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Most Commented Allegory Poems (898)

Here is a list of Allegory Poems ordered by Most Commented, posted by members. Read poetry, post your own poems or comments. Poems on these pages are copyrighted © by the authors who entered them. Click here to post a poem.



K indred spirits amongst those with heart,
I ntelligence and creativity off the chart!
N ew ideas and humorous thoughts abound,
D elivering laughter without the sound.
N ever knowing which way the tide may roll,
E njoying treasures of words - not of gold.
S erious sometimes, silly or witty as well,
S onnets and Free Verse from heaven or hell.

One thing will keep it peaceful and fun
'KINDNESS' of thought towards everyone!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2011
About this poem:
Just a plain Swade poem as promised. :-)

After reading a poem last night written by a young man questioning the existence of God, then clearly stating a sincere interest in knowing some 'PROOF' of His existence, I was very impressed by the overall level of 'kindness' shown by him and others that surfaced in the exchange of comments to his poem and the on-going dialog between those pushing the thread.
Religion and politics are 'HOT' topics that usually set 'intellectual' fires, but the exchanges and how they were handled on that particular poem were very encouraging to me. 'Kindness' is a great extinguisher for damaging verbal flames. The author of that poem deserves an award for his manner of response in KINDNESS to those attempts that were made to ignite another 'unsuccessful' and 'unnecessary' flame. KUDOS TO THE KIND KID!!!
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Clouds Of Life

Come sit by me, down on this log;
Now look out over the plains,
To where I'm pointing at right now,
And watch the falling rain.

It's odd the way some clouds can do;
They come and go alone,
To where it's dry as powder hyar,
But pounding down below.

Now take that big one over there
So white and marvelous
You think it'd be the one to watch;
The one to bother us.

But it's not full up to the brim
With water from afar
Like the flat and sullen dark ones
(Like tipping up a jar).

And too, those little ones up there
Close by the mountain peak
They just like to ride the wind
They're so dry they 'near about squeak.

But down there near the winter pass
Where the grass is green and tall
Is where the clouds all come to meet
Where we get the heavy fall.

Can you see out there beyond the clouds?
Where the sky is blue and fair?
To where the sunlight seems to spill
Around most everywhere?

Well, that's the way I feel about you,
Whenever I hear your name,
Because you are like that sky to me,
Some ways, you're near the same.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2010
About this poem:
The clouds of life can reflect our feelings for someone too.
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Quiet Night Thoughts

It's a thoughtful time of night, as I stand beside the firelight
And contemplate the vastness of the universe
I see distant galaxies of stars, Oh look! There's Jupiter and Mars!
I gaze awestruck, at heavens so diverse.

To use "Big Bang" nomenclature, did a random act of nature
Create the cosmos I see spiraling in the sky?
Was it just a fluke of fate, like an unlatched cattle gate,
That made the stars that fill this cowgirl's eye?

Or was it by divine design, meant to give us folks down here a sign
That a greater power created all we see?
Not an accidental whim, but a world created just by HIM,
To give purpose to the lives of folks like me?

When you're living on the land, you can see the Maker's hand
In every cow and horse and cowboy on the place,
We're not here by accident, I figure every one of us was sent
To work the herd with the good Lord's tender grace.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2010
About this poem:
Contemplating the heavens one starry night.
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Who Looks Back In The Mirror?

When you get what you want in the struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day;
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.

For it isn't a man's father, mother, or wife,
Whose judgment upon him must pass;
The fellow whose verdict counts most in his life,
Is the man staring back from the glass.

He's the fellow to please, never mind the rest,
And he's with you clear up to the end;
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test,
If the man in the glass is your friend.

You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass;
But your first reward will be heartache and tears,
If you've cheated the man in the glass.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2010
About this poem:
I'm a broad advocate of "who gives a rip what they think of me?" Why? Because honestly, bravado can be a thin veil and it doesn't take much to peek under the surface and find layers of someone seeking attention for whatever reason. It's about accessing ourselves honestly, not with obnoxious behavior because one thinks it can bring them all the things they hope for in life. Do life with confidence, look at it maturely and leave your ego at the door. Go after what you want in life, but do it with dignity. :)
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Sad The Sensitive Artist

Poets and singers- that curious few
So proud to show off the fine work they do
They suffer and labor creating their art
Expressing a message that comes from the heart

They love to perform and put on a display
The wonderful talent that God cast their way
A lyrical message, each artist records
In CD's and book for admiring hordes

The magazine editors back East and out West
They send review copies and pray for the best
High praise they are seeking, just love will fulfill
Their need to be thrust on top of the hill

Reviewers be warned, though you laud A to Z
Any negative word will be all that they see
They'll pout and they'll cry and get angry and mad
Their sensitive egos so troubled and sad

If once they were friends, they'll be friendly no more
You've kicked them outside and you've bolted the door
An honest appraisal will build but a wall
'Tis better to mention their names not at all.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2011
About this poem:
An observation of poets pitching a fit when they are criticized. Not a pretty sight.
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Unmarked and dug in Time Itself, lost graves of long ago
In high-up hidden valleys where hush and lupine grow;
In slowly sculpted lowlands where nameless rivers flow.

Each took a hand and played a game he thought he knew about
The cave man and the native, the pioneer and scout;
The miner and the cowboy who sought the country out.

While even weather tooks its toll, an ace in Nature's paw
Some fell beneath the weight of years and more to fang or claw;
Misfortune, perhaps, mishap or mistake- all fatal cards to draw.

Denied a graven headstone and robbed of all he planned
Each long forgotten nameless one devoured by the land;
Lost betting more on fickle fate than any poker hand.

Or was he maybe winning, each tombless taken dead
Unbound by any fences, resting free instead;
With Nature fetching flowers and mountains at his head?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2011
About this poem:
Lost and unmarked graves of the West remembered.
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The Lion

In the stillness of
the jungle..
I watch..
and wait..
for you~
You will not enter these lands
For tonight.. I am
I sit high an lifted up
and I am the ruler
of my world~
Watch out!
Make no sound
For I
will hear it..
Move not
For I
will see it..
Sweat not
For I
will smell it..
Sleep not..
For I will awake you
with Fear and Death!
I am the King, and I have
not granted you freedom
to cross these borders~
I sit as stone at these gates
and I crush the proud..
I fear no war
For I.. AM WAR!
Watch out!
I am behind you!
I greet you
With Fire!
I AM..
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Oct 2010
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If i were near you now i would come to you, to hold you in that way you need to be held, to kiss you and answer the desperate hunger on your lips for love, i would hold you and shelter you from the storm, i would cover you in angels kisses, and touch you to cure the desperate need in you, gently all the while.

And when we made love, there would be a beauty in our hearts, and later as we held each other, there would be no seeking in our eyes, for we know what we would see, the love we always wanted, the need fulfilled, our hearts, and souls, at peace with each other, and it would be a well with no end, to which we could reach in and love as often as love required.

We could put away our swords, for our love, happy, desperate, hopeless, magic love, would disarm us forever,,, forgive me, my eyes grow weary as lovers do at dawn, i must sleep now, for your love is demanding, rewarding, beautiful, it caresses my soul, the others you loved, did not understand you as i do, you are my lover, of the soul.

My heart, and soul, have loved you, gently beneath the stars, your passion within me, has created the perfect storm, and we were lovers, this night, it is a desperate, hopeless, passionate, beautiful love, and we loved this night, as only true lovers can.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2010
About this poem:
What good is love without passion, without passion, it is but fondness.
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Her shriek split the night,
and twas terrifying in its pitch,
out by auld Jack Dempseys house,
in the bog.

That mackerel sky night, atop the hill,
she slowly sang her death cry,
below in the cottages, twas heard
the shrieking, Banshee's call.

Twas auld Maggie Farrell, passed away near dawn,
and the wise old heads went nodding in agreement,
wasn't it foretold, they whispered,
by the angel of death.

And there gaze was drawn to the hill,
each wondering, when would she cry again, and for whom,
and they patted each other reassuringly, on the back,
blessing themselves, secretly hoping it would be each other.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2010
About this poem:
In Ireland, the Banshee, who is supposed to be a fairy woman (bean, woman; sidhe, fairy) is said to wail and cry when members of certain families are about to die. It has never been established, however, why this ghostly creature follows some families.
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You are a creature of the night,
who dreads the hours of broad daylight,
in the darkest recess, you must stay,
until the sun, has gone away.

But when moon will rise and shine
that is the time that suits you fine.
its then that you come out to play
in the darker hours of every day,

Its then you run, and jump, and skip,
and wave at stars so brightly lit,
as chasing moonbeams through the night,
you laugh with mirth, and dark delight.

you rap the glass, at dead of night,
and shriek with glee to see the fright,
but you mean no harm to child, or wife.
you are but mischief, of the night.

Alas to the east, some light is shed,
the sun will soon get out of bed,
to the dark recess, once more you go,
till stars will twinkle, and moonlight glow.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2010
About this poem:
Part of a collection of illustrated poems, for a children's story book.
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