breadcrumb Catfoot Blog

Funerals And Other Unpleasantries.

I don’t like funerals. I suppose nobody does but I dislike funerals with a passion. I don’t attend funerals unless it is absolutely close family. And even then I don’t go to the function afterwards either.mumbling

I cannot bear to listen to people saying nice things they don’t mean about somebody they had despised all their lives; telling everybody how sorry they are that so and so is gone. People hanging onto each other crying; people who had not bothered to visit the departed for years. People you only see at weddings and funerals.frustrated

In my entire life I have attended to seven funerals; two grandfathers, an uncle, two brothers, my mother and my grandmother. In that sequence and the last 5 all in 2000.sigh

My grandfather died when I was 8. I cried; not because my grandfather died but because my father cried. That was the only death in the family while I was a child. The funeral – and the get together afterwards – was enough to put me off funerals for life.shock

For all the other funerals I made sure I was out of town or unable to get away from work.blushing

It is not that I am insensitive or not caring. I give flowers while the person is still alive. When he is dead there is nothing more I can do for him. I am not going to stand there saying things I don’t mean just because he is no longer with us.sad flower
cats meow cats meow

Have a glorious day. wave
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To H E L L And Back Again.

Quite a few people have claimed to have died and returned. I am one of those lucky souls who made the journey there and was allowed to return and tell about it. Whereas others mostly claim that it was not their time yet, I was returned for quite different reasons.hmmm

I spend 12 days that side; of which the first was wasted trying to find a home for me. They made a whole hearing of it. Peter, who represented the Heavenly cause, said I’m not good enough for Heaven and will only corrupt the good.angel

Mephistopheles, whoever he is, represented the devil and claimed that I don’t satisfy the minimum requirements and that they are working very hard on their new image and cannot allow corrupting influences at the present time.devil

In the end the devil gave in and I was issued with six month visa on condition I don’t attend any meetings and don’t talk politics. Politics, of course, is a euphemism for religion that side. My case, he said, will be reviewed then.grin

The only punishment there is to stand waist deep in a cess pool but that is only during lunch breaks and teatime. The rest of the time they have to stand on their heads. The cess pool is rather small and is reserved only for lawyers, artificial inseminators and used car salesmen.scold

All the others get VIP treatment.cheering

I arrived there in mid winter and it was quite cold. The fire that everybody speaks about had gone out during the dark ages when they ran out of fossil fuels. A total ban on nuclear power left them dependent on hydro electricity which was just enough for lights and cooking. No central heating

But it is not that bad. I heard they have a good golf course and when the snow melts during the short summer you can actually get a game of golf.thumbs up

Accommodation was good, the room service excellent and the food even better. Cable TV and a fast WiFi network with uncapped data was available to all but needless to say, all religious sites were blocked. And everything was for

I even met with a few other departed souls and some of the living were also sneaking around there but by convention I may not mention their names. All cloak and dagger stuff that side.

There were plenty of women but I had to pick the wrong one again; the devil’s wife this time. One thing led to another and in the end Satan himself walked in on us and I was banished from Hell permanently. I tried to get political asylum in Heaven but it was refused and I was deported.frustrated

So there I was, right back in my recliner where I died 12 days earlier; some even missed me while I was gone but I could not tell them I was dead.doh

What bugs me now; if I am not welcome that side, where do I go when I die; or am I immortal now?laugh
cats meow cats meow
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Tea And Cookies All Day?

If you worry, you will die. If you don’t worry, you will still die. Then why all the worries? It only leads to more worries.grin

In essence you have only one thing to worry about:
Are you enjoying good health or not?

If you are healthy then there is nothing to worry about. However, if you are not well it leads to another worry:
Will you get better or not?

If you are going to get better then you have nothing to worry about, but if you will not get any better, well it leads to yet another worry:
Will you survive or not?

If you are going to survive then there is nothing to worry about. But if you’re going to die then it leaves you with one helluva big worry:
Will you go to heaven or will you go to hell?

If you end up in heaven my friend, then there will be absolutely nothing to worry about.angel

However, if you get turned down at the pearly gates, you will go straight to hell.devil

When you get there you will be so busy shaking hands with all of your old friends that you will not have the time to worry about anything!

So why worry?dunno
cats meow cats meow
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I Am Very Sad Today

Something very strange happened this morning and my master is very upset about it. He has acted very funny all day. Yes, if you have not noticed my dog paw print on the paper, I am Voertsek - the Jack Russell.

This morning when we woke up Fluffy, the Maltese Poodle, did not want to wake up so Bruno and I went to sit in the sun without her. When my master came out to feed us, he looked for Fluffy with us but as I said earlier; she was still asleep. He called her but she still did not wake up. He went to her kennel and looked very upset when he stood up again. It started a very strange chain of events. He gave our food but did not take Fluffy with him into the house to feed her as he normally does. confused

Instead he came out with a big black bin liner and he put Fluffy in there. I have never seen him doing a thing like that. Then he opened the tool shed and took out a spade. I know he uses that when he wants to make holes in the ground. When we were finished eating, he locked us up in the tool shed. This was very strange for he only does that when he has visitors with small children.doh

He let us out again a bit later when he came to put the spade away. He still had the bin liner in his hand but Fluffy was no longer in there. He had Fluffy’s collar in his other hand.blues

Before he went back into the house he took her blanket out of her kennel, put it in the empty bin liner and dumped it all into the dustbin. Very strange indeed. I found the place where he dug the hole quickly but he has placed a lot of bricks on the spot and when I tried to smell what was there my nose started burning and I sneezed.very mad

When he came out later he sprinkled some more stuff where the hole was and then he played with us. He looked very sad and gave us much more attention than normally. He said that Fluffy was dead. I don’t know what that means but I think Fluffy has gone away and is not coming back. I remember when he said that about his previous cat, it never came back again but that was good riddance. grin

I will miss Fluffy; even though she growled at me when I wanted to play with her. She was very old and did not like playing.sad flower
dancing dog

Have a doggone good day.wave

This is just tribute to a departed friend. my regular blog will follow later.sad flower
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Catching A Crocodile

There are two ways to catch a crocodile without getting eaten yourself.

The first method is preferred by game wardens. You set out bait and you wait. When the croc comes to the bait, you shoot him with a anaesthetic arrow. You wait again; until you are sure that he is asleep.

Then you tie his front legs together; ditto for his hind legs. You administer another stiff dose of anaesthetics. You tie up his mouth. Then you push a very long pole between his tied up legs. Then tie his tail very well to the pole and carry him off. This method is often used for the purpose of research or relocation.

The alternative method is preferred by the FBI. They send a new recruit into the bush to catch a lizard. After being handcuffed and informed of its rights, they take him to a small room where he will be beaten with batons until he signs a confession that he is a crocodile. This method is often used for the purpose of closing a case.

But now who wants to catch a crocodile?
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Why Do We Fall In Love?

No matter how many times we resolve not to fall in love, we just do it again and again; time after time. And every time it is better than the previous

But the weirdest of all is that it is almost always a stranger. We seldom fall in love with somebody we know. Let’s face it, we don’t look into the face of a well known person and suddenly go weak in the knees. That is a stranger that does that to you.smitten

If you don’t want to fall in love, avoid meeting or seeing strangers. But then there is probably a built in cut out switch somewhere to allow you to fall in love with a known person in the absence of strangers.doh

John and Mary will know each other for years and may be a perfect match but they will not fall in love with each other. However, it can happen that they may come to their senses and decide to throw their lot together. Given a bit of time they will grow to love each other and spend a lifetime in happiness but that was not falling in love. It is a cultivated love brought about by a logic decision and probably has the best chance of success.professor

So then why do we fall in love?confused

I think falling in love is a primitive breeding instinct to ensure the survival of the human species. And it is built into our genes to fall in love with a stranger to diversify our genetic material. Inbreeding had never been good for any genetic pool.grin
cats meow cats meow

Have a great day and avoid strangers.wave
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Peace In Our Time.

Peace is an expensive commodity. The price of it is normally measured in human lives and it has to be paid up front. Cash with order and then a speedy delivery is not guaranteed at all.sigh

When governments fight it is about ideologies, nations fight about territory, religions fight about dogma, men fight about women, and children fight about toys. Bloggers fight about… no, I don’t know. Maybe you can tell me. I noticed that now that we have peace on the blogs, the Poetry Corner has flared up.doh

Is it all part of the mechanism to make sure that the fittest survive? Or maybe it is just nature’s way to prevent overpopulation. Just as well we do no reincarnate in real life as we do on line. Or do we? Perhaps we are just the same people coming back all the time; continuing yesterday’s battles.dunno

Why is it so important to assert our superiority over others? And why do we do it by destruction. If they don’t support our ideology, we undermine them; if they have the resources we want, we invade them; if they don't support our believes, we condemn them; if he gets the attention of the girl I want, I discredit him and if he has the toy I want, I break it.frustrated

It is a simple philosophy. If I cannot have it then you will not either. And the fittest will survive; or do they?dunno

Neville Chamberlain promised us peace in our time but he was short sighted. He is now long gone and it has not arrived. It is not attainable; or so it seems. Peace never lasts very long.hmmm
cats meow cats meow

Have a peaceful day.wave
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When Last Did You Break A Heart?

So often we hear people complaining about their hearts being broken by a thoughtless and cruel lover but we quickly forget how many hearts we have broken.scold

I know some people will deny ever having broken any hearts but the fact is, we all have broken at least a few hearts; maybe unintentionally or even unknowingly but we have broken them just the same.hmmm

Have you ever dumped somebody? By making an everyday move in the game of love, you may have broken a heart. Yes, almost always unintentional but as I said, broken just the same. You may even have broken the heart of somebody you have not met yet.grin

Ok, time for a quiz. No buts or ifs; just a simply yes or no.professor
1. Have you ever dumped somebody?
2. Have you ever broken off a relationship?
3. Have you ever rejected somebody?
4. Have you ever preferred somebody above another?
5. Have you ever ignored somebody’s attentions?
6. Have you ever declined a date?
7. Have you ever married?
8. Have you ever started a new relationship?

I can add many more questions but this should suffice to demonstrate my point. If you can answer an honest ‘no’ to each one of these 8 questions then just maybe you have not broken a heart yet but otherwise I’m won’t be so sure. It is not only your lover’s heart that is at stake and even people of the same gender – who may be in love with your new lover – are vulnerable. Therefore, think again; when last did you break a heart?dunno

So next time you have lost in love and you’re sitting with a broken heart, think back about the hearts you have broken; the people you left in the same desolate state as you are now. Perhaps your broken heart made two other people very happy. Love is a funny game and we all lose a set here and there.
cats meow cats meow

Enjoy this week and don’t breaking any more hearts.wave
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When Love Comes Knocking At Your Door.

When somebody knocks on my front door, I open it. I think the majority of people do. Especially here in South Africa because most of us have safety gates to prevent surprises when we open the door. Something that was not necessary when I was a child.grin

The average person doesn’t hide behind a closed door and doesn’t scamper to write down registration numbers. Unless - of course - if we expect trouble.hole

We open the door and if it is a friend, we let him in. We cannot just let a stranger in but we should listen to what brought the stranger to our doorstep. Then, after checking his credentials, we can decide if there is need for any action or not.blah blah

Why is it then that we act differently when love comes knocking at our heart’s door? We follow the extreme options. We either hide behind a closed door of we let the stranger in and give him a free run of the place without knowing his bona fides.doh

Why don’t we first listen to a stranger’s story before we decide what to do? Should we not get to know the strangers bona fides before we give him the full run of our hearts?dunno

Your heart is a sacred as your home; treat it as such.heart wings
cats meow cats meow
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Setting The Record Straight.

Hi, my name is Skollie which means scoundrel in your language. As Voertsek told you the other day, I am an African grey parrot and unlike him I don't need papers to know what I am.snooty

I have learned a long time ago how to open my cage but never do so because of that nasty cat. But he is not here now. My master took him and that pipsqueak of a Jack Russell to the vet to be ‘fixed’. I know what that means and I know they will never be the same again after this. doh

I would have liked to do that job on the cat myself. They only needed to put him asleep. On second thoughts; I would have enjoyed mutilating that silly Jack Russell as well.mumbling

I heard what that stupid Jack Russell had to say about me the other day because he thinks out aloud. And he’s wrong about why my master calls him Voertsek. He is just too dumb to scram when he is told to do so. A little a** creeper; that is all he is.tongue

I can say a lot of words that my master doesn’t like. His friends teach me these words when he is busy with other things. When I get annoyed with my master I use these words – I’m not an a** creeper - so much that lately he hangs a blanket over my cage when he gets important visitors; like that fat old man in the black suit.blah

I can do more than just talking. I can make noises too. Like the sound of his phone. I love to make that noise for then he comes running in here looking for his phone. Oh, and I can mimic the door bell as well. I love to see him opening the door to find nobody there. And I often call the dogs. Then they come running into the house and my master have to chase them out again.giggle

I am considered to be dangerous - also intelligent but I don't know what that means yet. My master warns all new people who come here to stay away from me because I bite. But why do they poke their fingers into my cage? If they leave me alone I will leave them alone. I don’t bite everybody. My master’s nephew always brings me a piece of dried meat to chew on and I allow him to scratch my head like my master do. I pretend to enjoy it to please them. Why do they do it?dunno

I hate it when people ask me if I can talk. Don’t they know that all parrots can talk? Perhaps next time I must ask them if they can #@$%^&@# fly? Maybe I must leave that new word out of it. My master is very fast with the blanket lately.grin

I feel stupid talking to humans. They are too elaborate with words and need too many to explain themselves. I only need a few to express myself. My master is the opposite again. He repeats the same words over and over to me. Does he really believe that I need to hear a word more than once to say it?blah blah

I did not like his previous girl friend and I’m glad she does not come here any more. She took my food and buried it in the ground; ostensibly to grow more. Is she daft? My food comes from the pet shop. Some humans can be very dumb and she was not even blond.doh

Escape? Yes, I often think about it but that will be risky for it will have to be walking away. I cannot fly too well. There is a woman who comes here every so often to clip my wings. She wears a thick glove and biting her does not help. I don’t know why my master allows her to do it. What I do like about it is that afterwards he allows me to sit on his shoulder while he walks around outside. One of these days I’m going to bite his ear.devil

I guess I better get back into my cage now. I just heard my master opening the gates. I don’t want him to know that I can open the cage. I’ll talk to you birdbrains again some other time.wave
cats meow cats meow
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A Very Mixed Up Story Now Solved.

Hmm, this is truly a mixed up story. I was listening to some of my oldies while writing this blog and somehow I got it mixed up. It seems like I cannot multitask anymore.

Hi, my name is Jack. Everybody knows that when my uncle Simon says something he normally means it. Therefore the letter he sent special delivery should have been no surprise but it reached me while I was chatting with my girl friend under the boardwalk. It’s just a matter of time before the tide is high but on the other hand, the show must go on.

Uncle Simon lives on a farm in Massachusetts. He breaks in wild horses and I can still remember the good times we spent there and how we played on grandma’s feather bed when my brother and I were just two little boys. We lived in Sacramento at the time but we often spent a holiday there.

In his note he reminded me that it was the 1st of May which is the birthday of cousin Norman’s son. I know he always wanted a toy train but that will mean having to go downtown again. Who said it was going to be a lazy day?

When I got to the bus stop I learned that the drivers are on strike and I ended up hitching a ride into town. Walking to town was the last thing on my mind.

I don’t like this dirty old town. It is just tar and cement. Sometimes there are some girls down on the corner that will beg, steal or borrow just to get a few nickels and dimes. They must believe I am the candy man.

The young girl behind the counter was not very helpful and in the end I had to settle for a little yellow aeroplane which was not quite to my satisfaction. I was lucky to get a ride home with my friend Fernando in his new fast car. Getting into the car I almost sat on the photograph of his girlfriend, Eleanor. Just as well; I would have been blessed.

Back at home I waved at my neighbor, Mrs Robinson, and slipped into the house. The queen of my heart was not there but looking out my back door I saw her through the grapevine watering her English country garden.

I poured a glass of frozen orange juice and fixed her a glass of champagne. I hope it is cold enough for trying to please her is like trying to catch the wind. I wonder if she will ever realize that I too can get tired of waiting. You can only take so much. I’m not going wait until the midnight hour. I need someone to give me much more love. And by the way, I don’t wanna dance.

Then my half brother Louis arrived. He is the son of my father out of a previous marriage. He is married to a coal miner’s daughter and has a beautiful rose garden. Being part of a traveling band he will be leaving on a jet plane tomorrow. They will be visiting Pasadena which is a real funky town.
cats meow cats meow

How many did you count? And then it is possible that another one or two may have slipped into the words in between. Who knows?

Each one of the song had been verified on youtube.

As I have promised, the names of all the actors of the story appears on page 2 of the comments section.
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Happy April Fool's Day

Happy Birthday Bajanshay
Ah, we have a birthday girl here, Ok, I won’t mention your new age. I know how sensitive you ladies can get when you turn 45.
happy birthday party balloons cake
Happy birthday, Shay.
I hope and wish you may have plenty more.
happy birthday party balloons cake

But then on the other hand – given the date of this posting – it could all be a farce.rolling on the floor laughing

Bajanshay and I wish you a very happy April Fool’s Day. Bajanshay’s birthday is in November on the same day as Lukeon. Welela made a remark to that effect in a blog at the time and some of the people here today wished her a happy birthday. Just 5 months ago.tongue

If you were offended by this we are very sorry.liar Oops! Wrong emoticon.

If you want to hunt us down to strangle us; wait a few weeks. Right now we are on honeymoon on another Caribbean island. We got married on Saturday but then we don’t expect you to believe us after this.laugh

Did you not notice the funny hours I came on line lately? Barbados time; not SA time at all. SA is six hours ahead.rolling on the floor laughing

We would have liked to let this go on a bit longer but we have other things to do. We’re going for breakfast now and then for a walk on the beach. We will drop in later again.giggle

The beach with our hotel in the back ground.
Embedded image from another site

A tropical paradise
Embedded image from another site
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