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It Takes Two to Tango

It Takes Two to Tango

In the dance of the roses, red as wine,
Passion burning, entwined in a divine sign,
A duet of hearts, beating in time,
Telling a tale, of your love and mine.

Under the gaze of daisies, so pure,
Where love is innocent, untouched and sure,
Two souls collide, no walls endure,
In this dance of life, sweet and demure.

The whispering lilies in the night,
Echo our promises, our pledge to hold tight,
In the tango we dance, under the moonlight,
Finding our rhythm, in love's sacred rite.

In the field of sunflowers, bright and gay,
Our spirits twirl, lost in ballet,
With each swaying step, in this merry play,
Our love blossoms, in the light of the day.

The tulips hum the melodies, so sweet,
A harmony perfect, when two hearts meet,
In the dance of love, where joy and sorrow greet,
The music of life, in time, we beat.

Past the orchids, mysterious and wild,
Lies the tango of love, untamed, beguiled,
In this dance of ours, through trials we've smiled,
For in every step, love has been reconciled.

Amidst the violets, shy and soft,
We found a rhythm, aloft,
In this dance of ours, gentle and oft,
We found a love, that held us aloft.

The marigolds glow, with fervor so bright,
As we sway in the twilight, under the starlight,
In our tango, we find love's eternal light,
Two hearts, one rhythm, in the silent night.

In the garden of our tango, love unfurls,
Each petal, a step, as the dance whirls,
In the dance of the flowers, where passion swirls,
It takes two for a tango, in love's own world.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
This poem, titled "It Takes Two for a Tango," is a beautiful exploration of love and partnership through the metaphor of a tango dance, taking place in the natural backdrop of a blooming garden. Each flower represents a unique aspect of love, making the poem rich in imagery and symbolism. The poetry flows rhythmically, much like the dance it describes, and uses the flowers as a progression through different stages of love, from passion (roses) to purity (daisies), commitment (lilies), joy (sunflowers), harmony (tulips), mystery (orchids), gentleness (violets), brightness (marigolds), and finally the culmination of love's journey (garden).(To Maharlika)
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Love Men that moan when they eat

Love Men That moan
when they eat ...
Groan in extacy!
need to eat slower
in the presence
of a woman
It's so delicious
homemade they
Gulp vs. chew
Did they even taste it?
To the intense
Thick gravy
Full of intense
meat drippings
Kinda Flavor!
As home made of a meal
As You can get
made w love
Turkey or ham
Divine SAVORY thick gravy
Full of intense meat flavor!
The Hunter in their soul
Craves much meat!
Moose, Venison, Beef
Divine dressing
Creamy vs crunchy food
Fresh produce
Fruit pies, custard, chocolate Pumpkin pie
And all the traditional
Family favorites!
topped w Cool whip of course
Some get hot and bothered smelling the SAVORY aroma
Breathing heavy
like the heat of passion
like a grizzly bear
I roar laughing
when a man does that
huffing puffing
in anticipation
Slow to fast Mmmm ...
So adoreable
It hits my funny bone
I laugh in playful banter
Afternoon Delight!
plain hilarious like an animal!
And tell him
u sound like a
"Hope u don't have claws!"

Men can sound like an Animal
Grrr! ...
When they fill up their plate
4-6" high and start eating
I have to turn my head
My stomach only can hold the size of a fist
They must be like a cow
With 4-6 stomaches
Big enough to hold
4-6 meals
I'm happy they enjoy it
But they are
not a starvin'
was always
good homemade
food here at home!
They eat good food daily
Maybe it's because they never learned
the art of cooking
For theirself
Afraid they must eat
Before it is all gone from those at the
Christmas feast
Horn of plenty
Who knows
Men are a
Men r from Mars
Women r from Venus
You know?
Maybe they are aliens
Different agenda body smell likes dislikes focus skills
Golly Gee
Tell me what do they want
I don't know
Do they even know
Is the question?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2020
About this poem:
Men can sound like an Animal
Grrr! ...
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Fadedbluejeansonline today!

Another sporatic poem

Stay off the drugs
As best as you can
Eat well and exercise
If you can. and also
Be the best you can be
Till death do you part.
cause a moment later will be your last fart.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
You can only make it so far so what IS the Contest.
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socrates44online today!

Beauty and Truth

Within the depths of my being
I feel a love for Beauty
Beauty is awe inspiring
and praise invoking

During a quiet moment
on some deserted spot of nature
my soul rises
from this earthly plane
to celestial heights
the mind is at peace
and the soul communicates
with some mysterious cosmic power
that is so pure
so beautiful
and so overwhelming
that to me
it is absolute

In such moments
I feel
so helpless
so insignificant
my soul is lost
within this mysterious realm
whose magnitude fills the universe
for now I am just a part
of this mysterious consciousness

In such moments
I probe my logical mind
-my scientific mind;
I explore my upbringing
and psychological background
to test the validity
of this consciousness
but they are all silent
It is as if this is a domain
so convincing in itself
that logic stands helpless

Feelings reign supreme then
-such intense feelings:
peace generating
and beauty creating
that self is overwhelmed
by its magnitude
Ego is defeated
and the soul is set free
-completely free
from every thing
that binds it
on this earthly plane
for I become a part
and yet the whole
of this mystery
-a paradox in itself

Is this truth
-Absolute Truth?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,"- that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to

-John Keats (Ode on a Grecian Urn)

(I wrote this piece in my mid-twenties)
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"World's Head Honchos Playing Hide-n-Seek!"

"World's Head Honchos Playing Hide-n-Seek!"

Oh, look, what do I spy on the horizon, so sleek?
It seems the world's head honchos are playing hide-n-seek!
They hide behind curtains of power, grinning ear to ear,
Delighting in the grand theater we've come to hold dear.

Who's that behind the UN's tree, somewhat shy?
Could it be the Secretary-General, playing the sly guy?
He laughs cautiously, controlling the world's pulse,
But can't resist the game, deep into which he's immersed!

Hear that, what's that noise? A whisper from NATO's fort!
The game entices even the strongest, no matter their sort.
With each resolution, each pact, they hide a smile,
Ah, this game promises to be quite worthwhile!

There, behind WHO's shield, can you see that playful shadow?
In the battle for global health, there's a boss echoing a meadow,
A song to this jolly game, though it seems unorthodox,
Indeed, this cosmic hide-n-seek has us all in a paradox!

From the IMF's headquarters, the echo of laughter thunders,
Despite economic crises, here no one blunders.
They play hide-n-seek with coins, such a clever game!
Truly, this is a play filled with much acclaim!

But let's not deceive ourselves, not all is fun and laughter,
This hide-n-seek of the powerful can have its own disaster.
Every round plays with destinies, each turn a nation,
And though the game is comical, we cannot ignore its equation.

Oh, world's head honchos, in your power seats hidden,
Could we, perhaps, ask for a game less midden?
We could play at building, creating, and sharing,
Together, making this world a better place for living.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
This whimsical poem anthropomorphizes global organizations as players in a game of hide-and-seek, symbolizing the complexities and hidden actions of global politics and economics. It playfully critiques the elites who navigate these institutions, subtly wielding power. Despite its light-hearted tone, it acknowledges the grave consequences of their decisions. The poem aims to make the abstract concept of global governance relatable, aiming to provoke thought and discussion. The poem was written with a spirit of light-hearted cynicism, highlighting the absurdity of these power dynamics, yet it carries an underlying hope for a more transparent, shared global governance.
This ode falls under the category of "Satirical Poetry." Satirical poetry uses humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. In this case, the ode humorously critiques the often unseen actions of global elites, symbolized by leaders of major international organizations, and their effect on world affairs.
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My Dad

My Dad was my Hero,
Though Him I look for this in a Man.

Quiet Strength
Hard working hand's
A dry, naughty sense of humour
Arm's that will always catch you
Kindness and patience
Pride and Respect
Safe place to fall apart, and know that's okay.

I believe ever Man is capable of this and I know I am worth it because of Him.

He was taken from us in a War when I was 13 but what He left Me was Priceless.

Happy father's Day Dad,
I love you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
To my strength today.

To all the amazing Men here.
Happy father's Day.
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Fadedbluejeansonline today!

In the dead night of day

would you say it's o.k.
If I fooled you in all aspects of everyway.
Made you vote for me... represent you... even cared for you...
Would it matter if I chattered some truth in my youth.
Probably not.
I wish it was funny.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
I was gullible then later I was... ripped off,stuck,floored,nailed,defamed,ridiculed and more. People suck.
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Love female male ratio 7 to 1

Love female male
Human ratio
7 women to 1 man
Some men
Only seek a quick fix
Just a pick up
At the local
Stop and go
For a snack
A temporary bandaid
Not real romance
Not a cherished
Just a copy replica
Not an Original
Antique with Character!
Genuine Authentic

Animals learn
The language of love
The Art of communication
It will take
effort work

The mating dance
If they didn't
Pay attention
Critters big or small
Would Not
have a chance
To stand
At the dance
Too many competitors
Males seeking a female
To win
The keys to her hearts
True affections!
They have to play by
The rules of the animal kingdom
The fittest biggest best
Of the species
"Survival of the fittest"
Best in manners stature!
Or they Will Not
Win the prize
By scent
Needs patience!

Once I observed
A couple dance so elegantly
I gave them a compliment
I'd pay money
For a video of that dance
I think they danced
1 waltz then
2 of the two step
I observed 3 dance songs
They danced to
So sweet tender
In Sync unison step beat!
He came back with a vulgar remark of
do u want to
watch us ***k too!

My mouth dropped open
I Almost hit the floor
It was a compliment
A small quaint dance place
With always a great band!
Country Western Music!
That crowd dances in couples circling around the floor with peace on earth!
At Four Corners
Country Western Club
Wasilla Alaska

Good ole' boys don't put up with jerks
they quickly
4 of them
Take them
gather Him off the floor
With their mammoth broad shoulders & huge bi-ceps
Bulging in their Arms
of their shirt
Country Western attire
Escort them out the back door!
Tell him
U r Done 4 tonight!
Say don't come back now
Do u hear!
Not til u r sober!
No more tonight!
I don't expect to see u
Next Saturday night
U r grounded
From this peaceful place
Don't spoil our party!
And I mean it!
Or u will be banned for life!
Grow up!
They don't let jerks
spoil their dance
Of romance with their mate on their important date!
They were
The only couple on the floor!
He must have been drunk!
I was at a public place
At a public dance!

He was so handsome
He lost that beautiful
Blonde blue eyed woman
Her elegance flowed as they circled around the floor
It was like watching
Fred Astaire
Ginger Rogers!
She told me he blew it
infidelity lust
He has fleas
I'm Done
touch me again!

30 years pass
I returned to that club
Guess who
Was sitting at the counter
The same dancing man!
A Has been Not a Star
Lost to lust
A quick roll in the hay
To lose
The True Love of his Life!
The mother of his children
The seeds of his loins
His wild oats sewn!
He lost his children's
Happy home of family
To lust
His children no more
He gave up his rights
For a roll in the barn
Up in the haystacks
Fragrant by pigs and cows
Too cheap for a room
Broke on his *ss
Where Dogs catch fleas
No longer a man
But a man w***e
Not worth taking home
Not timeless or priceless
But penniless
That male s**tte
Would never be touching
Not sleeping with me!

His beauty Queen
Long gone
Now a
male pauper
Fit for only the grave
Infested w trash worms maggots nothing good
To bring home to momma
To the son she bore
With nothing
To show for
His 60+
Years on this earth
Lonely empty soul
Faking his dreary days
With no smiles on his face
Numb to the human race
The world does not like him
From the choices he's made
Self inflicted agony
I can't offer him pity
For hurting
Pretty wife!
Once handsome
NOT anymore
Beer gut
self obsorbed
He said something to me
He didn't deserve a response!

I wanted to refrain with
Do You want to
watch me ***k Too?
But I couldn't
I could only ignore him
The Fool lost
Mrs. Wonderful!
Mr. Lust
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2020
About this poem:
*Updated Men talkin' about men
U can't beat em' up
'Cause there bigger than u!
Men "The Judds"

Men need help badly an education
Men r from mars
women R from Venus
I'm working on finding a gentleman
One that it's ok with him
To worship a higher power
He doesn't expect me to worship him
But God
Have no other Gods before me
The first of the 10 commandments
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Christmas 4 your man

Christmas 4 your man
Need a good present
For him only?
To compliment
Your marriage
Heat up the bedroom
Stimulate your love life
Go to a woodworker
Order a custom made
Durable sturdy one for
his weight allowance
Recommend a foldable one
That won't collapse
With some
safety features on it
To support your man
Massage table
To heat up your love life
Massage his weary
Aching muscles bones
Don't forget some light
Massage oil
Like coconut
Or pina colada
Use it sparingly
U don't want him to slip away & get hurt
It will save dramatically
Enhance your life
And reduce
your medical
Or chiropractor bills
Healing hands of love
With the spark
That will ignite
To a flame
Make sure it only has a slight slit for him
To breathe on top
Where he places his head
Thru a support pillow
So his face doesn't fall thru
His Christmas present
It will reap wellness to the family
For years
But he will value you more than ever
But foreplay to
body massage
Have him sit on one end of the couch
U on the other facing each other as much as possible
Wash his feet like Jesus
Love on his feet
While he loves on yours
Your eyes will roll back n your head
With soothing contentment
Massage rids the body
Of toxins thru urine
Expelling them out
Learn every square inch of his body
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2019
About this poem:
Have enjoyed this
With just one
But alcohol
He loved more
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Fadedbluejeansonline today!

Sound, Music, and Timing

All the Rhymes in the world as big as it can be.
The Truth and the Lies we will never see.
A Glimpse here and there is not what you want.
That knowledge by chance will certainly Haunt.
If it is big enough to get you killed but by some reason.
You have a skill . To beat the odds till they cant handle it anymore.
God bless You
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2023
About this poem:
Just venting to myself. You just happened to red it.
LOL Hugs
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