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"Ode to the Heart of a Soldier"

I am a soldier, my heart bound to this land,
Fighting for life and liberty, with strength in my hand.
Treading upon sands that echo our flag's command,
With every step, my resolve remains unbowed, it will stand.

My faith is my shield, my courage, my sword,
Facing each adversary, fear is never restored.
On this battlefield, where hope is our accord,
Victory will be ours, with the dawn's reward.

Challenging adversity, chest bared in the light,
Love for my country pulses, in every beat it's right.
Echoes of justice resound, cutting through the night,
No force in this world can smother my fight.

I am a soldier, in the constant fervent fray,
My path may be barren, but powerful is my way.
For life, for freedom, my valor does not sway,
My heart, my land, in the victorious array.

Bravery is my anthem, etched in each line of my face,
I march onward, carving freedom's trace.
For each comrade, each soul, each cherished embrace,
I pledge my undying courage, to protect our sacred space.

Through the whispers of the wind, across the desolate dunes,
Rings the song of the soldier, under the silent moon.
In the heart of the warrior, a resonating tune,
An undying symphony of defiance, that can't be overthrown soon.

For each dawn that breaks, each twilight we've withstood,
Lives a testament of valor, of a promise understood.
I am a soldier, in my veins, flows gallant blood,
For the land I adore, for peace, for the greater good.

This is the tale of the soldier, in his glory and strife,
A tale of perseverance, of dedication, of life.
Bound by honor, by love, carved sharp as a knife,
I am a soldier, till the end, in love, in war, in life.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
"Ode to the Heart of a Soldier" is a powerful and emotionally resonant poem that explores the interior life of a soldier. Through its eight stanzas, the poem delves into the profound dedication, courage, and sense of purpose that fuels a soldier's journey. It honors the sacrifice, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the protection of their homeland.

The poem doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of war, instead, it emphasizes the soldier's bravery and determination even in the face of adversity. The soldier's love for their country, their willingness to fight for freedom and peace, and their unyielding spirit are all highlighted as key themes.

The poem's title aptly encapsulates the spirit of the work, which is a tribute to the soldier's heart - the courage, the dedication, and the love that drives them. It serves as an homage to all soldiers, their resilience, their sacrifices, and their undying commitment to their cause.

In its essence, "Ode to the Heart of a Soldier" is an exploration of the human spirit under extreme circumstances, illustrating the strength and resilience that defines a soldier.
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Queen Searching Lost Kingdom

Queen Searching Lost Kingdom

Geranium whispers in the twilight haze,
A queen wanders under the moon's soft gaze.
Her kingdom lost, her heart in strife,
In every petal, she seeks her life.

Aster stars sprinkle the night,
Guiding her way with their radiant light.
Echoes of laughter, shadows of crowns,
In dreams of old, her hope rebounds.

Lilies pure, standing tall and fair,
Whispers of a kingdom that was once there.
Courage in heart, scepter in hand,
She journeys forth to reclaim her land.

Iris, the rainbow, blooms in her wake,
Reflecting the path that she must take.
Across the mountains, through the dales,
Her spirit strong, she never fails.

Camellia blushes in dawn's first light,
Symbol of love, burning bright.
In the heart of a queen, love knows no bounds,
Her lost kingdom, she finally found.

In the forest of forget-me-not,
She finds a land that time forgot.
The palace stands, proud and grand,
In the kingdom, where love and memories expand.

Azalea, a celebration of life anew,
In the heart of the kingdom, where love is true.
With her people, she dances with joy,
In the land that time could never destroy.

Daisies bloom in fields wide and vast,
Reminding her of a beautiful past.
Now the queen of a kingdom reborn,
In the heart of her people, she'll never be forlorn.

Roses, the symbol of eternal love,
Blessings bestowed from the heavens above.
In the heart of a rose, she finds her peace,
Queen of her kingdom, where wonders never cease.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
The poem "Queen Searching Lost Kingdom" is a beautiful and deeply evocative narrative, eloquently capturing the journey of a queen in search of her lost realm. It effortlessly weaves the theme of perseverance, love, and the power of hope through its exquisite lines. (To Maharlika)
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My Dream from Rachael_0622

My Dream
Of the
"We Us Our Team"
Not selfish of He She Him Her
Team players
Duets not solo artists

I seek a family unit
That is n "sync"
Team work
True love
Good listening skills
Great attentive communication
Human Divine Relationship skills
Send receive, give take, listen speak,
participant, spectator
Of just the right
KJV Holy Bible Eccles: 3
A time for every season under heaven
A time to love
A time to dance
And the spark plugs that
Ignite the fire of
All 8 spark plugs
Under the engine at just
The right temperature and speed
To productivity honesty and contentment
creativity satisfaction
Speed to keep the rhythm spontaneous movement
Indefinitely to endless bliss
Where all the parts and gears turn
freely happily steadily
with no friction, condemnation, criticism
Nor animosity
but gratitude, admire, acknowledge, appreciate, recognize, honor, adore
For the privilege not right
For a higher caliber of two
That have become one
The lubrication from
Divine Intervention
Cleve unto her or him only
Not run home to parents or others
Like the silky rose petals of ink
That flows from the Angels
Fragrance "Fine"
Roses enticing aroma
To the Mind
To eternal life
In a home that is always warm
Never cold
Always inviting
Often frequently
Enveloped in his arms
Safe I know I have come home
And I love it there
Never left alone too long
Always warmly welcomed
Never cold rejected
I'm not the kind that could
tolerate it.
Longing yearning needing wanting
One good man to Love and adore
where the feelings are mutual, reciprocated!
Never taken for granted
Always cherished respected
A woman that does not share
"Her man"
Her Arms and hands, heart
ache to draw him in and make him her own!
His Pointer like a hunting dog:
Is always alert, on target
He doesn't miss a beat:
He's listening: to the whole orchestra
Not just some of it
Melody base harmony not discord
He is always on point: alert
Doesn't miss an opportunity for humor come backs
When he does I grin ear to ear
I squeal with delight
He doesn't miss Anythinggg!
Close enough to perfect for me!
Attentive to Love
On "cue" alert receptive
His antenna is tuned into her frequency
On their channel of love
"The Love Unlimited Orchestra"
Is playing all of its instruments
In such sweet Endearing Fluidity
Like a waterfall of a rainbow of colors
To quench your thirst
with inspiration, Sensitivity, Laughter, smiles,
the finest mental intimacy Ever! HOT!
It doesn't matter if they r 2 hours apart
12,000 miles away from each other
One in Alaska the other in Australia
*Their "HOT" Light has been pushed to the far right!
Jammed locked clear to hot red light flashing
Like the burning sun
Not cold code blue
Most never experience this kind of mental intimacy
The hottest foreplay unmined
A new discovery
And "Man" is it Divine
Indescribeably delicious
No words for it
But the 2 that share it
Know this proven recipe equation well
He is too alert with his keen sense of wit
and desire for love
To never miss the opportunity
for what true love only can offer
A rare gem with Character and Umph!
If the heart first be willing
It will shock u of the outcome of pure joy
Delight squeals of laughter playful
So highly enjoyable
I experienced this mental intimacy
With him for hours daily for weeks
He was touching my hotest spot on my body
My brain my soul
Full of desire
Spontaneous combustion
This is my fight song
We can make an explosion
That have climbed the mountaintop
To reach the peak
That they were willing to put n the work
Willing to put forth the effort
An "A" for effort
Not a "D" for Dud
Where the amunition had no spark
Due to failure to launch
From not being willing to do their homework
Big Mistake!!!!!!!!!!
Author poet written now
This is my dream to make a reality!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Oct 2019
About this poem:
After much effort I DEEPLY
fell in love here
Learned a lot
Right now his gray light and green light r off
What does that mean no circle?
Just his pictures text
This happened before w him
He said he'd replaced modem from storm
Don't know his status
But I wish to hear from him
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A Gentleman with pure intentions

To just one
good man

"A Gentleman with pure intentions"

Where R U?
Have I already met u?
Do I already know your name?

If u were mine
I'd leave u
love poems on your pillow
In your brief case
On the front of your lap top
A purple passionate post it note
With a loving Endearing verse
Bright yellow sunshine post it
Of how u light up my life on the window u look out the most often
Post it notes of all colors all over the house on your favorite chair
In your dresser drawer
In A sexy dress shirt pocket
Blue W a shiny sapphire blue tie
Purple W a shiny lavender tie
These color r so hot to women what a turn on
That is shiny and matches a purple passionate dress shirt
With A 3 piece pin stripe suit charcoal gray in color with a thin line of pink in the fabric with a lovely attractive pink shirt and shiny pink tie to match no fake for real
In the jewelry box where u keep your cufflings
In a suit pocket and vest
Behind your handkerchief
In your pants pockets
The top secret note in the back buttoned up
For safe keeping for your eye only
N your socks
Inside your deodorant lid Rolled up in the cover
With your inticing cologne
In the bathtub or shower
Above the headboard
Near the massage table
Near the pina colada or coconut
On the fresh fruit tray
With your aftershave grooming kit
In your shoes
On your email
In the mailbox
In the kitchen bathed in beauty and light MBE
With the cookies
In the frig
On the stove with your favorite meal
In your lunch box
With chewy brownies
With cherry cheese cake
With oatmeal cookies w a touch of coconut
With your favorite snack or fruit or fav nuts
And n your heart
In your Tupperware to keep your food fresh
On your coffee mug
Near your coffee grounds & cream & sugar coffee pot set up/Tea
Hope this quenches your thirst
Of the up-coming attractions:
These r the previews
Composed just now
To quench your soul
U would know u were loved
Not wonder nor doubt
You'd know in your soul
From the substance of things hoped for
From the evidence of things unseen
From the expression show me not tell me
From Missouri the show me state
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Oct 2019
About this poem:
Powell was the inspiration
He knows his name
Have never met him
Don't know him well
But he appears to have much heart
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I’m Safe In The Light! (Meditation)

Midday or midnight
A motto I live by,
What’s under my bed?
Some creature I dread
These shadows I see
‘Til shallow I breathe
Those critters that creep
And nip at my feet
The monsters that growl
And upset my bowels
When jitters make sleep
But a sliver less deep
Sun? Moons’ made a clearing
So hasten appearing
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Oct 2022
About this poem:
Comfort for those who need it. What is life but light and darkness? Choose. Just a few moments, hrs, days more, then the dawn…embrace it wholly!
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As a kid I get exited whenever I get the news from my parent that we are going on a vacation or any trip that will lead to exploring the galaxy and the restless race of traveler’s heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; the nervous feeling before undertaking a journey always hit me like never before. Growing up, I still feel hunted and engage with the same nightmare and restless race of how my journey will end up.
The joy of being able to say “to hell with it” pave way to an intense and irresistible desire for freedom listening to directions and then walking off and promptly learning how to heal as I advance in age.
I realize the tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it whether through envy or pity or simple foreignness which allows it to drift away from the rest of your life story, until the memory itself feels out of place, almost mythical, wandering restlessly in the fog, no longer even looking for a place to land.
I guess this is just me having another nightmare that will always hunt me as long as I have breathe in my lungs... Don't be scared to dream because that's the time you feel human...

I hope I didn't waste your time???
Be free to let us know your trip anxiety.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Oct 2022
About this poem:
The poem is all about the anxiety and excitement that drives through my bloodstream whenever I plan going for any trip and it has become that living souls that hunts me and will keep hunting me.
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Destiny decide who we meet in our life. People passing by, they come and go, but one thing is for sure one of them are destined to meet in our life.

We will never know who is good for us, until destiny decide what is best for us.

Sometimes we thought we already find the right person for us until we knew that they're not the one for us.

We love someone give are all but still we get hurt. Thought this the end for us and stopped loving someone.

But destiny is here for us, look for someone that right for everyone of us.

Someone that we will meet in the right place and in the right time. That will give us joy and happiness because destiny never fail to meet two people to have a love that never end.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2019
About this poem:
For those people who believe in destiny.
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No Peace

"Let's lock them up, let them kill themselves.
Let's beat them up, soon enough they'll kill themselves..."

This story's getting old, right?
200 years old, right?

Down in New South Wales,
this white Australian lady.
Takes a swing over nothing,
and without retaliating.

The aboriginal girl hits the ground,
lands there with a thud.
The police had suddenly taken her down,
then slammed on the cuffs.

Took her from there into lock-up
and put her into a room.
In this particular room the camera's were off,
the police surrounded her like fire fumes.

And very much like a pack of dingoes,
they went in for the attack.
Now this Aboriginal girl is consumed by hate,
her whole world is now turned black.

A mother looked for a job,
but was so often knocked back.
"We see you're Aboriginal
and there's a problem with that."

You see, we've had trouble with your kind before,
and so we are not employing.
But just so you know that's the only reason,
so good luck with your job searching!"

Thus, from generation to generation,
the hate spreads on.
And the government asks for acceptance,
from people who are done.

People who find it hard when from young they are pinned,
as a, "you never will amount to be anything."
People who find it hard when they're told that their dreams,
may mean something but aren't good for a damned thing.

White Australian father getting blamed,
for racism he has never displayed.
For assumed prejudice he never did say,
his love for all peoples now mucked and splayed.

"I have 2 aboriginal children and would never say that!,
that you're just another useless black.
Good for nothing but making babies and spat."
the last thing he said before he got smacked.

He was only ever proud and tried to mingle,
with those he thought of as his country's men.
Faith now lost because he was singled,
his heart filled with hate and all he condemns.

"Once upon a time I would have been your friend",
a white Australian mother says, "but no more."
"I can't take the chance that I may offend,
you see, I've had trouble with your kind before."

Thus, from generation to generation,
the hate spreads on.
And the government asks for acceptance,
from people who are done.

People who find it hard when they are already pinned,
as invaders who don't care for anything.
People whose ancestor's stories are so old,
" means nothing in this country that's not yours!", they're told.

Alcohol, drugs, minds breaking down,
fewer care to make a sound.
The next generation will soon find what is always found,
"Shh. Australia doesn't want you to make a sound!"

Unfortunate for those who are not racist as such,
there's so many who are, that this country's stuffed.
Not 200 years ago, not yesteryear,
No, not last night, but today, enough!

Misunderstandings will not bring peace,
undue blame does not bring peace.
Mistreatment will never make any peace,
hate does surely afford no peace.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2017
About this poem:
Something I began writing last year but as I tend to do, I got side-tracked and didn't finish. It is now done.

Written with no offence to anyone and if you have taken offence, chances are you've missed the point.
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You are free...

For within the song
Our heartbeats
Sing together
We know
That all
Illusion fall

And in the love
Our souls
Will be
We know
That only truth
Will last forever

And songs we sing
The dreams we share
The nights so deep
The days we share

No claim
No tag
Is on our love
It just is free
Like as above
And in the silent flame within
Together see
Anew begin

When more is more
And less is less
No need to stand
In mist and guess
The rains will kiss you
Rivers run
The inner journey
Wheels has spun

So open for that heartsong up
And whether full or empty cup
For all endeavour
Find your Grace
And shine that light
From out your face

For love will be us
Be the day
And right is here
With us to stay
The ocean waves
Together roar
Come let our souls
To heavens soar

If I am you
And you are me
Within the dance
Eternal free
What we not know
Our steps will seek
The valley deep
The mountain peak
The golden string
From heart to heart
Was there before
Of any start

So have the faith
To love yourself
For never dry
The inner well
Life lives in you
And you are free
With truth to flow
In love to be

The real in you
Behind the words
Just waking now
With song of birds
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2017
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I cry

Sometimes I wanna find release
At times I wanna shout
Inside I'm crying all the time
I want to let it out

I cry at what the world's become
I cry because it's bad
I cry because what could be good
It's what we wish we had

I cry at all the loss of life
I cry, it makes no sense
I cry for all the children
Wasted lives, the innocence

I cry because I feel depressed
I cry as I'm alone
I cry while talking to myself
While in an empty home

I cry because it gives relief
I cry to let it go
I cry to show I really care
For what, we all should know
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2017
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