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Mystical Experience - The Interconnection of Everything: Spiritual versus Religious

(I have modified the Blog title to focus on the Mystical Experience which I view as being Spiritual)

On October 24, 2013, I posted a poem entitled “Spiritual but not Religious” on CS Poetry Corner:

I also posted it as a blog on December 20. 2013:

In my view, there is a clear distinction “Spiritual” and “Religious” that I wish to express in this blog.

I am aware that some may not agree with my interpretation of the terms which is as follows:


The term “spirit” suggests an active living force or energy which may be termed “life energy”. This energy pervades all living things, whether animal or plant. Some may wish to restrict the use of spirit to human beings only. Yet, what is the justification, if any, for such an anthropocentric view?

Spirituality entails a personal awareness of one's connection with the life energy of all living things, whether plant or animal. This awareness is based on direct experience or insight, independent of any dogma or religious teaching.

Such an experience may occur as a mystical feeling somewhat similar to Jane Goodall's experience as mentioned in her Earth Day 2018 message:

“There was a moment when I was in Gombe National Park and it began to pour rain, and then the rain stopped and I could smell the smell of wet hair on the chimpanzees and I could hear the insects singing loudly, and I just felt absolutely at one and it was a sense of awe and wonder.
Out in the rainforest you learn how everything is interconnected and each little species, even though it may seem insignificant has a role to play in the tapestry of life.”

(courtesy of Google)


The conventional view of religion is a system of beliefs or dogma pertaining to a supernatural deity or deities, referred to as a god or gods.
God is viewed as an anthropomorphism.

Anthropomorphism -
an interpretation of what is not human or personal in terms of human or personal characteristics.
(Merriam Webster Dictionary)

To be religious is to have an understanding of certain concepts and the relationship between them as espoused by religion. This is the backbone of theology. One may attempt to seek a deeper experience beyond the conceptual level but it must be firmly tied to the relevant belief system or dogma.

The term “religion” may be viewed in a general sense and in a specific sense.

In the general sense, it is viewed as an aspect of culture, regardless of its specific details. I think that it is from such a perspective that some nonanthropomorphic systems like Buddhism, particularly Zen, may be classified as religion.

However, in the specific sense, Zen goes beyond any dogma or belief system which is a characteristic of religion:
“No dependence on words and letters. Directly pointing to one’s heart, Seeing into one’s own true nature and thus attaining Spiritual Awakening.”

Who is God? Does God exists?

This is one concept many people don't want to talk about, because they claim it is Religion. Others don't want to, because it is controversial and do not want to be 'crucified'.

When one hears about God or is ask about the concept of God, the first thing that comes to mind is the Biblical God, as if the Bible is the 'only and true' authority about God. Even some of the atheists that I have spoken to who do not believe in God, believe that something is responsible for the creation of the world. Is that 'something' God?

So, who is God? Does God exist?

One may not agree with my opinion, but it is mine, just like every others that may comment on this blog. I will like it to be respected (same as others) and not rain the 'Armageddon' curse on any comments here.

Here is my view:

The concept of God is mostly seen from the Bible's perspective, which is a big error. The Bible is NOT a true account of creation or of God. Rather the Bible is nothing but a historical document of a tribe (the Hebrew). And the God in the Bible, is that created by the Hebrews to support their historical account. And the concept and rites were borrowed from the Egyptians. And most of the stories (Adam, Eve, the serpent and the apple, Noah's flood, the tower of Babel, All Egyptians first male sons being killed, etc) are just mythical. They are not true stories. The Biblical God is NOT the truine or true God. The believe in the Biblical God, to me, is responsible for all the current problems (hatred, revenge, etc) of the world today. The Biblical God is a Despotic, tyrannical, hateful, vengeful, jealous, never forgiving God, who must be appeased or whose anger must be curbed with costly sacrifices of the lives and blood of animals. Can one imagine the bleating and the pains of these creatures as they are roasted alive (whole burnt sacrifice) to appease an 'all powerful' and just God?

Or which righteous and sympathetic God will cause destruction of his creation (children) simply, because they disobeyed him. Will any parents do that?

Or which righteous and just God will order the killings of other tribes simply, because they are 'not his own'. 1st Samuel 15 (2-3) Thus says the Lord of hosts, "I will punish the Amalekites for what they did in opposing the Israelites when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey." Now, imagine the women running away with their infants and being clubbed and speared to death on the orders of Biblical God. Today, we all cry for the head of a police commissioner if a policeman shoots and kills a victim running away. Yet this is a true God.

Believe me, if the Biblical God is alive today, he will be before the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity.

This is not to say that the Bible is a complete trash. No. There are some writings in the Bible that society can benefit from. Books like Proverbs, Ecclesiates, and the mystical teachings of Jesus the Christ, are worth reading and very beneficial.

Does that mean there is no God? And does God exists?

There is God. The true God is the Creative Force or the Universal Breath that created the universe; the force that brought beings into existence. While the atheists may not believe in God, but by believing in something being responsible for creation, that something to me is God. This creative force is so powerful that it's vibrative protoplasts result in creation. It is the force existing in man that is referred to as the image of God.

Does God exist? Yes, in his vibrative force in us. Hence when Christ was asked about the Kingdom of God, he responded that the kingdom of God is in us. Luke 17 (21) "Neither shall they say, Lo here or lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is in you."

I like hear your comments.

A Secular Hymn

Ever feel left out in Church? Here's a little something to take along with you on your next visit.

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
Atoms make them all.

Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
All due to natural selection,
It made their tiny wings.

The purple-headed mountains,
The river running by,
The sunset and the morning
A freshly baked bird* pie.

The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
Laws of physics made each one.

The tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play,
The rushes by the water,
Biology, I’d say.

We evolved eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell
How great is evolution,
Which turned out pretty well.

* Don't ask me, take it up with MiMi. dunno
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The reason, particularly in Islamic beliefs that women should cover their hair, is to prevent men from succumbing to a s*xual desire at the sight of a head of hair. If women believe in this and the possible outcome, then why do they in most cases make their faces look as attractive as possible with make up, including lip stick etc, but still cover their heads? Do they wish to look attractive or not?

STRAIGHT OUT OF THE BIBLE;or,all things religious

A venue for discussing all things religious. The intent of this discussion group is to explore all things religious.I am a non-denominational Christian who believes in the inspired Word of God,The Holy Scripture. My reference Bible is the King James Bible,which,in spite of its flavorful Olde English wording,I believe is STILL the most accurate translation to date.I know there are those who would disagree with me but for the sake of argument lets say that whatever Bible you are comfortable with,if you truly are a committed Christian searching for the Truth I believe God will reveal to you what you are ready to learn! Since this is a religious blog I would have to ask all of you to please observe decorum in language and references at all times please. I welcome any and all commentary whether one is a muslim ,agnostic,athiest,non-beleiver,Minister etc..... I don't for one second proclaim to know everything and if someone has a more factual take than I and can prove it through the pages of Holy Writ then by all means......prove me wrong, this blog isn't about me or my views so much as it is an effort to spread the message of God's love for us all and His SINCERE desire that we ALL escape the fate worse than death...…. THE FLAMES OF HELL!

Getting rid of all of us, non muslims, or them

Trump, published his response to a question about what to do with the terrorists killing non muslims, GRN.

My response to one blog that called us stupid about what choice we have but to think that peaceful muslims will kill us, since these terrorists do in fulfillment of Koran teachings. One blogger said: you can't both be right.

Most of us don't want to hear the truth. Wake up, the reality is: Shia and Sunni are killing not only them, but vowed to kill all of humanity. What are we going to do?

Well. ..if you think it doesn't affect you, think again.

(This was my response to one blog calling us stupid but she deleted it).

What's happening in Europe that will eventually happen globally is these killing provisions of the Koran is eliminating human as we know. Don't pretend to be ignorant and unaffected. It's global now. These muslims whom I have been telling you for so long has vowed to kill all of us non believers of your Koran. Now the reality is, they're not only killing us, but both factions of muslims Shia and Sunni are killing each other? Why? Beats the hell out of me.

Now you think we're really that stupid as you think that the world as a whole will let it happen? Think again. Trump already said in his speech published at the Global Research News. Read my thread on the forum, titled "GETTING RID OF ALL MUSLIMS OR THEM GETTING RID OF NON MUSLIMS".

It's still going as a continuation of "GERMANY SYMPHATETIC TO ALL SYRIAN REFUGEES".

It reached 1001 comments and viewed by over 15000, it was closed by the mods because it's too long but asked me to continue on another thread, which I did and still going. Anyone can still go and read on page one of the Current Events section of the forum.

So hear and listen, we're not Muslim haters or racist, we're just like you, want to survive. But since we're sworn in the name of your religion by these terrorists, to be killed, what would we do?

If we swore, or do the same thing (non muslims to kill you all), wouldn't you respond the same? What I don't understand is, if it's truly a peaceful religion as you peaceful muslims say, then why on earth are you killing each other plus us?

Behold, you call us stupid? I don't think so.

Or on the one hand you'd like us to: BOW TO YOU AND BE THANKFUL THAT WE'RE KILLED? You must think we're really stupid, well thanks to people like Trump who knows how to respond and the millions of people in Europe who now question Merkel and her blunder.


People have been flooded by all types of religions and cultures!Have people realised that most of the world's conflicts are caused by religions and politics?

What if finally on the "judgement day" JESUS CHRIST do not recognise any religion?

If the only question to permit you enter into heaven, which THE LORD JESUS CHRIST will ask is "What was your relationship on earth with ME and "THE ALMIGHTY GOD"? What will be your response?sad flower tongue

Dear my friend

Semsu Thank you for enlightened them your point of view even some are not accept it.
you been here and there at least experience taught you, so you knew what actually happen. thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up

for you who have narrow minded about Islam. you better travel to Muslim countries and learn about them
if you got beaten by them because of you are non muslim.. then you have right to tell everyone about how bad Muslim is.
My ex fiancee who served in American Air force was deployed to Iraq for battle, the civilians didn't kill him or hate him because he's an American.
they were making friends, so the reality is totally different than as what mass media say.

Terrorism technique used by government to manipulate public opinion in order to further an agenda.

The entire world ruling class, ruling elite comes to see terrorism as
the preferred means, Indeed the only means to provide social cohesion to provide
an enemy image for society to keep it together.
according to Neocon theory from Carl Scmitt, you have to have an enemy image in order
to have society.
a very dangerous thing because now it means that the entire social order, the political parties,
intellectual life, politics in general all based on a monstrous myth ( Webster Tarpley)

there's no Satan verses in Quran, there's no preaching violence if you want to understand ask the the smart Muslim not the ignorant one.
and I believed in each religions, christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddha, Hindu preaching good things. only the minority people who corrupt it.
if you only read from media which spread hatred then you are totally ignorant.

if you are in religions try to dig your religion spirituality then you will understand.
and also think logically, mostly conflict always happened for Asset. The elite will clap their hands for war because they got benefit from it.
they don't care people die suffered. all they care is Money, power of controlling the world. so wake up!
when people telling all Jews/Christian/Muslims/Atheist are bad... how come? I don't believe it because I don't have Jew/Christian/Muslim/Atheist friends who are bad.
they all good to me. how come I say they are bad?
so do not justify things are bad when you are not actually experience with it.
there are only two kind of people in this world, bad people and good people. end of period.
all good christian, all good muslim, all good jews, all good Atheist, all good Spiritual.. lets become one.. pro at peace.

I hope everyone have a nice day.

The bible

Yeshua is great!!!!!Alot of the lost books of the Bible I've been looking for is right on play store .....for free!!!!!!!type in lost books of the Bible it's amazing!!!!!the story of adam and eve is completed and much much more!!!!so ill be busy reading and hopefully you will too.....praise Yah
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Astral Travel

Some persons claim that they experience “astral travel”, usually through the practice of some form of meditation. However, what does the term “astral travel” actually mean? Does it mean that one's soul, spirit, or some part of one's being literally travels in “outer space” among the stars and that one is able to visit other stars and planets in the cosmos? What is the basis for such a claim?

Ordinarily, our consciousness operate within a range of frequencies limited by our physical senses. This is usually referred to as the third dimension or 3D. A band or range of frequencies normally constitute a dimension.

I believe that meditation and certain “spiritual practices” may enable one's consciousness to experience a different dimension or range of frequencies. The experience may give one an “out of this world” feeling. However, it does not mean that one's soul, spirit, etc., has actually travelled to another world, involving the stars and planets. It is simply the experience of a frequency dimension that is different from our ordinary 3D dimension. The experience is grounded right here in one's consciousness. The reality of such an experience is recognised and accepted by science and is referred to as an “altered state of consciousness”.

It is my view that the term “astral travel” originated millineums ago based on certain meditation practices linked with yoga, shamanism, etc.. At that time, the state of scientific knowledge was not sufficently developed to identify the experience as being related to a different frequency dimension or as an “altered state of consciousness”.

Some persons claim that during meditation or some “spiritual practice”, they have actually travelled to other planets, etc., hence the term “astral travel”.
I would like to issue a challenge to anyone who makes such a claim.

Travel to some planet that has not yet been investigated by our scientists or are currently being investigated and report back to us about conditions on the planet that you observe during your travel there.

Please note that I am not knocking meditation or such “spiritual practices”. I recognise the benefits of such experiences.
However, I would contend that the results of such practices are manifested in the individual's consciousness itself and not in actually travelling among the stars or “astral travel”.
I can accept the term as a figurative expression but not literal.

(Dictionary definition: astral – of or relating to the stars)

Have you ever experienced “astral travel”?

What do you think?
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