breadcrumb Catfoot Blog

A Bad Start

When I saw the mess on the pavement I sighed. It is garbage day and my brother-in-law took the dustbin out when he went to work this morning. The bin was on its side and the contents were strewn over the place; luckily mostly in smaller plastic shopping bags, but they were all torn and some of the contents were spilled out.sigh

Among others, a larger bin liner that was filled with old clothes that I had discarded during the week. Most were pulled out through the gaping hole in the side. Bloody dogs, I muttered as I started collecting the clothes.very mad

“I hope you plan to clean up this mess when you’re done,” the voice said behind me. She had a terrible accent. I once met an English couple who spoke like that. They came from Yorkshire. I was pissed off and she did not improve my mood. I ignored her while I carried on with my menial task.

“My friend told me to look out for you vagrants raiding the dustbins and making a mess.” I still kept quiet, hoping she would go away. She disappointed me. “You South-Africans are very messy. I’m from England.”

“Yorkshire?” I asked, but more like a statement than a question.

“Yes, how did you know?” I almost told her I’m psychic but checked myself just in time. It would just have opened another topic for discussion.

“An educated guess”, I said while I righted the dustbin and started putting the bags back in the bin. For the first time I looked at her and wondered why she mistook me for a homeless person.

She was a rather plain Jane and in my slightly faded blue jeans, blue & white striped golf shirt and blue Nikes, I was certainly better dressed than her. My hair was neat; I only had it trimmed yesterday and I was cleanly shaved. Maybe I wore too much blue to her liking. I wondered if she would approve of my red underpants as I opened the gate to go back inside.confused

“Hey, where are you going?” she asked.

“I live here, do you mind?”

“Is it your house?”

No”, I said. At least that part was true. “The house belongs to an eccentric millionaire and I’m looking after it while he is abroad.”liar

“They say these eccentric millionaires are very stingy and they dress shabbily. Does he pay you to look after his house?”

“No, but he said that I may wear his clothes while he’s not here.” I don’t even feel guilty about all the lies. My brother-in-law is not a millionaire, he is not abroad and his clothes will be much too large for me.

She stared at me for a few seconds, probably trying to figure if I was serious. “You know, sarcasm won’t get you anywhere”, she said.

“True, but then I was not going anywhere. I’m not dressed for it.”tongue

“Oh!! You are such an a**hole!” she said as she wheeled around on the one heel and sauntered across the road. Only then I noticed what a sexy a** she has. As she entered the granny flat across the road I realized that she was my neighbor's new tenant. Not a good start at all.doh
cats meow cats meow
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Still the same

In this ever-changing world very little has changed on CS while I was gone. Still the same old political blogs, still the same old religious bashing and still the same old… Hey guess what! Before I could finish reading the second blog and before I could make a single comment, I had something waiting in my mailbox. Yea, still the same old scammers. sigh

But some things did change. The faces did. Lots of new faces which is great. And many are missing. Most are sadly missed while the absence of others are almost welcomed – mind you, I should not say that – they keep things interesting. But it’s early days – they may all still pop up.

And then some still attend their own funerals after putting up a cry baby blog to serve as a tombstone while reading a self written eulogy. What disrespect for the death; not even allowing the self to rest in peace for a single day.doh

It is so much easier to put your bat under your arm and to walk back to the showers in stead of arguing with the umpires. That way there will be no booing from the pavilion when you come out to bat again.

As they say, the only constant in life is change but while nothing changes, things will remain the same.laugh

What worried me most is that in twelve hours since I posted my first blog until I returned twelve hours later only five new blogs were posted. Not good enough. You guys are letting me down and driving me to Wilbur Smith and I don’t really like his books – which unfortunately is all I have to read at the present.grin
cats meow cats meow
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Marooned Again

Oh Dear! What went wrong? The jump through hyperspace was supposed to take me to the star system of Rigel but look where I ended up. I hope they discover their mistake soon enough so I can go to do my job.doh

We had a lot of unrest at the fringes of the empire during the last two years. I have been hopping from hotspot to hotspot to suppress these rebellious tribes and just when we thought we had it sewed up, Rigel flared up again.

Mind you, it is not so bad; at least we know what the enemy looks like. Those three-meter green monsters with the four red eyes and nine tentacles for arms are hard to miss.

But enough of that! I just popped in to see if it is safe to go back into the water. Quite unlike outer space, cyberspace can be a very hostile environment.

And you know what? Somehow it is nice to be back!yay

cats meow cats meow
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The Real Problem Is Not Being Solved

I’m quite involved with the people living in an informal settlement about six km from where I live and the other day I dropped in to discus a few things with the community leaders. The community consist of a corrugated iron church surrounded by about 350 shacks (informal dwellings), three crèches, a few cafes and too many illegal taverns.

I arrived just in time to witness a very roughed up young Xhosa man being marched past the church out of the place. Everybody stood around looking at the scene. When I asked what it was about I was told that a 12 year old girl went missing a few days ago and she was found in his shack; they were taking him to the police station.confused

Instead of keeping my mouth shut, I said: “Then I suppose that serves him right.” I was astonished by the reaction. Every single woman said that the young man did nothing wrong and that it was the girl who came to him.

“But she is twelve,” I said.

One of the women, a part time student, aspiring to become a social worker, aged about 28 or 29 and a mother of 4 kids – including a daughter of 11 – told me with a straight face that age is just a number and they all started at that age. Nothing wrong with it. shock

“What if it was your daughter,” I asked.

She pulled up her shoulders and said: “That is life.”

"And if she falls pregnant?" I asked sensing that I'm getting nowhere.

"Then I become a grandmother," she said with a broad smile.

But the real victim here is a proper education. I can only hope this is not the trend for then I fear that we have gained nothing in twenty years – we are just raising another generation of improperly schooled citizens.frustrated

But then maybe I'm just old-fashioned.dunno
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What If CS Was Mine

When a business changes hands, there are always some changes, no matter how smoothly the business runs. Some are for the better and some are for the worse.

CS seems to be running on all cylinders. It has a lot of features not found at other sites, but we all have our own ideas about a perfect dating site. So what would I change if I had to run CS?

Well, I certainly won’t take anything away – that’s for sure, but I would add a few things.

I would start by giving each member a wall to write on; only to be active while he is on line. Where a member can make statements and others can comment thereon. Say only 30 lines of preserved text; scrolling off to the top with no recall, advertised in a list; as with the blogs presently. Where he can say: “Hello everybody!” or “I’m going to sleep now.”

I would give the owner of a poll (or forum) the option to determine an expiry date; upon which the poll could be restarted or discontinued, with the option of shelving it for viewing only. As times and circumstances change, a poll becomes obsolete. For example, there is no point in voting for president after the election. Better to start a new poll to ‘feel’ the sentiment about the results, running for two weeks before shelving.

How about a forum that deactivates in the ‘off season’? Like a forum about ‘Christmas shopping’ only running during 1 to 25 December; every year until deactivated.

What about a poll for Irish Women only? I would give the owner of the poll the option to choose the participants by selecting gender, nationality, continent and religion. And the option to apply this on poll takers only or commenters as well. Regions like Scandinavia, Far East, Southern Africa etc is another possibility.

So as you can see, not many changes at all. CS is already a great site!
applause applause dancing
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Everything Can Be Perfect!!

Most dictionaries define perfect as flawless. Hey, wake up! In this random world that we live in, nothing is created perfectly. The word ‘perfect’ is probably one of the most abused words in the entire dictionary. Not even flawless is entirely flawless.professor

We call an object – living or lifeless – ‘perfect’ simply because it meets a certain set of parameters we have defined as being flawless; a set of criteria that contains elements that may not satisfy the next person and other elements that may not even be important to somebody else. Therefore, perfect is relative to what we require it to be and may change from time to time.doh

But let us assume that we have an object that meets all your criteria of being perfect and you may say it is perfect. Then what happens we place another object next to it that not only meets the requirements of being perfect but exceeds it? Is the first object then less perfect? It appears that what we describe as being perfect actually translates to ‘adequate for the intended purpose’.idea

It is easy to be a perfectionist – after all, it is only our own standards that apply; all we need is a good proportion of narcissism, inflexibility, intolerance, selfishness and righteousness. But it is a lonely life, for those are the properties that will alienate us from the people around us. Not that it would matter; perfectionists treasure their own company.blah blah

The bottom line is that if we are going to set impossible parameters for what is perfect while rejecting everybody and everything that that is not ‘perfect’, we are not only going to waste a lot of time chasing unreachable goals, but we are going to lose out on a lot of fun. dance
cats meow cats meow
A wonderful day to ya all!wave
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Baby Fever

Yesterday we had a little family gathering at my sister’s place and it was well attended by the younger generation; mostly the offspring of some of my cousins, naturally a few times removed. applause

We were privileged to have no less than fourteen children present; four of them between the ages of two and four years old. My two nieces were also present and, as usually, their offspring spend a lot of time with their favorite uncle. Very soon the other ankle biters followed suit and before long I had my hands full. Not that I minded, I love children, especially at that age.thumbs up

And now I have baby fever. I want a baby! But when I thought about it for a while, I realized that I have some reservations. I don’t think I want to go through all the rigmarole of putting up with a woman suffering from morning sickness, cravings and what ever else. She must deliver immediately. And the baby must be born a two-year old. With all the teeth that is needed for that age, able to talk (not too much though), able to walk (definitely not too far) and fully potty trained. Oh yes, and immune against the normal child diseases. And lastly, it must remain at that age; no further growing or aging. Think it can be done?dunno

On second thoughts, maybe I should just buy one of those walking and talking dolls - no, not the kind that wet their knickers. But that won’t be the same - those big blue eyes are dead and unresponsive.sigh

Or maybe I should try the adult version of those dolls and call her ‘Baby’. I hear the top models even make the appropriate noises at the right times.shock

Shit! How did I get here? I was talking about babies.doh
cats meow cats meow
Have a great Monday. I don't know why some call them blue.wave
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Some people say that respect must be earned but I cannot agree with them. I believe that everybody deserve to be respected; at least until they prove themselves to be not worthy of that respect. professor

What if the person has screwed up so big time that you have lost your respect for that person? You’re not cross, just disappointed. Is that enough reason to treat the person without respect? And can the person regain that respect with some effort?confused

Would you feign respect in order to preserve your job? It would seem that respect is closely linked to our needs or love for the person. Or is it fear that keeps you in line. It takes balls to tell somebody you need, fear or love that he or she has f*cked up and that you’re unhappy about it. scold

Why do we treat some people whom we loath with so much respect? Why is it that we treat those we love, fear or need with respect, regardless of whether they deserve that respect or not, while we disrespect some others who have done nothing to forfeit our respect? Just because we disagree with their opinion, politics, religion or views.shock

Maybe respect is just something to show people how refined we are; something to harness our fears, to provide in our needs and to fulfill our loves; something we employ to serve ourselves.dunno
cats meow cats meow
It's a beautiful day without wind. Hope you have a great day too.wave
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Why Worry?

There is a saying that if you worry, you will die. If you don’t worry, you will also die. Then why all the worries? It only leads to stress.doh

But responsibility dictates that there are a few things one should worry about. Your health is one of those things. professor

So, are you enjoying good health or not? If you are healthy then there is nothing to worry about and if you are not well it leads to only one other worry. sick

Will you get better or not? If you are going to get better then you have nothing to worry about, but if you will not get any better, well, it brings you to yet another worry. moping

Will you survive or not? If you are going to survive then there is nothing to worry about. But suppose you’re going to die then it leaves you with one hell of a big worry. help

Will you go to heaven or will you go to hell? If you end up in heaven my friend, then there will be absolutely nothing to worry about.angel

However, if you get turned down at the pearly gates, you will go straight to hell and when you get there you will be so busy shaking hands with all of your old friends that you will not have the time to worry about anything!devil

So why worry?grin
cats meow cats meow
Enjoy the day and don't worry, be happy.wave
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To Confess Or Not?

Okay, in a moment of weakness you have cheated on your partner. You got away with it without discovery, but your indiscretion was instantly regretted. You have resolved never to do it again and you’ve lived up to it to date. sigh

But now, after a few weeks, months or years, you feel guilty about it. The chances that your partner will ever learn of it are negligible but your conscience is getting the better of you. Should you confess or not?confused

While confessing will relieve your own burden, it is very likely to do more harm than good for it merely attempts to shift the guilt from you onto your partner. I have been cheated on before and the very first thing that came to my mind was: ‘What did I do wrong?’ And by listening to others, I learned that many of them felt that way as well. professor

On the other hand, should you keep quiet, your partner may learn of it from other sources. Such discovery may well lead to the end of the relationship and most certainly to a lost of

So, whichever way, you run the risk of losing. Not that you deserve any better, you did screw it up. thumbs down

But two nagging questions still remain:
1. If you have cheated on your partner at some time in the past, do you confess or not?
2. If your partner cheated on you at some stage in the past, do you want to know about it?

So, what gives? Do you confess or do you keep your trap shut and hope for the best?dunno
cats meow cats meow
May you enjoy your day.wave
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I should have taken my late grandfathers advice when he said that women were made to love; not to understand. Now, with hindsight, it makes perfect sense. After all, there is no logic in love either. help

The source of my current confusion is my ex girlfriend. She broke up with me two weeks ago. This did not come as a complete surprise as we saw very little of each other, though we did enjoy each other when we were together. The surprise was more in the timing – she did it one day before her birthday.shock

Anyway, she phoned me the same evening to hear if I was OK; as if I was going to hang myself in the garage.

Then the next morning she called me to remind me that I promised her a night out on her birthday. Well, we went eating out, had a few drinks at a nearby pub and went home. She stayed for the night.doh

The confusing part is that while she regularly reminds me that we’re no longer an item, she now spends more time with me than ever before; and she no longer goes to those boring parties. When her friends call, she declines their invitations. She spends her weekends with me, doing the things I want to do. And I now have a key to her place.confused

Before she broke up she used to sleep over one night a week (normally on a Sunday or a Monday) and we went out Wednesday evenings. Since she broke up (22 November) until now, she only slept at her home three times. And every time she asked me to spend the night at her place. I accepted once. hmmm

She has a way to break surprises while I’m still half asleep. This morning she asked me if she can spend her holiday (16 Dec – 6 Jan) here with me. “But you are here in anyway”, I said.wink

“No”, she replied, “not like that. I mean coming here with a suitcase, as if I’m a thousand miles from home, not going home to change.” She’ll chip in with the food, she added. All this only a few hours since she last reminded me that we’re not an item

Well, try as I want, I cannot understand her train of thoughts. Maybe if I try not to understand, I eventually will.grin
cats meow cats meow
You have a wonderful day.wave
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The Power Of Positive Thinking

Did you know that your thoughts and daydreaming can create actual events in your life; that you can make things come true?happy place

All you need to do is forget about the bad and constantly think about the good. Radiate positive vibes and you will receive positive events.lightbulb

Unlike physics, where the opposites attract and where you need a positive and a negative for things to happen, life attracts the same polarities. There is no physics in life.professor

Positive thoughts breed positive outcomes and negative thoughts breed negative things. They both breed on themselves. Don’t be caught in the wrong vicious cycle because once in it, it is hard to break out. But then who would possibly want to break out of a happy vicious circle.heart beating

Think about the good times in your life and it will all come back to you. When you are unhappy and everything goes wrong, analyze your thoughts and see what you have been thinking of.stuck

Your mind radiates your thoughts and although people cannot read your thoughts, they experience your sentiments. They can feel if you like them or not and will react to you accordingly. Look for the good in others – even those you don't like – and concentrate on that; you will be pleasantly surprised. Don’t curse your enemies; wish them well and it will come back to you.grin
cats meow cats meow

Enjoy this beautiful Sunday. As usually since I took retirement, I slept too late to visit my family as I used to do every Sunday. I'm really getting lazy.
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