear..., means darkness, despair, dejection, disenchantment,
All ‘d’ words, reminiscent directly of the devil and his demons...

It mocks your manhood, it tarnishes your femininity,
It feeds on your demise,
“Oh wretched man that I am”, as the Saint says,
“What shall deliver me from this plight?”

Different things for different folks,
There is no easy salve,
There’s no ONE magic bullet,
Nay, the way out of the Mephistophelian labyrinth is as diverse as the many sons and daughters of eve and adam,
Only you can look deep inside you and find the elixir that will cause your Phoenix to rise from the ashes once again,
To once more put a smile on your lips,
To once more bless you with a beloved’s meaningful touch,
Your child’s laughter,
Your fellow-mans gratitude,
Your soul’s “namaste’”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2010
About this poem:
It was one of those days today...
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right vs wrong…

if you’re ‘right’, someone has to be ‘wrong’,
not so long ago we were burnt at the stake for being wrong, now, that is not right,
well, what changed that right to a wrong?

a simple change of thought-bundles…

so, we now have the current set of thoughts which dictate to us what is right and what is wrong,
always, our thought-bundles are changing, and, according to them, we are told what is now right and wrong,
but, a much bigger question concerns me,
interpersonal rights and wrongs,
why? well, they have universal import,
what happens in our backyard happens on the world stage…

for instance, right now, I’m in a restaurant, having plowed through half a plate of fish and chips,
to paraphrase Churchill:-
“… never in the history of culinary delights have I paid so much and enjoyed so little…”,
The cod must have been in the freezer since the Miocene, and the potatoes were harvested not much later,
OK, so now I had a major grievance, this is ‘wrong’,
i now had the choice to espouse a thought-bundle of ‘wrong’ and to get the full deleterious emotions behind it,
in the past, I would have graphically voiced my displeasure, today, in the ‘afternoon’ of my life, I try not to,
i now want to ‘not-react’, merely to neutrally state the facts, without injecting the usual negative emotional Molotov cocktail,
do I always succeed, yeah, rrright…,
the owner asked me how the meal was,
i serenely told him that something was amiss,
he immediately defended:-
“…never before has anyone complained about the food in my restaurant…”,
c’mon, never?
I tried to smile in a non-condescending way and apologized for my observation, to which he retorted with some doubt in his voice whether I still wanted the coffee,
I had the coffee of course…,
[i got no apology and got charged full price.., c’mon, smile, I loved it…]

way I see it, and may I invite us to extrapolate this to more vital issues in our interpersonal lives, like, should I stay with her and focus on her good points or should I ditch the ‘b*tch’?
c’mon, of course you must stay, give her some more lovin’ and hugs and smiles, yes, she’s worth it, you thought so not so long ago didn’t you, what changed, a bundle of unconscious, compulsive thoughts, perhaps?
Tut, tut…
After all, sometimes, just like the coffee is bland, so will her kisses be, she’s just having an off-day, or maybe your infernal snoring kept her awake all night…

as for me, may this be my mantra:
“…what possible purpose can negative clamor accomplish, that, ‘a still small voice’ cannot with infinite more peace and efficiency and power?”

perhaps, the root cause of all our woes is our propensity to fall prey to the mass hypnosis of a planet deeply in the grip and enslavement of unconscious ‘thought-bundles’,
instead, may I invite us to become ‘the observer’, to step back and awarely realize:-
“…hey, i’m no meager bundle of thoughts,
i am that i am…”
fill in the blanks…
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2011
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Glimpses of unum…

Definition for: unum

accusative singular masculine of unus, one
nominative and accusative singular neuter of unus, one

As a healer, I witness suffering daily,
I have a very soft spot for those in distress among us,
More so for those whose anguish is emotional,
More so for those who are tender of age…

Although, I have seen great dis-ease in my therapy room,
Often, I’m more mortally influenced when I view it outside, in the great beyond we call our society, when my guard is down and I least expect it…

I will be at a theatre,
And there, in plain sight,
Yet hidden from the untrained eye,
Is a beautiful young blonde, languishing,
Frame ever so slightly bent,
Breasts ever so slightly caved in,
Legs not so pert,
Their liveliness and sauciness absent tonight,
The smile ever so slightly fake,
The twinkle certainly missing from lack-luster eyes…

Who knows her pain?
Who will whisper a word in her ear to make it better?
Did she get the minimum of eight hugs we need daily, just to break even,
Who will give her ten or twelve hugs,
Brotherly hugs, healing hugs, not leeringly or lustfully?
Sigh, I sigh sooo deeply,
But, I pass humbly on,
Powerless to offer succor,
I leave her to the universe,
And I contemplate the cavernous bond that meshes us all together,
For, assuredly, I would not notice such travail in a ‘stranger’, if that stranger were not inexorably intertwined with me,
And me with the great ‘unum’…,
And you, and you, and you…
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 2011
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