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Most Viewed Dating & Relationships Blogs (2,544)

Here is a list of Dating & Relationships Blogs ordered by Most Viewed, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.


Adropted child and being a single Mom!

It may hard for a lot of people to believe but the first serious love of my life came when I was at my 30! By that time I used to have a beautiful dream having kids in a full house!

But things doesn't work well and I came back being a single.

The break up from that only loved was too much of hurts making me somehow scare of love.

Now, after more or less 3 years from that sad relationship, I think I feel completely ok but still its very difficult for me to fall in love with someone. I understand this is because the right man for me is not appear yet but I prefer patiently wait for him instead of being with a wrong once again, and, somehow I'm happy with my current single life anyway. So, there is nothing urgent at looking for someone and I think it will never becomes urgent at this point for whole of my life to avoid mistake that brings hurt again.

However, I like to have kid!! I think I can be a single Mom!! But for sure I'm NOT able making kid with someone who I don't love!! I'm 100% sure at this point!! And I don't want to do artificial insemination because if I give birth to a kid I want to know exactly who is the father.

If I'm young I can wait until I meet someone I love and make a kid with him but I'm not young anymore and it's not recommend to have kid at my ages.

So, I'm thinking about getting an adropted child and being a single Mom!! I have been thinking about this a lot recently but I'm still a bit hesitate because I do not have any experience with kids and for sure my parents do not support me with this so even I don't live same house with my parents but I may have very hard time with them if I make this decision.

What would you advise me in this sistuation? Should I just get an adropted kid and being a single Mom or should I wait to have my own kid?


Help me to understand, please...

I honestly don't understand the different between "seeing someone", "dating someone", "being a lover", "being a girlfriend/boyfriend".

Are all those the same just different way to call it? Or if they're different, what's the different between them?

One friend told me once "Ok, I think I'm ready to date again." To which I replied "Are you sure? I thought you're still not over him." And he said "I'm not saying I'm ready to be in relationship, I'm just ready to date again. That's all."

And recently a guy said "I want to be your lover", and when I was stunned not knowing what to answer as I thought we just knew each other, he added "I'm not talking about boyfriend-girlfriend, or marriage, just being lovers, honeymoon forever."

I have no clue. Does anyone have any idea what these are all about and wanna share with me?


The biggest obstacle and beef I have with dating sites everywhere nowadays is that men ghost. Now I’m not singling men out because women do it too. I’m just saying men because that’s who I prefer to date but what’s with that? I have sooo many questions and examples as far as that goes. Such as someone matching with me and I match with them and then they disappear? Okay did you not look at my profile in the first place and then look at it when I finally matched with you? That’s just strange to me because I never match with someone UNLESS I’ve read their profile first.

Another example is when we match with each other and talk and then if I don’t get back to them right away then I’m deleted? Like you can’t wait until I reply?! That’s total BS man. Great online dating is a thing of the past. Everyone is suspicious of everyone else or people see someone better and go to them or people don’t even bother to read profiles anymore.

I don’t even date anymore because there’s no point. It doesn’t go anywhere fast nowadays. Lol. I don’t know how people are meeting each other anymore because it still happens all the time, I see it. It’s an enigma. confused dunno yawn

Engagement Ring, Wedding Ring and Gifts.

What do you do with them after a divorce or break up?

I went through my messy closet over the weekend and found some gifts from my ex-hubby that reminded me of many good memories. I found some unused perfumes, some jewelries, clothes and bags but I couldn't find my wedding ring. I know I stashed it somewhere but can't seem to find it. I used to wear it even after the divorce, finally took them off after many months of dating someone else. I'm thinking of keeping it for my son, after all it's from his dad.grin

I have a "break up and make up" relationship with someone. The first time I broke up with him, except for the clothes and underwears that I already wore, I brought the rest of gifts he gave me over to his place to return to him. I returned it thinking and feeling that it was the right thing to do but he took it as something spiteful.sigh Maybe it's the way I broke up with him that time.

We had a date, he asked me to go over his place for a special dinner, I said OK but with an intention of ending things. I found him busy cooking duck ( that I never like to eat! ) in the kitchen and making special cocktails. I waited for the right moment to break it to him.
I even helped prepare the salad and set the table . I was having hard time swallowing the food, explained to him that I never like to eat duck when he asked if it tasted good or not. It was my first duck dinnergrin

After we cleaned up the table, I finally found the courage to say goodbye and gave him back those gifts. It took him by surprise, told me I can't break up with a man who just went to a great length to cook good dinner and fed me!doh

Anyway I took those gifts back after a week later when we made upsigh He told me that next time I feel like getting rid of his gifts, I should just throw them or give them away...not throw them back to him. He said he gave them to me so they belong to mesigh

alone in a house full of cats.?

Most women want a guy who is a 6'4" muscular athlete with model good looks and $100,000 a year income with no flaws or baggage and who accepts without question all of her (many) flaws and baggage. Then they wonder why they end up alone in a house full of cats.?
Embedded image from another site

Dr.Clara Johnson

I done sent a e-mail to this attractive female MD from London UK; she's single and I have a interest in her.

I wish everyone a good relationship..

May everyone have a happy, healthy relationship...

This Is A Dream Come True.

I cannot believe that I finally got him after all the years.
I have loved him ever since I can remember.
I’m moving in with him today.
There is not much to move.
I am only taking my clothes and a few personal items.
My daughter will stay on in my flat until we can find a larger place.
Neither my place nor his place is large enough for the three of us.

I know some of you will judge me for calling a wedding off two days before the time.
I don’t feel proud of myself but I could not marry another man I don’t love for the sake of not being alone.

I have to go! He’s calling. I can’t let him wait. At least not until the knot is tied.

Thank you for the fun we had. May God bless you all!
heart beating love smitten

Who Should I Date?

Is this person kind, and growing in kindness? How do they treat their friends or family? How do they treat “everyday” people who they don’t need to impress: restaurant servers, cashiers, etc.? These are telling indicators of kindness. How do they handle anger? Are they able to express anger appropriately? Can they talk about frustrations, or do they stuff feelings? Does their room have punch holes in the wall? Do they know the difference between healthy and unhealthy anger? How do they handle conflict? Do they need to be right, even if it’s at the expense of the relationship? It’s possible to be right about an issue but still handle it in the wrong way. So date someone who knows how to apologize. Is this person aware of (and patient with) weakness? We all have pressure points and weaknesses that rub against others. This calls for patience and grace with ourselves and one another. Is this someone I can work alongside? Once all the initial euphoria subsides, the question is whether this is someone alongside whom you can do the regular tasks of life: Can you still be a good friend to others? Is this someone with whom you can enjoy a healthy “normal”: doing laundry, planning your year, working at your job? Are they trustworthy? Are they faithful to do what they say, to keep a confidence? Is their yes ‘yes’, and their no ‘no’? Are they faithful with their (and your) sexuality? Dating is a terrible time to test s*xual compatibility since great sex has little to do with biology and so much to do with established intimacy in other areas: something increased by trust and time. Do they say thank you? Do they practice thankfulness in small and big ways? Do they know who they are and whose they are? Knowing that our identity is found in being unconditionally loved by God is the foundation for healthy love relationships with people. No person, no matter how wonderful, can fill the deep need we have to find our identity in being loved. This is a God-shaped hole in our hearts, and we need to be people and date people who let God fill the God-shaped hole. Is this a person with whom I can grow in my faith? So ask: Is this someone with whom God’s Word has a place between us, and with whom I can share God’s wisdom and encouragement? Great marriages are made of the same stuff that dating relationships and friendships are made of. This means that the popular advice on “getting a girl” and “finding a guy” which focuses on fine tuning your appearance and social etiquette really doesn’t get to the heart of the matter. Being smaller, bigger, more ripped, bustier, more confident (or whatever it is you feel you need to make yourself more attractive) has little or no correlation to actual dating success, which is about figuring out whether you could really live life with this person. Ultimately, we marry someone to live with them, not to go to parties or look good in Instagram vacation shots. Dating well means dating someone who is becoming a person you trust and respect. It means discovering more about yourself so you can become such a person yourself. It has nothing to do with someone’s résumé, BMI, GPA, 401(k), or their hotness score; it has everything to do with discovering one another’s character, even as you’re developing your own. So, maybe it’s time to call it quits on that relationship you’ve been in for a while, because it's not showing the signs of character growth in both of you. Or perhaps it’s time to consider dating with a bit more of an open mind. Even if you don’t know where this will ultimately go, why not see if you can be friends and take it from there? The better we are at relationships in general, the better our dating, and ultimately our marriages will be. There is no secret ingredient to a perfect marriage. It’s the stuff we already know and appreciate about others—the tools we already use for finding good friends and reliable roommates—that we need to put into practice.

Be kind, be generous, and date.
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