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godsprincessonline today!


She may seem timid, innocent and naïve
Trying to let on she will do nothing but please
But other women can tell what is going on
She’s trolling for her next victim not dating fun

Sweetly passive she may seem to be
A switch from women who don’t give free
From other countries exotic beauties call to thee
Beware for things may not be what they seem to be

I know someone who married one of these
Dark exotic beauties as innocent as can be
After a year she emptied the bank account and left
Went home to her boyfriend after her theft

They had a baby together and lived on the money
Of her loving gullible American honey
The moral of this story is as plain as can be
If she seems too good to be true – this I can believe

Embedded image from another site
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2017
About this poem:
This happened to a cousin of mine who married a dark haired beauty from South America - she wanted to come to America and live like a Queen. Took all his money and went back to South America and now living like a Queen with her boyfriend and their baby. True story. Beware! American women may not be all honey and pie - but at least some of us are honest.
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godsprincessonline today!


Embedded image from another site

She sat in her chair
Staring straight ahead
Her faded blue eyes
Appearing glazed and red

Not moving a muscle
No view outside to see
Just a brick wall ahead
Not even a green tree

Tears running down her cheeks
Dripping down to her lap
Only her memories to see
Her old body now a trap

Remembering the times past
Love, laughter and family
Now all alone and no hope
Just waiting for life’s finale

Written by: Kathy © June 27, 2021
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2021
About this poem:
Update: A dear friend of mine was just told last week that she only has 6-8 months left to live because she has Lung Cancer. She never smoked a day in her life!! I originally wrote when entering period of time when my Mom passed away. Towards the end she sat in her chair staring at the wall and remembering memories. I thought it was my memories coming to me - however, possibly it was meant for my friend instead. Kathy
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Mario Brothers 3

I finally did it!
After months of playing this game
I defeated Bowser
He kept trying to stomp on me
I got out of the way
He then fell through the floor
I then rescued the princess
I like the old style video games
The newest system I have is an XBox from 2001
I just can't see spending all that money on the new
When I love the old
Same thing goes for my music
Taylor Swift
Cyndi Lauper
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
My last song I listened to is If I Can't Have You by Yvonne Elliman from 1977 on the Bee Gees Saturday Night Fever soundtrack.
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Childhood Memories

Sitting on the gate with Rose
waiting for the boys
Where are those lads with scruffy clothes
still playing with their toys.

Here comes Jimmy swaggering
catapult in hand
He's wondering what Bill and George
have deviously planned.

Jumping down we greet our pal
as other boys join in
Hopping with excitement now
making such a din.

Down the lane we tumble
what mischief shall we plan
Scrumping in the orchard
on Farmer Giles land.

A butterfly with outstretched wings
warms up in the morning sun
Wonder where he goes at night
when the day is done.

Let's make a camp in yonder wood
play hide and seek and track
I'd love to be alone in there
with Jimmy's brother Jack.

How time has flown since first we met
down by the garden gate
My own young one's now take my place
as down the path they wait.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
How easily we forget those days when we are now surrounded by so much technology our kids think a phone is fun.
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I gave it all up,
Just to have it all again.
And if I had to start over,
I would still do the same.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
This is from a story of mine involving a Spartan who interacts with the world outside New Sparta, and though he realized that he is more than what he seems, he still keeps to what he always was.
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Love Men that moan when they eat

Love Men That moan
when they eat ...
Groan in extacy!
need to eat slower
in the presence
of a woman
It's so delicious
homemade they
Gulp vs. chew
Did they even taste it?
To the intense
Thick gravy
Full of intense
meat drippings
Kinda Flavor!
As home made of a meal
As You can get
made w love
Turkey or ham
Divine SAVORY thick gravy
Full of intense meat flavor!
The Hunter in their soul
Craves much meat!
Moose, Venison, Beef
Divine dressing
Creamy vs crunchy food
Fresh produce
Fruit pies, custard, chocolate Pumpkin pie
And all the traditional
Family favorites!
topped w Cool whip of course
Some get hot and bothered smelling the SAVORY aroma
Breathing heavy
like the heat of passion
like a grizzly bear
I roar laughing
when a man does that
huffing puffing
in anticipation
Slow to fast Mmmm ...
So adoreable
It hits my funny bone
I laugh in playful banter
Afternoon Delight!
plain hilarious like an animal!
And tell him
u sound like a
"Hope u don't have claws!"

Men can sound like an Animal
Grrr! ...
When they fill up their plate
4-6" high and start eating
I have to turn my head
My stomach only can hold the size of a fist
They must be like a cow
With 4-6 stomaches
Big enough to hold
4-6 meals
I'm happy they enjoy it
But they are
not a starvin'
was always
good homemade
food here at home!
They eat good food daily
Maybe it's because they never learned
the art of cooking
For theirself
Afraid they must eat
Before it is all gone from those at the
Christmas feast
Horn of plenty
Who knows
Men are a
Men r from Mars
Women r from Venus
You know?
Maybe they are aliens
Different agenda body smell likes dislikes focus skills
Golly Gee
Tell me what do they want
I don't know
Do they even know
Is the question?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2020
About this poem:
Men can sound like an Animal
Grrr! ...
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socrates44online today!

Beauty and Truth

Within the depths of my being
I feel a love for Beauty
Beauty is awe inspiring
and praise invoking

During a quiet moment
on some deserted spot of nature
my soul rises
from this earthly plane
to celestial heights
the mind is at peace
and the soul communicates
with some mysterious cosmic power
that is so pure
so beautiful
and so overwhelming
that to me
it is absolute

In such moments
I feel
so helpless
so insignificant
my soul is lost
within this mysterious realm
whose magnitude fills the universe
for now I am just a part
of this mysterious consciousness

In such moments
I probe my logical mind
-my scientific mind;
I explore my upbringing
and psychological background
to test the validity
of this consciousness
but they are all silent
It is as if this is a domain
so convincing in itself
that logic stands helpless

Feelings reign supreme then
-such intense feelings:
peace generating
and beauty creating
that self is overwhelmed
by its magnitude
Ego is defeated
and the soul is set free
-completely free
from every thing
that binds it
on this earthly plane
for I become a part
and yet the whole
of this mystery
-a paradox in itself

Is this truth
-Absolute Truth?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,"- that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to

-John Keats (Ode on a Grecian Urn)

(I wrote this piece in my mid-twenties)
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Love female male ratio 7 to 1

Love female male
Human ratio
7 women to 1 man
Some men
Only seek a quick fix
Just a pick up
At the local
Stop and go
For a snack
A temporary bandaid
Not real romance
Not a cherished
Just a copy replica
Not an Original
Antique with Character!
Genuine Authentic

Animals learn
The language of love
The Art of communication
It will take
effort work

The mating dance
If they didn't
Pay attention
Critters big or small
Would Not
have a chance
To stand
At the dance
Too many competitors
Males seeking a female
To win
The keys to her hearts
True affections!
They have to play by
The rules of the animal kingdom
The fittest biggest best
Of the species
"Survival of the fittest"
Best in manners stature!
Or they Will Not
Win the prize
By scent
Needs patience!

Once I observed
A couple dance so elegantly
I gave them a compliment
I'd pay money
For a video of that dance
I think they danced
1 waltz then
2 of the two step
I observed 3 dance songs
They danced to
So sweet tender
In Sync unison step beat!
He came back with a vulgar remark of
do u want to
watch us ***k too!

My mouth dropped open
I Almost hit the floor
It was a compliment
A small quaint dance place
With always a great band!
Country Western Music!
That crowd dances in couples circling around the floor with peace on earth!
At Four Corners
Country Western Club
Wasilla Alaska

Good ole' boys don't put up with jerks
they quickly
4 of them
Take them
gather Him off the floor
With their mammoth broad shoulders & huge bi-ceps
Bulging in their Arms
of their shirt
Country Western attire
Escort them out the back door!
Tell him
U r Done 4 tonight!
Say don't come back now
Do u hear!
Not til u r sober!
No more tonight!
I don't expect to see u
Next Saturday night
U r grounded
From this peaceful place
Don't spoil our party!
And I mean it!
Or u will be banned for life!
Grow up!
They don't let jerks
spoil their dance
Of romance with their mate on their important date!
They were
The only couple on the floor!
He must have been drunk!
I was at a public place
At a public dance!

He was so handsome
He lost that beautiful
Blonde blue eyed woman
Her elegance flowed as they circled around the floor
It was like watching
Fred Astaire
Ginger Rogers!
She told me he blew it
infidelity lust
He has fleas
I'm Done
touch me again!

30 years pass
I returned to that club
Guess who
Was sitting at the counter
The same dancing man!
A Has been Not a Star
Lost to lust
A quick roll in the hay
To lose
The True Love of his Life!
The mother of his children
The seeds of his loins
His wild oats sewn!
He lost his children's
Happy home of family
To lust
His children no more
He gave up his rights
For a roll in the barn
Up in the haystacks
Fragrant by pigs and cows
Too cheap for a room
Broke on his *ss
Where Dogs catch fleas
No longer a man
But a man w***e
Not worth taking home
Not timeless or priceless
But penniless
That male s**tte
Would never be touching
Not sleeping with me!

His beauty Queen
Long gone
Now a
male pauper
Fit for only the grave
Infested w trash worms maggots nothing good
To bring home to momma
To the son she bore
With nothing
To show for
His 60+
Years on this earth
Lonely empty soul
Faking his dreary days
With no smiles on his face
Numb to the human race
The world does not like him
From the choices he's made
Self inflicted agony
I can't offer him pity
For hurting
Pretty wife!
Once handsome
NOT anymore
Beer gut
self obsorbed
He said something to me
He didn't deserve a response!

I wanted to refrain with
Do You want to
watch me ***k Too?
But I couldn't
I could only ignore him
The Fool lost
Mrs. Wonderful!
Mr. Lust
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2020
About this poem:
*Updated Men talkin' about men
U can't beat em' up
'Cause there bigger than u!
Men "The Judds"

Men need help badly an education
Men r from mars
women R from Venus
I'm working on finding a gentleman
One that it's ok with him
To worship a higher power
He doesn't expect me to worship him
But God
Have no other Gods before me
The first of the 10 commandments
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Christmas 4 your man

Christmas 4 your man
Need a good present
For him only?
To compliment
Your marriage
Heat up the bedroom
Stimulate your love life
Go to a woodworker
Order a custom made
Durable sturdy one for
his weight allowance
Recommend a foldable one
That won't collapse
With some
safety features on it
To support your man
Massage table
To heat up your love life
Massage his weary
Aching muscles bones
Don't forget some light
Massage oil
Like coconut
Or pina colada
Use it sparingly
U don't want him to slip away & get hurt
It will save dramatically
Enhance your life
And reduce
your medical
Or chiropractor bills
Healing hands of love
With the spark
That will ignite
To a flame
Make sure it only has a slight slit for him
To breathe on top
Where he places his head
Thru a support pillow
So his face doesn't fall thru
His Christmas present
It will reap wellness to the family
For years
But he will value you more than ever
But foreplay to
body massage
Have him sit on one end of the couch
U on the other facing each other as much as possible
Wash his feet like Jesus
Love on his feet
While he loves on yours
Your eyes will roll back n your head
With soothing contentment
Massage rids the body
Of toxins thru urine
Expelling them out
Learn every square inch of his body
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2019
About this poem:
Have enjoyed this
With just one
But alcohol
He loved more
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A Gentleman with pure intentions

To just one
good man

"A Gentleman with pure intentions"

Where R U?
Have I already met u?
Do I already know your name?

If u were mine
I'd leave u
love poems on your pillow
In your brief case
On the front of your lap top
A purple passionate post it note
With a loving Endearing verse
Bright yellow sunshine post it
Of how u light up my life on the window u look out the most often
Post it notes of all colors all over the house on your favorite chair
In your dresser drawer
In A sexy dress shirt pocket
Blue W a shiny sapphire blue tie
Purple W a shiny lavender tie
These color r so hot to women what a turn on
That is shiny and matches a purple passionate dress shirt
With A 3 piece pin stripe suit charcoal gray in color with a thin line of pink in the fabric with a lovely attractive pink shirt and shiny pink tie to match no fake for real
In the jewelry box where u keep your cufflings
In a suit pocket and vest
Behind your handkerchief
In your pants pockets
The top secret note in the back buttoned up
For safe keeping for your eye only
N your socks
Inside your deodorant lid Rolled up in the cover
With your inticing cologne
In the bathtub or shower
Above the headboard
Near the massage table
Near the pina colada or coconut
On the fresh fruit tray
With your aftershave grooming kit
In your shoes
On your email
In the mailbox
In the kitchen bathed in beauty and light MBE
With the cookies
In the frig
On the stove with your favorite meal
In your lunch box
With chewy brownies
With cherry cheese cake
With oatmeal cookies w a touch of coconut
With your favorite snack or fruit or fav nuts
And n your heart
In your Tupperware to keep your food fresh
On your coffee mug
Near your coffee grounds & cream & sugar coffee pot set up/Tea
Hope this quenches your thirst
Of the up-coming attractions:
These r the previews
Composed just now
To quench your soul
U would know u were loved
Not wonder nor doubt
You'd know in your soul
From the substance of things hoped for
From the evidence of things unseen
From the expression show me not tell me
From Missouri the show me state
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Oct 2019
About this poem:
Powell was the inspiration
He knows his name
Have never met him
Don't know him well
But he appears to have much heart
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